Humboldt Seed Organization Humboldt Seed Organization 2019 Grow Off!

@St. Tom here is week 5 update Dedoverde Haze and Lemon Juice Express both still shooting for the sky. Both are on the right side autopots.

cheers @bushmasterar15 your the same as me got them on little tables same as mine keep them up to the level of the autopots you have some wonderful girls in there my friend what strains are the smaller ones
cheers @bushmasterar15 your the same as me got them on little tables same as mine keep them up to the level of the autopots you have some wonderful girls in there my friend what strains are the smaller ones
They are Portal Stone99 v6's quick 60 day strain.
HSO Grow Off Update Week 5 - @St. Tom

Dedoverde Haze remains the smallest of all plants but Ive grown to like her very much. Can't wait to see how she progresses. She is actually not that small at day 42. Any plant that I can train to exceed diameter of pot by this time should still yield excellently!
Update Week 5

Tag:- @St. Tom
Tag:- @HSO-Mark

Lots happening this week

AFN down for 2 days, a mini heatwave, high humidity, and a lot of "juggling" required to keep the Temps and Rh on track.

Changes made :-

Added 2 x humidifiers and 1 x dehumidifier and another fan to balance Temps & Rh.

Both HSO girls are doing well, but 1 week apart in age.

Normally I would be starting a feed transition from grow to flower nutes as plant 1 is at that stage, but plant 2 (and another plant in the tent) need another week on grow.feed.

I can't be arsed to set up a seperate res just for plant 1, so I am keeping them all on Veg feed at present.

Two HSO "Dedoverde Haze" plants, two different phenos.

01st June 2019 Plant 1.jpg

01st June 2019 Plant 2.jpg

Plant 1 is the tallest / biggest and given the parentage of it's genes, probably represents the strain better... But I also like the shorter bushier structure of plant 2.

I tossed a coin to decide what one to take forward as my "HSO Grow off plant", and am happy that "Plant 2" Won.

Plant 2
is therefore my official entry.


@St. Tom Week 5 Update.:toke: Bubba Kush and OG Kush on day 41. First one is Bubba (on left), second is OG (on right). I choose OG as the show-girl going forward. The thing is ... neither has yet shown any signs of flower development. This seems odd to me, as my other 8 plants in this grow cycle are all well along on their flower phase. Am I just a little impatient, or could these be photoperiod gals?? Anyway, because of the other plants in the tent, I've now activated my 5th Cob, which is the 2700K light. Also, I'm now using a bloom-phase mix of Advanced Nutrients for my reservoir. Cheers, all. :biggrin:
