Lighting Introducing The Cannon, a 240 Watt powerhouse brought to you by

Dropped oct. 14 into water and harvested Jan 17th....Put under lights about week twoish

Results.....Plants are staked out for appearance pics showing structure

Please take into mind that it was Christmas time, I had a vacation, my job went bankrupt, and I was unemployed, and I started school, so effort level on this out of 10 stars I would have to put probably a solid five as life got cerazy....when I’m usually about an eight
I low-dose fed them the whole way as I did not know Dutch pro and they’re feeding schedules that they have listed were hard to understand...Also take a note that I am an outside grower moving into lights and this was my first round of a brand new lighting system this next round will be better going into the battle...Already pushing new Mephisto harder and they are taken it....Cal mag have to be added from the start. I’m noticing an at higher strengths pH drops down to 3.4 to where I have to add pH up

Plants with the added harvest gold were shorter and denser

Dp w/ HGS-2
Mills w/ HGS-2.3
Mills -2.2

2 CANNONS......480 Watts

4 plants at 9.1 ozs = 257.98

But as you can see ...depending on size ...I can fit 7 to 10 plants on turntable and even some outside the turntable

If I ran 8 of em...18.2 ozs = 515.96

Even at 2 ozs a plant that is

8 x 2 = 16 oz = 453.59
8 x 3 = 24 oz = 680.39
8 x 4 = 32 oz. = 907.19

Like I said first time user for light for full grow nutrient and regimen ...... I am going to be loving this light even more now that I’m getting it dialed...full squad of plants coming soon...battle ready
For sure man, electric bills like that are highway robbery. That's why I'm offering the 320W upgrade. Space heaters are awful, they use around 1000 watts!!! You lose some efficiency running the light at 320W but you can cut back on the number of lights you need (from 10 to 8) and you won't need to use a heater. For my boys up north:smoking:
Them plants look dizzy.

Little over 1/2 gram per watt .... next grow will be much better for sure ....

boy oh boy do I hear going from outdoors to indoors, I learning to adjust myself ..... so far I’ve managed to burn my girls with the lights and over fertilizer the soil and let’s see what other dummie mistakes - too small of pot, no drainage provision in the pot, too much coco in bottom of pot ..... lots of time and energy and a low return but rewarding as I did it and it’s not some who knows what from the street and I got smarter for my next round.

Little over 1/2 gram per watt .... next grow will be much better for sure ....

boy oh boy do I hear going from outdoors to indoors, I learning to adjust myself ..... so far I’ve managed to burn my girls with the lights and over fertilizer the soil and let’s see what other dummie mistakes - too small of pot, no drainage provision in the pot, too much coco in bottom of pot ..... lots of time and energy and a low return but rewarding as I did it and it’s not some who knows what from the street and I got smarter for my next round.
Yes......I could’ve ran four more or really pushed them... but I’m new to the nutrient line ...and gotten that gram ....we will see you here I have all my battle seeds germing right now so there’s going to be a full big grow here

Little over 1/2 gram per watt .... next grow will be much better for sure ....

boy oh boy do I hear going from outdoors to indoors, I learning to adjust myself ..... so far I’ve managed to burn my girls with the lights and over fertilizer the soil and let’s see what other dummie mistakes - too small of pot, no drainage provision in the pot, too much coco in bottom of pot ..... lots of time and energy and a low return but rewarding as I did it and it’s not some who knows what from the street and I got smarter for my next round.
Het some old hydroton for the bottom of the pots for added drainage. It's easy to hurt the plants with these lights now days the old hand heat check dosent apply to these new LEDs. Far as pot size goes 3 gallon is the best size in my opinion. I grow in two gallon air pots thou and get great results. I use a cheap lumen meter for a general idea for light height. And if you like hand watering and want hydro results go drain to waste hydroponics. When you get it dialed in its the best form of hydroponics. Always fresh nutrients stable ph and plants love consistency. Nothing against DWC or ebb and flow guys but there's a reason the best growers in the industry use drain to waste. And dialed in right the waste is very minimal.
Yes......I could’ve ran four more or really pushed them... but I’m new to the nutrient line ...and gotten that gram ....we will see you here I have all my battle seeds germing right now so there’s going to be a full big grow here

Have four germinated for the Mephisto Battle!
Het some old hydroton for the bottom of the pots for added drainage. It's easy to hurt the plants with these lights now days the old hand heat check dosent apply to these new LEDs. Far as pot size goes 3 gallon is the best size in my opinion. I grow in two gallon air pots thou and get great results. I use a cheap lumen meter for a general idea for light height. And if you like hand watering and want hydro results go drain to waste hydroponics. When you get it dialed in its the best form of hydroponics. Always fresh nutrients stable ph and plants love consistency. Nothing against DWC or ebb and flow guys but there's a reason the best growers in the industry use drain to waste. And dialed in right the waste is very minimal.

Tell me about he lights and need for a Par Meter ..... Purchased one myself, my lumen meter does not properly read LED.
Tell me about he lights and need for a Par Meter ..... Purchased one myself, my lumen meter does not properly read LED.
I just use mine to get a idea of the light intensity. But almost always the manufacturer gives instructions on the optimal height for each stage of growth with the light. My lights have IR and UV and that's what can really hurt the plants if it's too close.