Thanks for all your advice Squid,
Yes correct this is gonna be my very first grow & I am a TOTAL novice but.... I have a friend who grows so i know the basics but he grows in soil, under hps, doesnt really check his PH, hardly measures his feeds y'know, so what im gonna be doing is a little different to say the least.... LED, DWC hydro etc where there seems to be a greater margin for error but potentially also far greater returns. What im trying to say is I no little about hydro other than the very basics y'kow.. correct PH, under feed at first & work up, I dont know the correct way of making my solution up (thats my biggest worry at the moment) so im gonna ask a few questions & hope I get some replys.
So i've been monitoring my tent for the past 40 odd hrs or so got the temps more or less sorted at around 78f on & 71f off so I think that'll be ok? but humidity in there is only at 45% with the lights & radiator on. Although like you say Squid both will more than likely rise when i've a couple of girls in there?
So you asked for noob questions so here goes.....
1. When making my up my solution should i let it sit for 24hrs before using it + does putting an air pump in for that 24hrs do anything? (i have 2 pretty weak air pumps that came with the oxypots that i wont be using for growing)
2. What effects the EC in your solution

, I know your basic veg & bloom food does but do other things affect it to? Like mag/cal supplements, Carbo Load (thats another question right there coz that stuff is like syrup!!) Root Stim (Rhizotonic) Superior Potash, Liquid Sillicon, PK 13/14? I know this sounds really stupid because if all that stuff probably does. Im not sure in my head how to go about adding all these things & not vastly overshooting my disired EC.
3. Should I correct my PH before & after I mix my solution or just after?
4. Carbo load is like a syrup is it ok just to fire it into the solution ie: does it dissolve ok or just fall to the bottom? should I make it up seperately in water & then add to my main solution?
5. I've also bought some H202, will I need that with 30L of air pumping thru my res?
I had another question but that has coinceidently been already answered by Seymour on the forum just this morning, about what way to plant cracked seeds into rockwool cubes.
Well that was pretty embarrasing

, I'm sure there will be a few reading this will be like

he hasn't a hope, but hey we all gotta start somewhere eh

Right chew those over folks I look forward to hearing any help thats out there.