Happens all the time. Start f@#*^ng around with our genetics

and we would get a little strange looking as well from time to time. I often have leaves like that when my plants get a little light stresse or ph stressed. As long as growth looks healthy, I wouldn't give too much concern. If the growth starts looking unhealthy, then you might have an issue.
Keep grinding bro. I have a new grow just starting. Out of seven seeds dropped, two girls are struggling, two are thriving but have a little twist in the leaves(ph off a bit probably), two are fine but small and slow, and one is great, but very small and slower growth.

A lot of new growers would start panicking why it's not the same and what is this, what is that...each grow will often have its challenges. You are really prepared now for all that might happen, and here at AFN we all have a support network. That's why I am here too. Get ideas and help when I don't know what to do, and help others if I can.
Hang in there. Almost done man!