Lighting Introducing The Cannon, a 240 Watt powerhouse brought to you by

One of the things I like is it don't need a fan to cool, I think yeah costs could be maybe cut slightly by using fan option & smaller heat sink but then more chance of part failure if the fan happened to stop working etc..But I'm sure if people willing to give up one for other they should also expect a slightly different warranty this Cannon built to last...I'm sure you can always make more budget friendly ones as well but they Won't be getting this bad bitch! :)

How many of these do you currently have In your possession ?
How many of these do you currently have In your possession ?
ZERO!!!! But am dying to get my hands on some....I'm a co2 grower, so these lights fit the bill perfectly for that...Anytime you have very high umol like these lights co2 should be used and I'm one of the very few to actually grow with co2... ;)
One of the things I like is it don't need a fan to cool, I think yeah costs could be maybe cut slightly by using fan option & smaller heat sink but then more chance of part failure if the fan happened to stop working etc..But I'm sure if people willing to give up one for other they should also expect a slightly different warranty this Cannon built to last...I'm sure you can always make more budget friendly ones as well but they Won't be getting this bad bitch! :)
That was my thinking too. If I can find a way to use active cooling to make a major reduction in price I'll probably do it. But that'll be on another fixture. The Cannon is my big, beautiful, perfect baby:smoking:

That was my thinking too. If I can find a way to use active cooling to make a major reduction in price I'll probably do it. But that'll be on another fixture. The Cannon is my big, beautiful, perfect baby:smoking:
I'm just in love with it as you are(well almost, I'm sure you have much time/money invested in getting this outcome)..Except i haven't tried it yet... The specs are awesome, being a co2 grower the umol is certainly in line for my style of growing...I'm not joking when I said I fantasize about what I could do with these... :bong::funny:
Uhhh, that sounds awesome! Everything I know about sales is what I learned from experience when I worked at Rapid LED. Mike's approach is to stay calm and courteous no matter what and he sure as hell makes it work, but I'm still finding my own style. Can you recommend a good book for beginners?


I'd suggest 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, To start with. In a sales setting, Some are worth more than others.
Anything on NLP will help, If you can turn information gathered from a book into a real world experience, if that makes sense
Hi Black Soil .... How ya doing?

Seems you’ve been hard at work, passionately engineering the Cannon and now marketing .... albeit a few goofs on the market end, life is full of learning experiences.

Question .... The Cannon is a Generation One Product, what improvements do you see in Generation Two?

Products coming onto AFN are Live Tested by the Team and get an Honest Review at the end of it.

Give the system a chance to work and we won't have to be arguing about the Results...we'll be Looking at them.
Hi Black Soil .... How ya doing?

Seems you’ve been hard at work, passionately engineering the Cannon and now marketing .... albeit a few goofs on the market end, life is full of learning experiences.

Question .... The Cannon is a Generation One Product, what improvements do you see in Generation Two?

Great question! I can't think of any changes I'd want to make to The Cannon, other than using the newest generation of my COB as they come out. The one I have now is pretty new so it'll probably be a year or two before the manufacturer releases the next generation.

I do have some concrete plans about my next light though, actually my next few lights:smoking: I'm really interested in side lighting, hybrid COB/board fixtures, using royal blue to manipulate growth patterns, etc... So there's a protein called phototropin that responds to royal blue light. Its a huge factor in how much the plant stretches and which direction it grows in.

Might be nice if we could make our plants grow straight out to the sides whenever we wanted:vibe:

My main focus has always been cutting down on the cost of an LED growlight without sacrificing efficiency or raising temperatures. I've got a design in mind that still needs some testing but should be pretty badass and even cheaper than The Cannon. How quickly my R&D goes kind of depends on how quickly I sell Cannons, but you will definitely be seeing a new light from Black Sail in 2019. Happy growing brotha!
