Lighting Introducing The Cannon, a 240 Watt powerhouse brought to you by

@Black Sail I don't think i have ever heard someone bash on others lights like you have @BigSm0 is from what I can tell, a honest hard working guy with plenty of guys to back up how awesome his lights are. I don't own a cob or any name brand lighting. But i do know that with all that you say about others i would never buy from you. There are a lot of vendors on here and they all do just fine without talking down the other guys.

Here's my grow with 80w delight 5000k boards at 4ft above canopy and still razor edged with nodes so tight its hard to train.View attachment 976876
Heres my others flowering under some 110v cobs from china. View attachment 976879

So hate on me too now. Sorry if i made anyone mad. You're lights may be the best thing since peanut butter but the ego and attitude make it trash to me

I'm really sorry I made that original post so aggressive and confrontational. I lost my temper over a post that was made on my IG and I let my ego get the best of me. I've apologized to the entire community and I'm grateful for the chance to apologize to you directly. I really am sorry.

I edited out all the salty parts of that first post, all that's left is the information. My biggest regret is that I let my ego get in the way of my real mission, which is to provide people with a solid, concrete way to cut through the hype and judge any LED fixture based on its merit. Since that first post I've been trying to keep my posts positive, non-aggressive, and stick to the straight facts. I'm sorry if I haven't done enough on that front, I know I have one strike so I'm really going to be walking on eggshells from here on out.

From now on my policy will be to not make any statements about/direct comparisons to any vendors on AFN. I got a couple questions about a grow off, but I won't talk about that anymore in the interest of keeping the peace. I'm working on a post that will give you all a method for evaluating any LED fixture (mine included!) and I'll leave it to the community to do the math for themselves. That'll be enough to piss plenty of people off, but I'm prepared to deal with it.

Even if I stick 100% to just math and science I know I'm going to get a lot of criticism. The thing is, the LED Industry is filled to the brim with hype, confusion and ripoffs. I'm not addressing any company in particular here, and I never will again. I want to provide growers with the tools and information they need to make informed decisions about LED's, nobody is exempt and I hold myself to the same standard as everybody else. I think every statement needs to be backed up by data, experiments, and proven formulas.

If LED manufacturers can't get away with hype marketing and mysticism anymore it will be the cannabis growing community that benefits in the long run. The LED industry is getting better but there's still a long way to go. I've committed my whole life and everything I have to taking LED's to the next level, and I don't think anyone can rightly accuse me of making a personal attack on them just by doing science experiments and math.

I put my money where my mouth is every single day. The Cannon is 240W at 2.0umol/J, with an operating heatsink temperature of ~120F. Right now it's on sale for $299, that's $1.25 per watt! I put a lot of time and effort into coming up with a design that nobody else was offering, and it's because of my commitment to hard data and science that the specs are something I can be proud of. Please understand that I'm going to have to keep shouting that part from the mountain tops, I really do think the community will benefit from it.

Polishing my rough edges is going to be a personal challenge moving forward, it's never been my strong suit. I sincerely apologize for that. Thanks for weighing in, and for keeping me honest. Happy growing brotha, happy Thanksgiving AFN:smoking:


I'm really sorry I made that original post so aggressive and confrontational. I lost my temper over a post that was made on my IG and I let my ego get the best of me. I've apologized to the entire community and I'm grateful for the chance to apologize to you directly. I really am sorry.

I edited out all the salty parts of that first post, all that's left is the information. My biggest regret is that I let my ego get in the way of my real mission, which is to provide people with a solid, concrete way to cut through the hype and judge any LED fixture based on its merit. Since that first post I've been trying to keep my posts positive, non-aggressive, and stick to the straight facts. I'm sorry if I haven't done enough on that front, I know I have one strike so I'm really going to be walking on eggshells from here on out.

From now on my policy will be to not make any statements about/direct comparisons to any vendors on AFN. I got a couple questions about a grow off, but I won't talk about that anymore in the interest of keeping the peace. I'm working on a post that will give you all a method for evaluating any LED fixture (mine included!) and I'll leave it to the community to do the math for themselves. That'll be enough to piss plenty of people off, but I'm prepared to deal with it.

Even if I stick 100% to just math and science I know I'm going to get a lot of criticism. The thing is, the LED Industry is filled to the brim with hype, confusion and ripoffs. I'm not addressing any company in particular here, and I never will again. I want to provide growers with the tools and information they need to make informed decisions about LED's, nobody is exempt and I hold myself to the same standard as everybody else. I think every statement needs to be backed up by data, experiments, and proven formulas.

If LED manufacturers can't get away with hype marketing and mysticism anymore it will be the cannabis growing community that benefits in the long run. The LED industry is getting better but there's still a long way to go. I've committed my whole life and everything I have to taking LED's to the next level, and I don't think anyone can rightly accuse me of making a personal attack on them just by doing science experiments and math.

I put my money where my mouth is every single day. The Cannon is 240W at 2.0umol/J, with an operating heatsink temperature of ~120F. Right now it's on sale for $299, that's $1.25 per watt! I put a lot of time and effort into coming up with a design that nobody else was offering, and it's because of my commitment to hard data and science that the specs are something I can be proud of. Please understand that I'm going to have to keep shouting that part from the mountain tops, I really do think the community will benefit from it.

Polishing my rough edges is going to be a personal challenge moving forward, it's never been my strong suit. I sincerely apologize for that. Thanks for weighing in, and for keeping me honest. Happy growing brotha, happy Thanksgiving AFN:smoking:

I love This Bad Ass Cannon, the name is very fitting it looks like a Cannon too!:thumbsup::d5::bong:
I'm still waiting for someone to try a wattage equivalent grow off between the products. I don't have the cash on hand or I'd order three more autocobs, and a cannon, and see which is worth more, grow wise.

