Well yours looks bigger, than mine..( pls, pls, no 'thats what she said' jokes..
As I have just recently arrived at where I am living now, I tried to find a local shop but couldn't, then last night my sister said there was an advert in the local paper and they were selling "weird stuff" i might be into..
Went down today, picked up some canna pro terra soil, and the guy behind the counter gave me a nugget of weed. which was nice..
I asked him about the Cannabis Clubs in Spain, but he said you only get them in the big cities, which is a real shame..
My new 250 hps light kit also arrived today, (I still have to build it..) along with my ph down and Atami alga-c.. So i went and got a 50 litre water butt.
Anoteher quick question. the stunted runts, Is it worth keeping them or better to start over?
If i do keep them and swap the soil should i remove all the old soil or should i leave some ?
Sorry for all the questions.. I'm a complete novice.. or as it says an 'AF Seedling'.