New Grower I probably should have waited until fall...

Just hang in there now and be patient. They will flower soon enough. They could be as much as three weeks away or only one week.
Like I said, I am in a grow that is way beyond the time limit for some reason. I don't stress. I just try and take care of the plant that is in front of me, not the plant I think should be in front of me. Schedules are for people.
Just hang in there now and be patient. They will flower soon enough. They could be as much as three weeks away or only one week.
Like I said, I am in a grow that is way beyond the time limit for some reason. I don't stress. I just try and take care of the plant that is in front of me, not the plant I think should be in front of me. Schedules are for people.

Grow the plant in front of you. I like that.

Lol! I get it. Be the plant! Didn't know growing was so darn spiritual!

Oh, it's so much more grasshopper!