Indoor Iriee Vibez True Living Organic Gorilla Glue Battle ------ Autoseeds vs. Fast Buds

Huh I thought I was following this but forgot to push the watch button! All caught up now, off to a good start Iriee! So no checking PH etc?
Huh I thought I was following this but forgot to push the watch button! All caught up now, off to a good start Iriee! So no checking PH etc?

That's the beauty, Chro! I am not checking a single thing. Apparently the living soil should provide sufficient buffer from a ph standpoint. So far, I am just letting the tap sit for a couple days to dechlorinate and then it's good to go.
Well, you know me. I have to be doing something with these plants. So hard to just take pictures, and wait. So, I decided to brew a compost tea! I have been doing a fair amount of research on true organic growing and from everything I have read, a good compost tea can only help the soil, and therefore the plants will respond accordingly.

I am brewing up a batch with TeaLab's compost, alfalfa meal, fish powder, high nitrogen bat guano, earthworm castings, with a little kelp meal and humid acid added in after brew. I put all in my new brew bag with pump and aerator going, and let it go for 24-36 hours.

GG Day 16 and Day 9 - 5.jpg

This is some pungent stuff with the fish and various types of shit! Lol! However, they say the smell will dissipate as everything mixes during brewing. If the plants respond to the enriched soil like they say, it will all be worth it.

I will dilute 50/50 and use as root drench, as if I was giving them a regular watering. I will also use as foliar spray with a bit more dilution. I understand spraying the leaves helps with disease control and general leaf health. All good stuff, as far as I am concerned. I will let you know how the plants respond in a couple days.

Here are the before pictures. I will share some pics a couple days after feeding the pots with the tea enhanced water.

AS1 at Day 16

GG Day 16 and Day 9 - 1.jpg

AS2 at Day 15

GG Day 16 and Day 9 - 4.jpg

FB at Dat 9

GG Day 16 and Day 9 - 2.jpg

I will update in a few days. I will give the tea a chance to work its magic.

Happy growing ya'll!
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if it aint broke dont fix it :smoking:they look happy to me :smokeit:
keep er lit

I hear you, Archie. I always give that advice also! I just can't help myself, but I have been doing quite a bit of research on it. Most organic growers do supplement their soil with compost teas, and almost all of those with living soil do. I plan to use water only and give another dose right before flower, and then twice during flowering. So four tea feedings in all. During flower, I will replace some of the ingredients to promote flowering and bud development, as opposed to vegetative growth. Thats the plan at least.
Well, you know me. I have to be doing something with these plants. So hard to just take pictures, and wait. For those that know me, you know I have to do something... So, I decided to brew a compost tea! I have been doing a fair amount of research on true organic growing and from everything I have read, a good compost tea can only help the soil, and therefore the plants will respond accordingly.

I am brewing up a batch with TeaLab's compost, alfalfa meal, fish powder, high nitrogen bat guano, earthworm castings, with a little kelp meal and humid acid added in after brew. I put all in my new brew bag with pump and aerator going, and let it go for 24-36 hours.

View attachment 1131151

This is some pungent stuff with the fish and various types of shit! Lol! However, they say the smell will dissipate as everything mixes during brewing. If the plants respond to the enriched soil like they say, it will all be worth it.

I will dilute 50/50 and use as root drench, as if I was giving them a regular watering. I will also use as foliar spray with a bit more dilution. I understand spraying the leaves helps with disease control and general leaf health. All good stuff, as far as I am concerned. I will let you know how the plants respond in a couple days.

Here are the before pictures. I will share some pics a couple days after feeding the pots with the tea enhanced water.

AS1 at Day 16

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AS2 at Day 15

View attachment 1131150

FB at Dat 9

View attachment 1131152

I will update in a few days. I will give the tea a chance to work its magic.

Happy growing ya'll!

You're speaking my language. I've been looking at teas for cloning and foliar lol. Plants look great.