New Grower ILGM Auto Jack Herer

I would say you have lost about 30 to 40% of the potential yield. That really can still end up being a pretty good yield if you have the extra large type autoflowers. Of course, your light is really best suited for two big autoflowers. So I can't really tell you too much about yield.

You're going to want to have that humidity Dome open on a couple sides to let air flow through there. Then you could even have an oscillating fan circulating air around the room and blowing across the openings once in awhile. Otherwise you risk the chance of damping off as far as the seedlings go and any mold spores in your environment have a tendency to settle if you don't have a fan blowing things around.

Thanks. Sucks to hear but helpful. I raised the lights up and I started germinating some bag seed. There was no change today but the nutes don't seem to have burned or not, humidity without the dome is at 55% and temp is 85f.

I ordered a ph pen and I guess I'll hold off on pics until anything significant happens.
Yeah I'd just go ahead and leave that Dome off then. If you have enough oscillating fan it'll help strengthen the stems as the seedlings start to stretch up.
Yeah I'd just go ahead and leave that Dome off then. If you have enough oscillating fan it'll help strengthen the stems as the seedlings start to stretch up.

Well I planted 13 bag seeds in solo cups and I put my dome on them. One has germinated with nice dark green leaves. I thought he seeds wouldn't be any good as I've had them in an attic for two years from one of my favorite bag seed bits and I used some others from another good bag I had bought.

Tier planted the Jack and lowered the ballast to 75%. The newest leaves have a decent green to them but I don't have any faith in them lol. Did a 80/20 mix of soil and coco because I didn't have enough for five three gallon pots and on one it's just straight coco.

Humidity has been a constant 30% with 85F. I'm waiting on the Jack to get dry before I water them again. I was really counting on getting a nice yield from the Jack as I've never had a sativa before but I messed up somewhere.
Four seeds have germinated with one catching up to the size of the Jack already. I'm going to need 15 pots and I think I'll just do straight soil on them. Since I don't know how many males I'm going to have I just germinated as many as I could as I have the space and don't mind managing the amount I've planted.

Excited to do some topping since these aren't auto and some LST. The Jack have retained their color and are starting to grow very slowly, I don't see anything good happening with them but I'll wait and see while my bag seed vegges. Pictures to come when everyone has germinated.
@jingo I can just scrap these four Jack plants at this point right? In almost four weeks and they still look the same as my last pictures.
@jingo I can just scrap these four Jack plants at this point right? In almost four weeks and they still look the same as my last pictures.
Sometimes I get upset with something I'm growing and I'll just bin the thing. For my personality, I find that easier to do than nursing a plant along for a very long time and maybe a small yield.
Sometimes I get upset with something I'm growing and I'll just bin the thing. For my personality, I find that easier to do than nursing a plant along for a very long time and maybe a small yield.

I agree. I came home to five dark green seedlings stretching towards the light. I'm pretty sure my previous mistake was having the light too close and causing photoinhibition and my ph. Got a digital ph today and I have my runoff water at a 6.2, my tap water adjusted to a 6.1 from 7.8, and my but water at 6.1.

Seeds under humidity dome at 600w MH at about 36". I had just cleaned the room and everything so I don't have a temp and humidity reading but I will in the morning.

I threw the Jack away, I have more to learn and don't want to waste my money on bank seeds if I can't even handle the vegetation. I'm still thinking topping and scrog but got to see how many males I'll have. Read somewhere that 65% of seeds are female due to pollination method so hoping for six girls.
Week One
Light @ 600 watts MH @ 22"
Humidity 21-62%
Temperature 73-86f

10 bag seeds. 5 sprouts. I won't(hopefully) mess this up. One made a cameo in the third picture. Ph tester because I didn't know I couldn't use a soil one in coco.

My tap water is quite alkaline at 9.2 with my nute water at 7.6. Plan is to let my coco dry out a bit over the next 24 hours, maybe I'll have 10 sprouts. I'll adjust my water in the mean time.



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Week One
Light @ 600 watts MH @ 40"
Humidity 21-44%
Temperature 73-86f

9/10 germ. Sneak peak below. Sprayed some mist and put cups over all of them instead of the bowl and rags. Coco is staying so moist.

It would probably be a good idea to put something under those humidity domes to lift them up just a little bit so you can get some air circulation. If your Coco doesn't dry out fast enough for your taste you can cut some slits down the side to let some air in.