New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Looking good man, nice and healthy green! You won't have any issues with the scrog I don't think, just start with getting only that very top bent under the net, and you'll see within hours that the bottom shoots will grow up some, once those come up to the height of the main stem you can start bending those under as well and then their secondary growth will also come up. I basically stopped at this step but you can keep going from there until you have that beautiful martini shape.
Looking good man, nice and healthy green! You won't have any issues with the scrog I don't think, just start with getting only that very top bent under the net, and you'll see within hours that the bottom shoots will grow up some, once those come up to the height of the main stem you can start bending those under as well and then their secondary growth will also come up. I basically stopped at this step but you can keep going from there until you have that beautiful martini shape.

I got her setting in the sun right now, for the last time, and when she goes back in, it's under the net to stay. I do hate not being able to take her out anymore, because it really does look like she enjoys her time in God's natural light. I have a question for you, Medi. When I looked at her this morning, her two bottom most leaves had burnt tips, and all the others appeared fine. If yesterday's solution was too strong, will the burn spread to the other leaves, or work just those two leaves over first, before spreading? I SERIOUSLY doubt that the solution was too strong, and once again suspect that the extra nutes in the perlite might still be working their black magic on my girl. A senior member previously informed me that if the leaves happen to lie in the soil while watering, this can cause burn. I know that at least one of the leaves, and possibly both, did happen to touch the soil after water splashed on them, but I wiped them off afterwards, so I'm not sure if that was the cause, or not. Anyhow, I was just hoping I could get your opinion on this, too.
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If you suspect they touched the surface then that's the most likely cause. This definitely happened to me, but later on in my grow those leaves were the first to get eaten by the plant so it all works out in the end. It's one of those things where you just keep an eye on it and see if it spreads at all.
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If you suspect they touched the surface then that's the most likely cause. This definitely happened to me, but later on in my grow those leaves were the first to get eaten by the plant so it all works out in the end. It's one of those things where you just keep an eye on it and see if it spreads at all.

Thanks, for that confirmation of information, Medi. That was like a verbal chill pill for me, and now that it's taken effect, I can relax and enjoy the fact that she looks so much better this morning than she did yesterday morning!
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It doesn't help you now bro but I'm at a point now when I don't get nervous about anything that happens and that's saying something because Thing 2 is a sick lady. As long as your current level of worry doesn't make you act rashly it's something you'll get over.
Day 23
Temp Range: 78.6° - 88.7°
Humidity Range: 37% - 56%

Wzup, everyone? Hope all of you are enjoying a beautiful weekend. I know I am! So, I took her out of her cabinet today for her last few hours in the sun before she goes under the net, and she looked so much better than she did yesterday morning! Looks like she responded well to her first feeding, but her two bottom most leaves showed some signs of burn. I'm not overly concerned about that because I was informed by a senior member that if the leaves dip in the soil while being watered, they may show signs of burn the next day. Those two leaves did in fact end up touching the soil when I accidentally poured water directly on them, so I'll have to charge it to the game.
Didn't bother checking her height today, because it's no longer necessary since the only thing I will be worried about growing vertically is her buds. Everything else gets tucked below the net a day or two after it grows through. If anyone has any solid tips and advice about leaf tucking, like when to begin, or scrogging, please, by all means, chime in. I want and need all the first hand knowledge I can get from anyone with experience regarding these two techniques, because from here on out, Tucking and SCRoGging is the name of the game. Have a good one, and y'all be eazy!

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Day 25
Temp Range: 77.7° - 89.4°
Humidity Range: 32% - 50%
PH of water: 6.0
PH of Soil (after watering): 6.8
PH of Runoff: 6.8
Guess who was being a naughty girl and lifted her skirt today! Well, at least I think it was today, because I damn sure didn't notice it yesterday, so, we'll just go with today. It got me pretty excited, though! Is this when I start with the leaf tucking? Anyone who reads this, and knows, please chime in, because I need a clue.
Well, she's definitely getting much more thirsty these days! Used to be able to give her 2 liters of water and there would be plenty of runoff. Not anymore. I gave her 2 liters today, and there was barely any runoff, so when I water her in a couple of days, I will increase the water.
Other than that, nothing really worth mentioning. I wish I could still take her out and set her in the sun, but, oh well. It's all good. If you got the goods on leaf tucking, drop some knowledge on me, if you don't mind. It would be much appreciated! Thanks, and y'all be eazy.

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Day 25 Update

I'm not sure what's going on, but she no longer looks healthy, and I had to lift the net and take her out so I could get some pics. The top most leaves appear to be dry, and limp, and some of them do appear to claw under. Their color seems to be off, too. The two bottom most leaves faded extremely, and one crinkled up, so I pinched the both of them off. The whole plant seems to be limp, but I don't think it is a water issue, because I watered her earlier today, and only used two liters, resulting in barely any runoff. If someone could give me a clue as to what I need to do to solve all this, I'd be very thankful.

I'd say at this point just tuck in the biggest fan leaves that block the most light from the branching.

She looks fine to me bro the drooping is part of the wet/dry cycle. I couldn't see any clawing in the pics but I wouldn't worry about it unless it was like a 90 degree angle which would mean Nitrogen toxicity. You're good man and it looks like you got the 80 day pheno congrats!!
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Bandit mine look all tuckered out just before lights out. She looks great. Those two leaves always look like that on mine. Now I don't know if there is anything wrong. But I will say is they should be just fine. You don't need those leaves anymore.

As for Scrog. I like to let tips come up through the scrog til I can tuck them under another line. Does that make sense? That way I control the direction of travel. I'd let the main come up about 2in or more and then slip it back under. You need a little bend in there to cause the plants hormones to signal a missing top. Thats what really activates the side branches to race up to become the new top.