I'm honestly too broke at the moment (Holidays + Big family + kids = I can't even afford to pay attention) to really care about behaviors and language because I can't order anything at the moment anyway. It does seem like he/they took a page from a "seller's psychology book" though. The language and "ego" hit most people's primitive mind, and subconsciously tells them to buy. I did something similar when I owned a merch company. It works because the "Mr. Nice guy" approach only works with "Mr. Nice guy" people.
...I'm done, before I hijack the thread with talks of sales psychology and ceiling wax...
Uhhh, that sounds awesome! Everything I know about sales is what I learned from experience when I worked at Rapid LED. Mike's approach is to stay calm and courteous no matter what and he sure as hell makes it work, but I'm still finding my own style. Can you recommend a good book for beginners?

I love This Bad Ass Cannon, the name is very fitting it looks like a Cannon too!:thumbsup::d5::bong:
Haha yeah I'm having a lot of fun with the whole pirate theme. Just wait til I can start hiring graphics pros and doing magazine ads, it's gonna be fuckin hilarious:smoking:

Uhhh, that sounds awesome! Everything I know about sales is what I learned from experience when I worked at Rapid LED. Mike's approach is to stay calm and courteous no matter what and he sure as hell makes it work, but I'm still finding my own style. Can you recommend a good book for beginners?

Ya know what Keith, ya not even need to say a word although I love how ya talk about it...I know how proud you are of this Cannon and I would be too!! All Ya need to do is hold that Bad Bitch in your hands the rest speaks for itself ;) you know I love it!:d5::smokeout: I could see Unique sporting several of these, you seen how well I do with Sub-par lighting imagine with a few of these bad Bitches? I have fantasy's about it...:bong::bong::funny:
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I'm really sorry I made that original post so aggressive and confrontational. I lost my temper over a post that was made on my IG and I let my ego get the best of me. I've apologized to the entire community and I'm grateful for the chance to apologize to you directly. I really am sorry.

I edited out all the salty parts of that first post, all that's left is the information. My biggest regret is that I let my ego get in the way of my real mission, which is to provide people with a solid, concrete way to cut through the hype and judge any LED fixture based on its merit. Since that first post I've been trying to keep my posts positive, non-aggressive, and stick to the straight facts. I'm sorry if I haven't done enough on that front, I know I have one strike so I'm really going to be walking on eggshells from here on out.

From now on my policy will be to not make any statements about/direct comparisons to any vendors on AFN. I got a couple questions about a grow off, but I won't talk about that anymore in the interest of keeping the peace. I'm working on a post that will give you all a method for evaluating any LED fixture (mine included!) and I'll leave it to the community to do the math for themselves. That'll be enough to piss plenty of people off, but I'm prepared to deal with it.

Even if I stick 100% to just math and science I know I'm going to get a lot of criticism. The thing is, the LED Industry is filled to the brim with hype, confusion and ripoffs. I'm not addressing any company in particular here, and I never will again. I want to provide growers with the tools and information they need to make informed decisions about LED's, nobody is exempt and I hold myself to the same standard as everybody else. I think every statement needs to be backed up by data, experiments, and proven formulas.

If LED manufacturers can't get away with hype marketing and mysticism anymore it will be the cannabis growing community that benefits in the long run. The LED industry is getting better but there's still a long way to go. I've committed my whole life and everything I have to taking LED's to the next level, and I don't think anyone can rightly accuse me of making a personal attack on them just by doing science experiments and math.

I put my money where my mouth is every single day. The Cannon is 240W at 2.0umol/J, with an operating heatsink temperature of ~120F. Right now it's on sale for $299, that's $1.25 per watt! I put a lot of time and effort into coming up with a design that nobody else was offering, and it's because of my commitment to hard data and science that the specs are something I can be proud of. Please understand that I'm going to have to keep shouting that part from the mountain tops, I really do think the community will benefit from it.

Polishing my rough edges is going to be a personal challenge moving forward, it's never been my strong suit. I sincerely apologize for that. Thanks for weighing in, and for keeping me honest. Happy growing brotha, happy Thanksgiving AFN:smoking:

Shout out as much as you want just dont make enemies doing it. Also if you have a better light do a comparison run. No one can argue with proof. But i can tell you from experience 2 50w cobs will outperform 1 100w. Not because either are better, but because of light spread. An even light canopy is just as important as an even light print. If you place 2 plants with light in center they will turn towards that light and fight each other for the space.
Haha yeah I'm having a lot of fun with the whole pirate theme. Just wait til I can start hiring graphics pros and doing magazine ads, it's gonna be fuckin hilarious:smoking:

My sis is an artist (maybe if ya have any ideas I can have her draft something up) she couldn't help with graphics part but she is an awesome artist,maybe once something was drawn up that can then be transferred to a graphic..just a thought bro!
Anyone who has one of these can you take a pic of just the cob itself with measurements? Also why such a huge heatsink? The light looks to be about an inch big. I run a 50w cob on 5inch by 2 inch with 100 temp f
Anyone who has one of these can you take a pic of just the cob itself with measurements? Also why such a huge heatsink? The light looks to be about an inch big. I run a 50w cob on 5inch by 2 inch with 100 temp f
It's 240W so the heatsink needs to be big in order to dissipate the heat effectively. The cooler a COB is the more efficient it is (up to a point), and the bigger the heatsink is the cooler the COB will be (up to a point). My heatsinks also have a convection current cooled core. There's water in the core, encased in the aluminum cylinder. The water vapor carries heat up to the top of the heatsink, then releases it, condenses and drops back down. Like a lava lamp. This helps distribute the heat evenly throughout the heatsink, so the fins can dissipate it more effectively. Compared to the heatsinks I tested that were purely aluminum it runs about 15F cooler at 240W.
