Harvest & Curing How do you all Dry?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JEMman
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My dry method has been a large rubbermaid tote....wire hung accross with a net on one rung for popcorns (or nuggs I'm too lazy to trim well)....120mm 12v puter fan , on speed controller, pulling air accross buds from strategically placed holes in other end... exh. ducted into my grow tent where all odors are handled by the char can......my temps are ambient inside home 77-80F....although I divert a bit of a ac register into the dry bin if RH is high .....I have dried this way for years....works great...best of all...drying fragrances are controlled....pull the dried bud based on the TBM kinda timing....place in jars to check RH of nuggs, again by teh TBM method....then either back to paper sacks or burping jars to obtain close to 60%.....then on to burping and curing....like my nuggs as close to 60% before jarring...grind about a weeks worth of herb....makes it ready for vaping in my Q....a bit drier and more finely ground for my MF....
I like to trim mine really well (I've been collecting all my trimmings and am going to try and make hash using the dry ice method) and I hang them in the garage using thick gauge fishing line. I cut all branches into 6-10 inch stems for easier trimming and hang upside down from the highest bud. I usually have the doors and window ajar. You dont want to dry your weed to fast by having a fan blowing directly on them. It'll give you a harsher smoke. A little bit of light wont hurt them but slight air movement is a must. once your stems SNAP and not bend then break its usually ready but that should take 7-14 days, if its drying before 7 days its drying to qwik.
I have a loft built with 2 x 6s joists on one end of my garage. I've stapled twine to the bottom of the joists and hang my buds from them with spring loaded clothes pins. There is only one window in the garage and it's got a roll up blind, so it does stay pretty dark in there. There is no humidity control so I'm subject to the weather, but unless it's been raining a lot, it usually stays below 60%. I use an oscillating fan on a stand for air circulation. The only issue with this setup is that the garage can get very hot when the weather is very warm. Then is usually hang them in the master bathroom, or since I don't run my outdoor grow box in the summer, hang them in there and turn on the exhaust and circulation fan.
So a bit of light isnt much of an issue aslong as its not direct, i dry in my loft near my grow box and it has light leaks im too lazy to fix :)
I will be hanging mine for A approx week. I was considerig brown paper bagging em for An additional five days then start the cure.

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this is how i dry
ml 012.jpg

hung on 16lb fishing line and just left, the grow box in the room has light leak but its not direct, the box drags air from the main area and spits it into my house after use, so i have some air circulation.
dries real fast on small stuff, the big colas take 14 days, i dont cure really it just gets "stored" never tried to cure, i like it as it is now so why change anything ;)
i also like to this work, and my room's situation is like as the sunlight directly leave their affect on the room. but i dnt have any type of frustration about it and this is not a trash for me.
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I have a system I use and I'm sure it can be customized to fit anyones needs. Depending on plant size let's say it's a autoflower. A auto I will give a rough trim while it's still in the pot with a trash bag rapped around the base to catch all falling leaves. I'll then take the whole plant to a dark area (attic, closet ect) somewhere where the RH stays around 40-60. I'll hang it upside down tied to a clothes hanger and the clothes hanger hooked to a piece of wood or clothes rail in closet depending on where you are hanging. It normally takes 8-12 days depending on the heat in the area. A good way to tell if it's ready to come down from there is grab one of the bigger buds and try to snap the stem in the middle of it. If it bends but doesn't break it still needs time. I normally check all buds and the ones that are ready I will move to a brown paper bag to dry out last remaining moisture. If they ever get to dry and brittle you can always add a fresh nug, leaf, orange peel or something of that nature to bring some moisture back into the bag. After there in the bag I check on them daily and give them a light shake to move the buds around so they all dry together. When they get to the point I like (a personal preference) I move them to mason jars filled about half way up. Check em for moisture the first few days tho I've never had a problem after the bag. After that I just burp the jars a few times a day and give them a light shake here and there. The longerrhe cure the better. After a week or two in the jars you will really start getting that sweet aroma back. Hope this helps someone. This has always worked great for me hence the reason my friends and family call me the captain of the cure lol
I have a dilemma with my currant grow,I planted 2 duurtys at the same time,but one took about 12 days longer untill it popped the surface.now I only have my grow tent to dry in and I'll be cropping one next week some time,but the other still needs time so I'll have to have the light & fan on..could I hang my cropped bud in a cardboard box in the tent next to my growing plant,lights running etc? Does dying bud need darkness? Dont wanna ruin my bud but it's looking like my only option