New Grower ILGM Auto Jack Herer

Day 4 - Admittedly I'm disappointed

Only have 2/5 showing leaves with one showing a disappointing root, another that isn't showing leaves yet and another that has yet to germinate. I remember this happening with the bag seed but it ended up taking two weeks for everything to get moving so I'll withhold my opinion of ILGM seeds until I have two weeks in.
  • 16-34%RH
  • 74-84f
I was seriously hoping to get 4/5 for a batch of autoflowering but I guess nature is like that at times. I'll test something today so I won't be adding pictures.
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Day 5 - The experiment Part 1

Well it's morning here and I did a little non harmful test to see what might happen based on my limited knowledge. I complained of one of my seeds simply laying there and not progressing but this just isn't true anymore.

What I did was, I had a gallon of 1tbsp of molasses pre mixed and bubbled, sprayed and watered all of them with the molasses water. The thought was that there are carbs in the seeds used for energy to sprout but what if they needed more carbs and knowing that coco coir loves cal mag I thought would the harm if it saves a seed or two. Well it did cause one seed to finally stand up and hopefully I'll be seeing leaves. I have watered it again with more of the same mixture at a PH of 6.

    • 16-34% RH
    • 72-88f
My temps are directly under the light by the way.

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Day 5 - The experiment Part 2

Aww snap! My complaints and concerns are gone like that! Let's start with the "bad".

  1. Came home to a radiant temp of 93f with 16-21% RH
  2. Still no leaves on the one in the pic from the previous post
The good

  1. The experiment may have succeeded
  2. Germination has occurred with a strong tap root on what I initially believed to be a failure
  3. Tap root on the weak seed had thickened considerably
  1. Day 6 - The days probably won't add up

    No real progress or noted growth.
    • 16-21% RH
    • 77-95f radiant temperature
    I don't think I said this but on day four I posted I lowered the light. I did do a nute mix with General Hydro trio at 1/8tsp each with the pre mixed molasses.

Hey Brother

What kind of medium are you growing in? Looks like you could have some Coco in there?

Coco and perlite. That's why I added nutes so early.
That's what I was wondering. If you're doing molasses you really should add some beneficial microbes to the mix, that's the main reason for the Molasses early on is just to feed the bennies.

I just got my nutes yesterday and went ahead and mixed. Appreciate the help.
Day 7 - Helmet Off

Finally got the shell soaked enough to remove it with tweezers. It is still growing so hopefully I'll see some leaves. The originally believed to not have germinated seed, while watering, was getting ready for leaves under the coco. Brought it to the top, short root, watered and left it alone. The other three are growing, slightly over watered but okay.

  • 16-21% RH
  • 75-95 radiant temperature
Hopefully the ones in the first two pics will thrive.


Looking good. I like to see some JH varieties, ILGM look nice!
I know giving unsolicited advice is ... a pain in the a$$, but ...
see if you can get the RH % up for these little seedlings.
Especially in small cups to start with, which can dry out fast!
And be careful with vinegar for pH, it's not reliable.
Did you soak / treat the coco first and let the pH stabilize?
I see you've got a pH meter, right? That's cool!
All the best buddy, they're looking great at this point!