Day 25
Temp Range: 77.7° - 89.4°
Humidity Range: 32% - 50%
PH of water: 6.0
PH of Soil (after watering): 6.8
PH of Runoff: 6.8
Guess who was being a naughty girl and lifted her skirt today! Well, at least I think it was today, because I damn sure didn't notice it yesterday, so, we'll just go with today. It got me pretty excited, though! Is this when I start with the leaf tucking? Anyone who reads this, and knows, please chime in, because I need a clue.
Well, she's definitely getting much more thirsty these days! Used to be able to give her 2 liters of water and there would be plenty of runoff. Not anymore. I gave her 2 liters today, and there was barely any runoff, so when I water her in a couple of days, I will increase the water.
Other than that, nothing really worth mentioning. I wish I could still take her out and set her in the sun, but, oh well. It's all good. If you got the goods on leaf tucking, drop some knowledge on me, if you don't mind. It would be much appreciated! Thanks, and y'all be eazy.