New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Hey bandit, from the looks of it medi has it diagnosed. I don't think it is from heat though, 83 isn't that bad. I see temps hit the 90s pretty consistent in my room with no problems. I think your pH is probably too high and that will cause some twisting as well. The drooping is from lack of water which will also cause your pH to rise. Try not to let your soil dry out, this is important because it stresses the plant, raises the pH and causes fluctuations in the availability of nutrients. Keep the soil moist and that will probably solve most of your problems.

For the zinc problem, once you get your pH back down it should clear up. You can always foliar feed with a chelated zinc product until then and it will help correct that issue. You can pick up chelated zinc at most of the major box stores.

Thank you, too, for chiming in, A4. The soil is at 6.8, and I watered her two days ago, although I didn't water until I saw the 15-20% runoff, which I know was a screw up. Not saying you are incorrect, by any means, I just wanted to put that out there. Do you think the 6.8 PH would have her messing up like that? I have tried giving her low PH'd water, as low as 6.0, but that soil PH just seems to fluctuate between 6.6 and 6.8. How do I have remedy that?
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6.8 is a little iffy but yes I do think so. Most everyone here knows I don't grow many autos but when I do I almost always have problems with pH and that is right about the pH I start seeing the problems and normally they look exactly like your plant. Sometimes it is a pain getting the soil down if you don't work on it before putting the plant in the pot. I have begun using aluminum sulfate weeks before putting my plant in the pots and have found that it helps to get the soil stabilized before planting.

Yeah, trying to lower your soil pH with water you may as well be pissing into the wind. It is nearly impossible without running gallons and gallons through it which isn't good. Aluminum sulfate will work to lower your pH but you really need to be careful about how much you use. There is a very fine line between just enough and too much. In my experience a tablespoon per 5 gallons of soil will lower your soil pH about .3 -.5 and it works instantaneously. That is one you may have to go to a coop for or a farmer's supply store. Most box stores won't sell aluminum sulfate. Don't let the talk you into buying sulfur either! Sulfur works fine for long term solutions but when growing like we do, we aren't afforded the time to wait 3 months for the sulfur to lower pH.

Best of luck with her!
I think A4 has you covered, Bandit. You need to address your pH issue. At 6.6 and above, Mn and Fe are locked out.
Zinc, manganese and iron def often (though not always) occur together.
My 2 cents, while you're getting a handle on your pH, would be a foliar app of a chelated zinc/iron/manganese mix to cover your bases.
I think A4 has you covered, Bandit. You need to address your pH issue. At 6.6 and above, Mn and Fe are locked out.
Zinc, manganese and iron def often (though not always) occur together.
My 2 cents, while you're getting a handle on your pH, would be a foliar app of a chelated zinc/iron/manganese mix to cover your bases.

Thanks, Red. Later today, I should be grabbing some aluminum sulfate to drop the soil PH, and something (I forgot what the lady at the nursery called it) to resolve the zinc and iron deficiency, which she said was chlorosis
I'm excited to see how the aluminium sulphate does for you. A4 really knows his stuff (big time), so I'd follow his dosing to the letter. :thumbs:
If you do go foliar with the Zn/ Fe, make sure to use a surfactant for good coverage.
Red, A4, thank you two very much. I've felt that something was off for the past week, and I think the two of you have pin pointed the issue for me. Do I need to flush her before adding the aluminum sulfate or zinc/iron solution?
I wouldn't think so, GB, not with the Fe or Zn, but I'd hit up A4 about the al sulphate to get his thoughts on how much water to use.
6.8 is a little iffy but yes I do think so. Most everyone here knows I don't grow many autos but when I do I almost always have problems with pH and that is right about the pH I start seeing the problems and normally they look exactly like your plant. Sometimes it is a pain getting the soil down if you don't work on it before putting the plant in the pot. I have begun using aluminum sulfate weeks before putting my plant in the pots and have found that it helps to get the soil stabilized before planting.

Yeah, trying to lower your soil pH with water you may as well be pissing into the wind. It is nearly impossible without running gallons and gallons through it which isn't good. Aluminum sulfate will work to lower your pH but you really need to be careful about how much you use. There is a very fine line between just enough and too much. In my experience a tablespoon per 5 gallons of soil will lower your soil pH about .3 -.5 and it works instantaneously. That is one you may have to go to a coop for or a farmer's supply store. Most box stores won't sell aluminum sulfate. Don't let the talk you into buying sulfur either! Sulfur works fine for long term solutions but when growing like we do, we aren't afforded the time to wait 3 months for the sulfur to lower pH.

Best of luck with her!

Once I pick up the zinc/iron, and aluminum sulfate, will I just add the to the water I plan on giving her? I have a 5 gal equivalent air pot, and you mentioned adding 1 Tbs of sulfate per 5 gal of soil, so I'm a bit confused about whether to add it directly to the soil, or into the water. Also, will I do multiple applications, or just one? Sorry, man, just wanna make sure I don't screw things up anymore than they are right now
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This is why soil freaks me out. Sounds like your covered bandit. Sorry I have no exp with soil. Foliar sprayin is super duper though. Also I would think you dissolve the a sulfate in water. But again just how I would think its done.
Oh and Bandit, breathe dude. It happens she'll be fine.
You can do it either way Green Bandit, you can sprinkle it on top and water it in or mix it. I personally like to mix mine but there is a catch to it, it doesn't dissolve well. What I do is take a quart jar and add the Tspoon of aluminum to it. Get your water hot, very hot, fill the quart with it and leave some head space. Shake the living shit out of it! You still won't get it all mixed but you will get most of it.

Have your pH'd water ready to go and pour the quart into it so it cools the water down a bit. If you have 5 gallon equiv airpot then you will probably want to use maybe 1.5 - 2 gallons total. The thing is, you want to distribute that water with the aluminum in it through all of the soil and try not to get any runoff. You want it to stay in their.

A couple of warnings, DO NOT breath the dust of that aluminum sulfate! DO NOT breath the air of the quart jar when you open it, there is going to be some pressure behind it. It will take your breath, trust me, I know from smelling it (like an idiot). Lastly, see my last warning, the aluminum reacts with something in tap water and begins to build pressure so don't fill that jar and walk away from it. Be ready to pour it out when you have mixed it good. I haven't had any problems but I have noticed that it builds some pressure, not a lot but enough that I thought to myself I wouldn't leave that sitting there for an hour.

I would start with 1Tspoon and see how that does for you. You may need to add a little more throughout the next few weeks to keep it down and that wouldn't be surprising. The main thing to remember is to keep the soil moist. Don't believe the BS that you read about wet/dry cycles. Small steady amounts of water is better than adding gallons then letting it dry.