Live Stoners Herb and children

Social media worries me too. A lot of misinformation, and some seriously weird people. I try to teach my kids, take nothing at face value, question everything. They won't touch McDonalds, don't drink fizzy shitty drinks, they cook with me everyday, fresh food, so I've at least started them in the right direction.

100% agree with you mate. Talk about everything with them. The more they know, the better equipped to deal with stuff in this crazy modern world! I've said it before and I'll say it again, in the words of the great Clinton Fearon: "Experience is the greatest teacher of all". And it doesn't have to be direct experience. I use my experiences to widen my kids perception.

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I will also say I am happy for my kids to smoke weed, but NOT tobacco. For me, weed is way better than alcohol, as long as I know what weed it is.
As long as their brains are developed, I agree 100%. Not sure what age we are talking about when we say "kids"? But I think as far as use it's best to be closer to adult, but can't say I was that old like 17. I have seen some studies say if you use to young can cause psychiatric issues. I have no idea if true, I don't think anyone can say for 100%. We know so little about our brain, but sounds like it has some merit. I'm sure most of us didn't wait until we were adults to start, but correct knowledge and understanding has no age limit as far as I'm concerned. I have a 7 and 3yr old and I'm hoping in the next few years it's made rec. If not I may have to stop growing until it is lol. I still will educate them when the time comes. To each his own, I try not to tell anyone how to raise their children, mine keep me busy enough hahaha.
As long as their brains are developed, I agree 100%. Not sure what age we are talking about when we say "kids"? But I think as far as use it's best to be closer to adult, but can't say I was that old like 17. I have seen some studies say if you use to young can cause psychiatric issues. I have no idea if true, I don't think anyone can say for 100%. We know so little about our brain, but sounds like it has some merit. I'm sure most of us didn't wait until we were adults to start, but correct knowledge and understanding has no age limit as far as I'm concerned. I have a 7 and 3yr old and I'm hoping in the next few years it's made rec. If not I may have to stop growing until it is lol. I still will educate them when the time comes. To each his own, I try not to tell anyone how to raise their children, mine keep me busy enough hahaha.

Hmmm I hate to say it mate, but I believe the studies you saw to be incorrect. If you look at drug use per capita over the last 50 years, it has followed an upward trend. Now look at instances of psychiatric illness per number of population: it hasn't changed. Draw your own conclusions from that, but I conclude that drugs don't cause psychiatric illness. They may well be a "catalyst" to kick off a latent mental issue, but so is stress, alcohol, shock etc.

Obviously I don't want my kids to be druggies. But I am realistic. They are 15 and 18. It would be EXTREMELY unusual if they didn't experiment with all sorts of things. It's my job to educate them and try to keep them safe, not to make decisions for them. Thats just my take on it, and I wouldn't expect anyone else to do the same.
Hmmm I hate to say it mate, but I believe the studies you saw to be incorrect. If you look at drug use per capita over the last 50 years, it has followed an upward trend. Now look at instances of psychiatric illness per number of population: it hasn't changed. Draw your own conclusions from that, but I conclude that drugs don't cause psychiatric illness. They may well be a "catalyst" to kick off a latent mental issue, but so is stress, alcohol, shock etc.

Obviously I don't want my kids to be druggies. But I am realistic. They are 15 and 18. It would be EXTREMELY unusual if they didn't experiment with all sorts of things. It's my job to educate them and try to keep them safe, not to make decisions for them. Thats just my take on it, and I wouldn't expect anyone else to do the same.
NO, don't get me wrong I live in reality. I don't know and I don't believe anyone can say on either side. So I am saying if possible to wait till later just cause what does it hurt? Now if a illness would come about then use what you need when you need it. I wouldn t give it to them until older, but if I found them doing it not a big deal. Way safe than then other stuff, that's the poison. I believe there is a lot of stuff like sugar that kids should have which is way more damaging.
I hear you mate. However I think when your kids are older you will possibly realise that you don't have any control over when they are exposed to things. So how would you know how long to wait?

For me it's about educating them BEFORE something happens. Hindsight is fantastic but spectacularly non useful!

Again, just my opinion though.

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I'm not try to stop anyone but to suggest to tell them it would be better to wait. I'm not gonna let my daughter have sex, but I know I can't stop her. As long as she is informed and knows the risk it's up to her in the end. Hopefully that's a discussion far... far... far away lol. There is far more things in the world to worry about, it's just a plant. I'm all about the use, but my son will have to wait till he, or she is like 18ish to sit down and smoke with me. But I know can't stop them, nor do I want be like that. Just say hey maybe wait...
I would gladly let them help with growing and teach all that I know. No harm in that good bonding lol. My wife would never let them smoke until they are older anyway hahaha. I am not disagreeing with what your saying just no harm if they wait. I think I appreciate it way more now that older but had some good time back in the day, that's for sure.