New Grower Hi Guys... the whole shebang!!!

Critical Cheese - Dinafem Update Day - 47

Water till Run Off PH : 5.73 PPM : 633

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...goNNa Prune her today!! Cheers guys..:baked:
Critical Cheese - Dinafem Update Day - 47

Water till Run Off PH : 5.73 PPM : 633

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...goNNa Prune her today!! Cheers guys..:baked:
They look fine, one looks hungrier than the others but other than that they look fine. You have what my momma calls a "worry wart.", look real close on yourself and you will find it. Get it off ya quick now because it makes you worry too much. :rofl:

Come over later today when I show my latest pics of what looks like a micro nutrient deficiency, but I know it has to be a pH issues. Yet regardless how I screw it up I will still pull 3-4 oz per girl. Stop worrying and enjoy your lady friends, they will do fine by you.
The only worry I'd have is have you actually got autos? I'd expect them to have started to throw pistils of by now, but they all look in veg still.

You may need to drop your lights to 12/12 to get these girls to finish.
@HemiSync I worry too much.. man its a whole lot less stressful to do Guerilla Grows :hookah: ..with bag seed. Actually its prob cos its the first time doing Auto's..Coco and Indoor :face: !! Anyways.. and yeah @Sensi Jay ...yeah brother I'm worried too bout them being photo's too :shrug: - I ordered Autoflowers 4 Sure but only the Royal Bluematic is throwing pistils now... but since she's like a week older than the Widow and 2 weeks older than the Colorado-Cookies I'm gonna hold off on switching to 12/12 :smokeout: ..what say you bro. :chimp: ....and just wondering if anyone has tried the driverless diy cob's from Aliexpress - Who would know bout that - really wanna build my own. Cheers Guys.. gonna upload latest pics today :baked:
Some autos just take longer to flower. Subbed to your journal

"carpe diem"

Cheers brother.. just got worried cos they are like almost 45 days old and no pistils !! :coffee2: ..but yeah will hold off on swithcing to 12/12 just yet.. probably give them another 2weeks or so to kick into flower :pass: good lookin out bro :karmacloud:
I would be blown away if you told me a DP Colorado Cookies didn't autoflower!! Plants are looking excellent though man! Actually I am flowering a DP Autoeuphoria that took over 40 days to hit preflower, I root restricted stunted her to keep size down, but due to late pre flower she covers 1/4 of my whole space! Hahahaha you win some, and you win some(I am sure that's the saying right? :D )
Speaking of 12/12...who came up with 12/12 being the needed amount of light/darkness to flower an photo anyways? Just going from experience flower triggers occur much higher daylight hours that 12/12.(more like 14-15 daylight hours for most strains). Generally only lonnnnng flowering tropical sativas require less than 13/11 to produce the goods.

Oh yeah...if you want your thread moved let me o budelee know what category you want it in, and it'll be moved.
@HemiSync I worry too much.. man its a whole lot less stressful to do Guerilla Grows :hookah: ..with bag seed. Actually its prob cos its the first time doing Auto's..Coco and Indoor :face: !! Anyways.. and yeah @Sensi Jay ...yeah brother I'm worried too bout them being photo's too :shrug: - I ordered Autoflowers 4 Sure but only the Royal Bluematic is throwing pistils now... but since she's like a week older than the Widow and 2 weeks older than the Colorado-Cookies I'm gonna hold off on switching to 12/12 :smokeout: ..what say you bro. :chimp: ....and just wondering if anyone has tried the driverless diy cob's from Aliexpress - Who would know bout that - really wanna build my own. Cheers Guys.. gonna upload latest pics today :baked:

Hope you know I meant that in the nicest way possible. I use to worry about every little thing when I started my first indoor grow three years ago and my plants did NOT look anywhere as near as good as yours do. :nono: I too was a guerrilla grower but I had taken a break for a little over 30 years due to raising a family and such. Then in 2014 I suddenly find all the changes that had happened in growing, nutrients, genetics, lights, it goes on and on. So I was worried about everything because I suddenly realized I did not know anything about growing in the 21st century. :crying:Once I got over that stupid thought and remembered that we are talking about a weed, that grows like a weed I started producing some nice smoke. I still miss the days of growing twelve foot tall landrace strains like Columbian, Acapulco Gold, and Panama Red in the hot Florida sun. :pass:Enjoy your girls, they will bring you hours of enjoyment, in more ways than one. :smoking:
I would be blown away if you told me a DP Colorado Cookies didn't autoflower!! Plants are looking excellent though man! Actually I am flowering a DP Autoeuphoria that took over 40 days to hit preflower, I root restricted stunted her to keep size down, but due to late pre flower she covers 1/4 of my whole space! Hahahaha you win some, and you win some(I am sure that's the saying right? :D )
lol.. thats definately a saying bruv :LOLStoned: ..and I don't know where I should move this thread - what do u think.. new growers or coco - maybe we can get @budelee ..cos maybe he would know where this should be moved :karmacloud:

Cheers man.. :baked: ..gonna have a smoke and will upload latest pics and info.. and still only the royal bluematic is throwing pistils.