Indoor Photoperiod Growbattle.

My plant was started sept 1st. Initial contest lol. And clones didn't take. My ol lady forgot to mist them the last few days lol.

So i got a several week veg plant and no clones.

So i feel like I'm already out the contest with the whole veg time thing.

Again. I'm not bothered sitting out if i dont qualify. I just don't want any issues with the rest of the folks that could still enter or planted before or what have ya.

I’d like to get in on a contest and I get hyped to do one but I need to get through this grow before starting any seeds and way I see it I still have a ways to go. Shirley day 38 no preflowers, Bridget day 26 and no preflowers so I’m thinking I have another week or two before they flower. I had a lot of early problems with stretch, heat stress, deficiencies, improper lighting, bad watering/feeding schedule. Now that I’m keying I’m on these problems my next grow should be much much better.

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so it doesn't matter when the plant started, as long as it was started by November 1st ,and had a max veg time of five weeks. And what @Ash-a-Ton Is saying is that there should not be a cut off date for starting the plant, and as long as you have a max veg time of five weeks and flip to 12/12 by or before a certain date you should be allowed to participate. I think this makes sense. I also think having a cutoff date for starting the plant would be good also, this way nobody starts a plant ten days or less before the final bloom flip date. But again, using the way I mentioned above would be helpful when there aren't enough people yet. But if it's (competition) advertised early enough there should be enough entries that we can have a cut off date for starting the entry plant.
@neurotree - at least now we know for future competitions how we can make it easier.
Not that im saying any one answer is right or a fix. But i do have a fair suggestion.

If we do the polls like the outdoor contest. A wet bud dry bud vote.

And set the flip day to dec 15th-20th. Or what ever. It gives a chance to promote this still and keeps EVERYONE valid and within rules. Even if harvested before said flip date if part of comp. Can enter submissions early?

Just my 2 pennies

@912GreenSkell ? What do you think?
@912GreenSkell ? What do you think?

Had to walk the dogs...reply below! ;)

Put me on the list I am growing a purple dream..

Added!! Also added @dankstyle J to the list as well.

And the drop date also eliminates new entries to a contest that needs more participation. Not trying to stir a pot. I'm just not seeing this 5 week start 3 days ago thing as "fitting" for the situation.

But maybe im just high and missing it lol

I absolutely agree 110% all around bud. I think the most important thing in these contests is maximum participation. Try to devise rules that will work for the majority of the people that want to join.

Not that im saying any one answer is right or a fix. But i do have a fair suggestion.

If we do the polls like the outdoor contest. A wet bud dry bud vote.

And set the flip day to dec 15th-20th. Or what ever. It gives a chance to promote this still and keeps EVERYONE valid and within rules. Even if harvested before said flip date if part of comp. Can enter submissions early?

Just my 2 pennies

This exactly what we need..constructive feedback like this is exactly how we will all devise a solid set of rules for this and possible future indoor battles. Here is what i think...drop the Nov the 1st start date and the 5 week max veg. Both limit it too much as we have already seen. Instead make it a December the 1st latest start date to try in increase participation over the next 3 weeks. Put a finish date on it say March 1st voting starts done or not, with voting possibly starting sooner if all entries are in. To compensate for the varied veg times, make the voting selection be a multi voting system with a single live bud/cola and a second poll for a single dry bud. So no full plant pics are allowed.

"And set the flip day to dec 15th-20th."
That would work great as far as having the thread very lively in the following weeks, but not sure it could work with everyone as far as proper timing goes...remember for many its all about making sure that space if properly filled!! Having a room half full is no good. I think leaving veg time and flower trigger times open ended but with a final end date is the best move for an indoor photo contest.

More in a minute...i will throw down what i think is a fairly secure rule set.
Had to walk the dogs...reply below! ;)

Added!! Also added @dankstyle J to the list as well.

I absolutely agree 110% all around bud. I think the most important thing in these contests is maximum participation. Try to devise rules that will work for the majority of the people that want to join.

