New Grower Here We go

Well...I have sunk this much $$$ into this hobby and I love it too much to give up as well.Thanks for the encouragement fellas.So,days later I came to the conclusion I over watered the pot before I placed the seed in.So instead of driving myself crazy I yanked it.I then ran through the soil and let it dry out to being like it came...moist.Then dropped in a Fast Buds Blue Dream Matic which it appears from multiple members that it is looking ok.I think I am burned out from doing so much research and trying to be too perfect and not wanting to make a mistake that I am just tripping too much on it(fucking OCD)

So I thought this one was doomed too so I dropped a Fast Buds Girl Scout Cookies in another 5g pot filled up with FFOF earlier today(Thinking the other was toast)so if the Blue Dream does not make it hopefully this one does.So now(I know) two under one light and two in a 2x2.We shall see.

Watering is only done in small amounts since they are in a big container and checked daily by putting a finger all the way it will go in multiple areas of the soil and when dry it gets water.I don't water until runoff as I don't want to drown them and the pot will take to long to dry out.When grown in then it will be watered fully then weighed when full and go from there.

So pics of Blue Dream at day 5.View attachment 1381837View attachment 1381836

don't give up :nono: yes, it can get frustrating as hell at timez, especially in the beginning, but short verzion, it'z all about -> grow, learn, grow again :thumbsup: :smokeit: :headbang: ppp

edit: oopz, forgot the other part...the part that sez -> spend $$, grow, spend more $$, grow again, spend still more $$ :rofl: :rolleyes2: .........................ok, i'm gettin me coat now :smoking: ppp
Right now it is lights off and temp is 78F and RH is 65%.When lights are on temps are kept to 78-81F and RH is at 40-50% and that is with the inline fan and small 7 inch fan running.If that inline isn't running temps get to 83-85F which seems a bit high.I need to get a dehumidifier for the lung room at some point as RH stays high like at 48-55%...ugghhh.This place has the worst insulation out of any place I have lived.

So far all Mars Hydro gear is working as should:headbang: Tent has zero pin holes and is pretty good.I have a way I will mount the light when the plant(s) get too tall as the stock gear has the light all the way up and there is still a foot it can go.Two carabiners mounted to the very top cross bars will get it as high as it will go.With that done the height isn't so bad after all and will be able to use this tent for awhile.

Thanks for tuning in folks.
So no where to put clip on fan cause clip is designed the way it is.But the cord is also too short unless I hang the fan way on the top.So I might buy a pole clip to attach the fan to at some point.Until then I have rigged it up this way and am dialing in the temp and humidity.I really like the tent as there are no pin holes whatsoever but it is too small overall is the only issue.So another bigger Mars Hydro tent will be bought one day.

So far if I leave all fans off the temps get to 80-83F and humidity to 60+ which seems good for this stage(?) but as soon as a fan kicks in humidity drops like crazy and the highest I can keep it is 39-42% humidity at 77-79F.And if the fan and inline fan are both on humidity drops down to high teens mid twenties.Seems it will be easier to control temps during veg/flower.

Temps seem about right 79 to 81, for the seedling stage
you need to get your RH up between 65 and 75 . drop around 40 RH for veg and flower.
need good circulation and ventilation ,don't need to run the inline fan constantly to achieve this.
you should also put some insulation under your tent its sitting on cold tile floor, we have similar set ups.
I have a 9in fan out side about 4 feet away a 6 in fan and a 4 in muffin fan inside, pulling the air up and out.
I have yet to really run my 4in Ipower fan and filter but she set up ready to go if need be. also a good way to get
some extra height out of your light is to eliminate the metal wire clasp and hook your pulleys directly to the light they fit in the holes.

Good Luck
Temps seem about right 79 to 81, for the seedling stage
you need to get your RH up between 65 and 75 . drop around 40 RH for veg and flower.
need good circulation and ventilation ,don't need to run the inline fan constantly to achieve this.
you should also put some insulation under your tent its sitting on cold tile floor, we have similar set ups.
I have a 9in fan out side about 4 feet away a 6 in fan and a 4 in muffin fan inside, pulling the air up and out.
I have yet to really run my 4in Ipower fan and filter but she set up ready to go if need be. also a good way to get
some extra height out of your light is to eliminate the metal wire clasp and hook your pulleys directly to the light they fit in the holes.

Good Luck
Thanks for the helpful advice.Yeah same here I haven't let the inline rip yet but am curious to see how it all progresses once it gets going.:passit:
are set ups are similar, remove the wire clasp on light , hook up to pulleys for more height.
You can also add your filter to back side on a support bar since your inline fan runs out top,
also pick up a 8 ' duct strap cut to 2 pieces 25 inches bend 1/2 down on the ends nice snug fit will support your fan on top .
are set ups are similar, remove the wire clasp on light , hook up to pulleys for more height.
You can also add your filter to back side on a support bar since your inline fan runs out top,
also pick up a 8 ' duct strap cut to 2 pieces 25 inches bend 1/2 down on the ends nice snug fit will support your fan on top .
View attachment 1382039View attachment 1382040
Excellent!Thanks.Changed out how it hangs which will give more room when needed.
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