Lighting Introducing The Cannon, a 240 Watt powerhouse brought to you by

Dawg are you going to do a dry weight and gram per watt calculation?
Happy New Year man:smoking: Thanks for your question, we're definitely going to post all of that information.

SOOTDAWG and I were just talking about that. We're guessing it'll be about a pound, which will put him at about 1 gram per watt. The Cannon is definitely capable of producing more than 2 grams per watt, but SOOT's gonna get there soon. He's got a lot of new shit to get dialed in! He's got a brand new light, it's his first LED, new turntable (which is baller btw), and he was testing new nutrients on this run as well.

Pedro just flipped his Critical Kush today, and he's got a 3'x3' filled out corner to corner with a single Cannon. He's in an tent, he's used LED's before, he's very familiar with the strain, and he's got his soil + nutrients dialed in. It's looking like he'll pull .75lbs-1lbs out of it, which will put him at 1.5-2 grams per watt. That's growing in 100% organic soil with no CO2 supplementation. With hydro + CO2 The Cannon will get you 2 grams per watt easy. Happy growing brotha!


Dawg are you going to do a dry weight and gram per watt calculation?

That’s what I was wondering too I know a lot of people have their different calculations and stuff. With table full and size of plants I could get any number in there from gigantic 4 to 10-11 smalls........But right now we’ve had those four West Coast OG’s under it since I think second week I believe....And they are looking good and we still have a couple more weeks on them .....need what 113 grams each to push a pound nice....And like was stated this is my first grow with LEDs..and first all light grow.....but the thing I love most.....And I might not dial in that pound the first grow but yet these lights have brought out the frosty that I was not getting put a checkmark next to upgrade in looks/quality.....I will also be taking samples to test for content......ease of use for someone new to lights-positive checkmark

Pics taken before defo n h202/water dousing...then air dry outside...then back to tanning

Lookin like some top-shelf quality my friend! That 3500K spectrum brings on the frost, hands fuckin down:smoking:

Outstanding work SOOT, you're a beast:vibe:
It's been busy week y'all! First off, I got Subcool's veg room set up with 4 Cannons:

He's been skeptical of LED's for a long time, but it took about two days for the Cannon to win him over:smoking:

So we know it can veg, but what about flower? I say fuck yes the Cannon has the power to flower and it'll bring on the frost like you've never seen! I feel really blessed to have a legendary strain like Blood Drive flowering under the experimental 320 Watt Cannon:


This strain is a beast:vibe: She's gonna double in size during flower and I'm calling my shot right now: One Light, One Plant, One Pound:smoking:

Happy growing AFN, and a happy new year!
I don't know man, can you really cover a 3' x 3' with a single COB?

The Cannon can:smoking:

Under cannons since week 2 ish...24/7
Same age same strain...89 days... Fast buds west coast OG
Blue tape is Dutchpro nutes..other 2 are Mills nutes....all are coco/perlite mix....the 2 black bags have added Harvest Gold Silica

They smell like a 14-year-old teenage boy who hasn’t showered in days straight BO

Under cannons since week 2 ish...24/7
Same age same strain...89 days... Fast buds west coast OG
Blue tape is Dutchpro nutes..other 2 are Mills nutes....all are coco/perlite mix....the 2 black bags have added Harvest Gold Silica

They smell like a 14-year-old teenage boy who hasn’t showered in days straight BO

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Looking good man. U gonna run Alf under that bad boy.