New Grower Here We go

Not much to update at day 7.Poked around the soil and is too damp at the first knuckle to water so she is still sipping on that 4oz of yesterday's watering.A tad bigger with the second set of leaves noticeably growing everyday.The temps are a real pain to adjust without a humidifier but then again I could put one in and still have an OCD meltdown trying to adjust temps lol.

Gotta say to anyone else who is new here that what others say with experience is spot on when they say the same breeder and same strain grown side by side will keep ya guessing.And now I can see where every grow will be different with its own set of variables changing each grow.So notes before,during and end of grow are important to reflect back on as well.This is an organic grow with FFOF & Build A Soil Top Dress Kit.I also have some unsulphured molasses too and will look into other basics as well.I am starting to understand more of the NPK values and what parts they play during seedling,veg,flower.

I am going to need another light in there sooner than later as the grow tent became pregnant and has a Fast Buds GSC on its way.I didn't think/know if Blue Dream was going to make it and due to personal life and time constraints figured if it didn't make it another would be on its way and if both are growing I figured oh well I can get another decent light in there to finish this grow off.

With that said....what do you all think is a good inexpensive light to throw up in there.I am thinking maybe a ufo/ufo blurple(?)
Thanks for stopping by and everyone sit back roll/vape/dab one up.Life is too short.I gotta get back to the old me which is a stress free version.This hobby will be the beginning of that....PEACE!
Mine is set up the same way. Looking good. Don’t give up - you don’t HAVE to spend any more than you already have. Let the plants do their thing now. Just be careful of overcrowding, I started with three plants and had to move two out because they were starved for space.
Yeah,two are in there now.So soon I will have a little extra $$$ to throw a budget light in there to finish off.I gotta look but I might be able to grow it in a closet I have here.
That seedling looks perfect. It's nerve-wracking how slowly they grow when they're tiny.
Yeah lol.For the hell of it I just checked the soil agan now 5hrs later and it is dry.So when lights come back on she will get some more water.
As far as adding another light I am looking at the Viparspectra.They have a model that is 95w from the wall and has heat sinks and dimmable I see going for 40-50 bucks.Not bad.The MH TS 600 is a good light but man does it run HOT.I put my finger on the back of it and I immediately have to remove it as it is too hot to leave there.I will be happy with it as long as it lasts awhile but know that electronics can quit at any moment.Just the nature of the beast as I have done my share of desktop builds and am very familiar with sending back DOA parts to exchange out for the same part many times.
As far as adding another light I am looking at the Viparspectra.They have a model that is 95w from the wall and has heat sinks and dimmable I see going for 40-50 bucks.Not bad.The MH TS 600 is a good light but man does it run HOT.I put my finger on the back of it and I immediately have to remove it as it is too hot to leave there.I will be happy with it as long as it lasts awhile but know that electronics can quit at any moment.Just the nature of the beast as I have done my share of desktop builds and am very familiar with sending back DOA parts to exchange out for the same part many times.

I have 2 100w lights in my 2x2 tent. If heat is an issue you may want to check out one that I have, it's called "Unit Farm UF2000" on Amazon. It isn't dimmable, but the driver isn't mounted to the board so you can place it outside of your tent.
I have 2 100w lights in my 2x2 tent. If heat is an issue you may want to check out one that I have, it's called "Unit Farm UF2000" on Amazon. It isn't dimmable, but the driver isn't mounted to the board so you can place it outside of your tent.
I was looking at those too.Man,there are a ton of different lights out there.