Outdoor Hot & Dry

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these two ladies are pretty old now.. nearly a hundred days..

the problem is i don't really know when they should be chopped. i stopped feeding them about two weeks ago. am just going to wait till all the fan leaves fall of naturally and then crop...
Those are lookin great Stanko. Im sure the smoke report will be enjoyable :D
advice needed pls.

i was getting ready to chop, but now she is shooting out more pistils, not sure what to do, have i left it to late? or was i going to chop to early?

i stopped feeding over two weeks ago. :( as the pistils were browning.. so it's just had water.

the only thing i have that is close to that is 'atami flavor- It is a fertilizer on the basis of beet molasses.' 0-0-9
i dont want to rush the process.

i would like to try and get the timing right, so i can give them a good two week flush, before cropping.. as i say, i thought i was at that stage, as the pistils that were there started turning red, once there was about 60% red i stopped feeding, now she has chucked out a load more pistils.. i'm not sure what sort of time length i am looking at from this point. and she is 100 days plus atm.

also my fan leaves were turning yellow.

so the yellowing leaves some fell of naturally and some i gave a gentle pull and most came off, a few didn't.
if just another week, should i continue with just water.. ? or should i add some of that flavor (on the site it says stop feeding flavor with a week -10days to go.)
K will give her a feed now, they can come inside as well, and do at night time...
DSCN6190.jpg one on the left got the chop.
and dried, I put her in a ziplock in the dark and will burp everyday for a while.

pretty happy all in all, pretty much spot on 100grams and i took most of the buds of the stalk checking for freaking worms. i got two of the shits.. haha...

i have tested it quite a bit, drying out little chunks quickly, and when smoked, it tastes like england to me. Cheesey..

should be chopping her big sister in a week or so. :)