Lighting Introducing The Cannon, a 240 Watt powerhouse brought to you by

Mass Medical covering a 2'x4' with a single 240W Cannon. He's going to take some glamour shots once they're pollinated:smoking: For now I'm really happy to get confirmation from one of the most respected growers in the industry, my specs and coverage areas for the Cannon are 100% legit!

Check out the new LED Buyer's Worksheet at, under "Knowledge Is Power". Nobody should ever get ripped off on an LED Growlight again!

It's a downloadable, one page, fill-in-the-blank form. With 5 simple questions anybody can evaluate and compare any LED Growlight in 5 minutes flat.

There's a quick breakdown of each question included, so even a first-day LED newcomer can make an informed decision on which lights to buy and which ones to avoid:smoking:
Pedro is crushing, absolutely fucking crushing a 3' x 3' with a single 240 watt Cannon:smoking: His canopy is perfectly even, so that should put any concerns about spread/even coverage to rest. Can't wait to see this beast in flower!

SOOTDAWG what's up bro, nice work, you're killing it with that turntable. Like it bunches! Keep rocking it, your making me want a cannon more and more