New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Alright GB, I hear you may have your products? And since you already told us you have an Accurate8, tell us how everything worked out with your pH? Did it react quickly and drop like a rock? If it went a little too far, don't fret, it will come back up after the initial hit of aluminum wears off. If it isn't far enough just mix up a little more and gently pour it into the soil. One thing I forgot to tell you, do not get that on your leaves or smaller stems, it will kill them dead. Quickly! Like within 24 hours quickly.

Also, when foliar feeding, it is best to do it right before the lights come on in your room. When the temperature is at it's lowest. The stomata on the leaves will be closed at that time. Spray both sides of the leaves pretty good and let it be. As the temperature warms up the stomata will slowly open and the plant will begin taking in the nutrients, somewhere around upper 70's to lower 80's is the perfect temperature. Tomorrow, get you some clean water and spray them again, same time, with just pure water. That will allow the plant to take up what is left on the leaves and help clean the stomata and keep them functioning properly.
Alright GB, I hear you may have your products? And since you already told us you have an Accurate8, tell us how everything worked out with your pH? Did it react quickly and drop like a rock? If it went a little too far, don't fret, it will come back up after the initial hit of aluminum wears off. If it isn't far enough just mix up a little more and gently pour it into the soil. One thing I forgot to tell you, do not get that on your leaves or smaller stems, it will kill them dead. Quickly! Like within 24 hours quickly.

Also, when foliar feeding, it is best to do it right before the lights come on in your room. When the temperature is at it's lowest. The stomata on the leaves will be closed at that time. Spray both sides of the leaves pretty good and let it be. As the temperature warms up the stomata will slowly open and the plant will begin taking in the nutrients, somewhere around upper 70's to lower 80's is the perfect temperature. Tomorrow, get you some clean water and spray them again, same time, with just pure water. That will allow the plant to take up what is left on the leaves and help clean the stomata and keep them functioning properly.

Did it drop fast?! Like Marvis Frazier when Mike Tyson hit his ass!! That shit dropped quick fast!! Uh, I think I might have gotten some on the leaves, though, so... Any who... I will give her a nice foliar spritz again tomorrow, as you suggested, with plain PH'd water. A4, thanks bro. Seriously. :tiphat:
Way to work it, GB! Time to get green and mean! :ama:
Can't wait to see how your plants are doing today. Looks like you applied the solution so hopefully they start looking a little better. Not saying they don't look good right now though :smoke:. But we as humans have a bad habit of always wanting more, bigger, better. It's in our nature. Can't wait to see updates though.
Can't wait to see how your plants are doing today. Looks like you applied the solution so hopefully they start looking a little better. Not saying they don't look good right now though :smoke:. But we as humans have a bad habit of always wanting more, bigger, better. It's in our nature. Can't wait to see updates though.

Today, she looks horrible, BUT she is also looking better than she did yesterday! I'm just used to her looking so vibrant and lustrious and now it bothers me to see her this way. She's made progress, though. Yesterday she looked like an old piece of lettuce that sat out in the sun for too long, if you can imagine that. I'll get a pic up of her later today. It's absolutely crazy how they can deteriorate so quickly, so badly, then bounce back again. Like I said, she's not back completely, but she has made progress. Thanks for stopping through, Bubblek
Day 28
Temp Range: 74.1° - 83.8°
Humidity Range: 41% - 61%

Wzup, fellow growers, and ganja connoisseurs? Everything seems to be all good in the 'hood around my way today! She seems to be looking a little better today, not so droopy, and she doesn't feel so dry to the touch. Not her best look, but I'll take it, any day, over what she was looking like yesterday!
Spritzed her down, both top and bottom of the leaves, with some plain water, PH'd at 6.4, right before the lights came on, as A4 said, then let her alone to continue her recovery. I'll be sleeping better tonight, most definitely!

Nice work, GB! How's she looking color wise?
Nice work, GB! How's she looking color wise?

I'm not sure if it's me being overly optimistic, but her color does seem to be creeping back in. She looks darker today, except for one of her bottom fan leaves. Not so much light green yellow showing through on her top leaves where it was most prominent