This exactly what we need..constructive feedback like this is exactly how we will all devise a solid set of rules for this and possible future indoor battles. Here is what i think...drop the Nov the 1st start date and the 5 week max veg. Both limit it too much as we have already seen. Instead make it a December the 1st latest start date to try in increase participation over the next 3 weeks. Put a finish date on it say March 1st voting starts done or not, with voting possibly starting sooner if all entries are in. To compensate for the varied veg times, make the voting selection be a multi voting system with a single live bud/cola and a second poll for a single dry bud. So no full plant pics are allowed.

"And set the flip day to dec 15th-20th."
That would work great as far as having the thread very lively in the following weeks, but not sure it could work with everyone as far as proper timing goes...remember for many its all about making sure that space if properly filled!! Having a room half full is no good. I think leaving veg time and flower trigger times open ended but with a final end date is the best move for an indoor photo contest.

More in a minute...i will throw down what i think is a fairly secure rule set.

Grower levels should be an option like we discussed in one of our conversations as well.

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Here is what i think would be a fairly solid rule set...please let me know what you all think.

1 Entry plant(s) must be started by December the 1st
2 Pics of entry plants must be posted at least once every 14days.
3 Multiple entry plants may be grown, with a single plant chosen as your final entry.
4 Voting polls will be opened after the last entry is completed, or on March the 15th whichever comes first.
5 Voting will be based on a 2 vote system over 2 separate polls. Whoever has the most votes from both combined polls wins!
6 One voting poll will be based on a single live cola(cola being defined as a string of buds with no stalks showing) or bud.
7 One voting poll will be based on a single dry bud.
Notice a few things...i did away with a 30 day mandatory selection. Of all the rules in the outdoor contest i felt this rules was the single largest flaw. You get stuck with your selection at a young age, would much prefer to see your top choice plant being an entry rather than taking a stab in the vegetative dark at your entry.
Grower levels should be an option like we discussed in one of our conversations as well.

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As we talked about i like that idea quite a bit, but i think for this contest we need just basic rules to get it running smoothly. I have thought about that a bit though, and i think i have come up with quite an elegant way to work in experience levels into the mix.

Rookie Grower - Less than 3 total start to finish grows - this contestant gets 2 votes added to their total votes for each poll.
Intermediate Grower - Grower that have completed 4-15 start to finish grows - this contestant gets 1 vote added to their total votes for each poll.
Master Grower- 15-30 total start to finish grows - this contestant gets 0 votes added to their totals for each poll.
Grand Master Grower - 30-100 start to finish grows - this contestant gets subtracted 1 vote from their totals on each poll.
Ultra Master Grower - 101-1million start to finish grows - this contestant should be writing guides!! Tom HIll? Jorge? Ed? -2 votes(we should all be bowing to your level of experience!!!!)
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As we talked about i like that idea quite a bit, but i think for this contest we need just basic rules to get it running smoothly. I have thought about that a bit though, and i think i have come up with quite an elegant way to work in experience levels into the mix.

Rookie Grower - Less than 3 total start to finish grows - this contestant gets 2 votes added to their total votes for each poll.
Intermediate Grower - Grower that have completed 4-15 start to finish grows - this contestant gets 1 vote added to their total votes for each poll.
Master Grower- 15-30 total start to finish grows - this contestant gets 0 votes added to their totals for each poll.
Grand Master Grower - 30-100 start to finish grows - this contestant gets subtracted 1 vote from their totals on each poll.
Ultra Master Grower - 101-1million start to finish grows - this contestant should be writing guides!! Tom HIll? Jorge? Ed?

BTW i would be listed as a Master indoor grower i figure around 15 grows under lights indoors.
As we talked about i like that idea quite a bit, but i think for this contest we need just basic rules to get it running smoothly. I have thought about that a bit though, and i think i have come up with quite an elegant way to work in experience levels into the mix.

Rookie Grower - Less than 3 total start to finish grows - this contestant gets 2 votes added to their total votes for each poll.
Intermediate Grower - Grower that have completed 4-15 start to finish grows - this contestant gets 1 vote added to their total votes for each poll.
Master Grower- 15-30 total start to finish grows - this contestant gets 0 votes added to their totals for each poll.
Grand Master Grower - 30-100 start to finish grows - this contestant gets subtracted 1 vote from their totals on each poll.
Ultra Master Grower - 101-1million start to finish grows - this contestant should be writing guides!! Tom HIll? Jorge? Ed?

This seems extremely fair and legit!

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