New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Yeah, you may want to foliar feed a couple of times to get your zinc squared away but with the aluminum just use it the one time and see where your soil settles out. You will know very quickly, like within 2-3 minutes, your soil will drop immediately. If you have the money, an Accurate8 meter is excellent for testing soil pH without needing runoff. I own two of them and they are worth their weight in gold.

Within minutes?! Damn, I was thinking I'd be waiting for a few days, if not a week! Glad to hear that!! One treatment and done. Niiiiice! Yeah, I got me an Accurate 8, and I love it! At first, I was checking my soil PH daily, until I was told to ease back and just check it during watering and feedings!

Thanks again, A4, Red, and all the rest who chipped in to help me get this issue squared away. It's good to know my girl will be back to being top notch again, real soon. :thank:
Just read through this entire thread. Awesome progress man. Mine are only a few days ahead of yours! My current grow is my technically my second one (that's made it this far at least). My first grow ran into a few problems, but I think that I tried to over-correct the issues too much and stressed them out (because they later hermied on me). Your grow is looking good! My advice from one new grower to another is don't overreact to an issue that may or may not be of real concern. It's a good thing we have such resources available (and a helpful forum community) to help us figure out what is serious or not. Good luck my friend, I'll be watching your log through harvest.
Glad to see you got help TGB, I work in a cell free environment so I was only able to post the one comment but you seemed in the hands of pros so huzzah!! Good luck with it man, if this turns out to be your biggest hurdle you'll be golden!!
you seemed in the hands of pros so huzzah!!
Make that "Pro", singular! A4 is a guru, I've just had some great mentors. Big difference! My gig was always turf, not grass.:grin:
Just read through this entire thread. Awesome progress man. Mine are only a few days ahead of yours! My current grow is my technically my second one (that's made it this far at least). My first grow ran into a few problems, but I think that I tried to over-correct the issues too much and stressed them out (because they later hermied on me). Your grow is looking good! My advice from one new grower to another is don't overreact to an issue that may or may not be of real concern. It's a good thing we have such resources available (and a helpful forum community) to help us figure out what is serious or not. Good luck my friend, I'll be watching your log through harvest.

Thanks for the compliments, BubbleK. I do admit, I tend to freak out pretty easily, but I don't really make moves without getting advice first. I know it can get pretty annoying for some of the guys helping me out, with me always tripping off simple stuff, but they're always real cool about it and always get me the help I need. If no help is necessary, they tell me so, and tell me to ease back. You know that's right, bro, we got a damn good forum community to help us along the way! The best, no doubt! Thanks for subbing in to watch my progress, I appreciate it. You currently doing a journal? If so, hit me with the link, and I'm as good as there!

Glad to see you got help TGB, I work in a cell free environment so I was only able to post the one comment but you seemed in the hands of pros so huzzah!! Good luck with it man, if this turns out to be your biggest hurdle you'll be golden!!

No problem at all, Medi. You're always helping with one issue or another, and that one comment you posted got the ball rolling, so thanks bro!

Just got back from the nursery with the products I need to put foot in this problems ass!
Oh and Bandit, breathe dude. It happens she'll be fine.

LMAO! I know, right?! I just got so sucked into this growing thing, so fast, and I didn't realize how close I could actually get to a plant. A PLANT!!! Now, if she doesn't look right, I can't get right with myself until she is. It's like I have a damn 3rd child!
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I know it can get pretty annoying for some of the guys helping me out, with me always tripping off simple stuff, but they're always real cool about it and always get me the help I need.
LMFAO!!!! The next time you drag us out of bed, Bandit, it's a shock collar and :BottomBeater::BottomBeater::BottomBeater::rofl:
I agree with Bubblekarma. I also ran into a few problems with my first grow (10x DP Ultimate, non auto) and tried to correct everything a bit much and without giving it time. Your grow looks killer!

//Captain Hindsight
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