Lighting Introducing The Cannon, a 240 Watt powerhouse brought to you by

Thanks Dawg for the numbers ..... What was height from center bud top to light?
17’ish.......16-18...2 inch difference had a range of 200-250 mols....sorry hand not steady and camera was taped to my
We've got Mass Medical covering a 2'x4' and Pedro (Pedro's Grow Room) covering a 3'x3', each with a single Cannon. Stay tuned for more results:smoking:

I'm getting an MQ-500 as soon as I can and I'll do PAR maps. It's a $500 PAR meter though, and my boy SOOTDAWG just posted a video with some PAR readings in the meantime:smoking:
I think you will find the MQ 500 useless for making PAR maps, unless you have a real professional bench setup It's cool as an indication and getting DLI numbers, if 5ge sensor is bolted to something and kept completely immovable, nothing more. I wouldn't trust a PAR map made with a MQ-500 any further than I can fly, and I have trouble getting airborne even a few feet haha
Better spend the wonga and get the Asentek passport spectrometer or similar, it's also miles easier to use.
The MQ-500 is just a hobby gadget, not something a professional would use for anything serious I think. Or at least get the plate accessories too
Just my experience with both meters, and actually the lightscouts is just as good and easier to use than the MQ-500 for a lot less
Thanks man! Keep an eye out for the results, SOOTDAWG's crushing it and I've got testers expecting to fill a 3' x 3' and a 2' x 4' with a single Cannon:smoking:

I will be watching closely bro. These are gamechangers.
I feel your enthusiasm bro ..... the anticipation has gotta to be killing ya! (reminds me of Carly Simon Anticipation;_ylt=AwrE194VZQVc4DwASwjBGOd_;_ylu=X3oDMTEyZXZndGVmBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQTA1NDhfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=carly+simon+anticipation&back=

Question: Another small manufacturer of a single cob light seems to have a nice following and some good grows to back their product ...... This particular light actually costs less than half your light, retail vs retail .... as you’ve figured, I’m talking about the Cob light ...... So my question is:

Having $300 budget why would I be better off buying one cannon verses two cob shop lights? With two cob shop lites I can cover plant from two sides, just saying!
Sorry brotha, things got really heated and I'm not supposed to make direct references to other vendor's products. The ladies and gentlemen behind AFN are understandably protective of the community here, since the internet is so savage and salty these days. Maybe you missed all the controversy, but please help me keep the peace by not asking me about other people's products. Again, this is coming from AFN and they provide us with an amazing platform to talk about LED's, growing, and my light so I really want to respect their wishes. Plus I'd rather show you how to do the math for yourself!

I encourage everyone to compare LED fixtures based on a few fundamental questions:

1. Cost in dollars per watt, based on the wattage at the wall at full power (The Cannon is 240 Watts, so at $300 that's $1.25 per watt. Also it's dimmable to 120 watts)
2. Efficiency in umol/J at full power (The Cannon gets 2.0umol/J at 240 Watts)
3. Heatsink temperature at full power (The Cannon's heatsink is ~120F at full power, 100% passively cooled. With a wall fan on it, it'll be ~100F.)

I think these are the most important specs, and they're what I had in mind when I designed my light. Also I use 3500K 80CRI for my color temperature, it's the industry standard for full cycle growth. Full credit to Growmau5 for that, dude's a fuckin genius. Happy growing brotha:smoking:

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