Live Stoners Herb and children

It is, your asking a person, at the stage in life that they are learning how to pick friends, what trust is etc, with a very serious social secret. To many bad possibilities. How would he feel if something didchappen, you got busted, and it came back to something he said or someone he told? Would a crushed me at 12... have the pot talk.... keep your grow private, worst case you'll end up with a high schooler that wonders why dad always has bomb as weed!
Very true. I look back to when I was a kid, could I have been trusted with that info, no way.
Very true. I look back to when I was a kid, could I have been trusted with that info, no way.

Bingo.... and while the kids maybe completely trustworthy, let them be kids... not worry they might screw up and get dad busted. Our kids are growing up way to fast these days.
Mate, what a great attitude you have towards education of your kids. I salute you Sir :bow:

I have two daughters, 15 and just 18. I sat down with them a while ago to tell them I SMOKE weed. They both said "no shit dad" so that was easy. Then I had a couple of long chats with them about weed, alcohol and drugs in general. I was pretty darn honest with them and explained that I have literally tried pretty much everything, and told them all about my experiences. Made sure to be honest and open, about my experiences and the experience of friends and people around me. Education is the only way in my opinion. Trying to control them isn't gonna work, as proved by me as a kid!

As far as GROWING goes, I recently told them there was something I needed to show them upstairs. Half way up to the bedroom my 15 year old daughter said "have you got a weed plant? My friends dad has one on the window c......" then she saw the tent! Lol. Don't think they were expecting quite such a serious set up!

I explained to them how I have tried many pharmaceuticals over the years to combat depression and anxiety, and that none of them worked and some made me feel high, among other things. Then I explained that to a large extent I can control my "issues" with the right weed. Then explained I grow it so I can control what I smoke. I also explained that the actual growing bit is also very therapeutic for me.

They were absolutely awesome about it. Asked loads of questions etc and we talked about it for a while. They have no issue with it, other than a slight issue over the illegality.

One of them asked for weed as what she gets is shite! :crying:

My kids are 19 and 21 and my experience was the same as yours @hippy71 .
I grew in secret, in the shed for 18 years of their lives and when I came clean I got the, no shit sherlock line.
Education is the key. Plus you need to now how much info your child can take for their age.
I have been hated but I let my kids no there whole life it was dads madicine I never smoked around them but they knew what it looked like and my one daughter has no interest in it my other daughter she smokes but she needs it for medical simple as that. My sons are your typical daily users but hey the apple did not fall far from the tree and they hold really good Jobs but both my boys do not Drink alcohol I had a real problem with the drink. That is by their choice too. They are all well rounded adults 24 to 29 with children of their own and they are following the same as I did. My daughter when she was eight would make sure my reading material in the bathroom was put away in case one of her freinds needed the bathroom. I always put them away of course but she would check just to make sure. LOL I also have a Thirteen year Old my wifes and I ten years after we were done having children mistake but the best mistake of our lives. I am a little different with her with so much social media I educate her on all street drugs and to never ever except a drink from anyone EVER. She is turning into a great athlete
I have been hated but I let my kids no there whole life it was dads madicine I never smoked around them but they knew what it looked like and my one daughter has no interest in it my other daughter she smokes but she needs it for medical simple as that. My sons are your typical daily users but hey the apple did not fall far from the tree and they hold really good Jobs but both my boys do not Drink alcohol I had a real problem with the drink. That is by their choice too. They are all well rounded adults 24 to 29 with children of their own and they are following the same as I did. My daughter when she was eight would make sure my reading material in the bathroom was put away in case one of her freinds needed the bathroom. I always put them away of course but she would check just to make sure. LOL I also have a Thirteen year Old my wifes and I ten years after we were done having children mistake but the best mistake of our lives. I am a little different with her with so much social media I educate her on all street drugs and to never ever except a drink from anyone EVER. She is turning into a great athlete

Good point on the social media thing mate. I actually had to tell one of my eldest daughter's friends to go and see what drugs look like on google, as she had bought what she thought was one thing and it turned out to be something completely different. I do NOT condone in any way what she was taking, and I actually advise against all other drugs, but even in that situation education is paramount. She would have been much safer is she had been clued up. Simple as that.

Sorry going OT, but with the advent of social media everything has to be covered.
My kids are 19 and 21 and my experience was the same as yours @hippy71 .
I grew in secret, in the shed for 18 years of their lives and when I came clean I got the, no shit sherlock line.
Education is the key. Plus you need to now how much info your child can take for their age.

Bingo mate. Its subjective. Different kids are at very different stages of development at the same age.
Good point on the social media thing mate. I actually had to tell one of my eldest daughter's friends to go and see what drugs look like on google, as she had bought what she thought was one thing and it turned out to be something completely different. I do NOT condone in any way what she was taking, and I actually advise against all other drugs, but even in that situation education is paramount. She would have been much safer is she had been clued up. Simple as that.

Sorry going OT, but with the advent of social media everything has to be covered.
Social media worries me too. A lot of misinformation, and some seriously weird people. I try to teach my kids, take nothing at face value, question everything. They won't touch McDonalds, don't drink fizzy shitty drinks, they cook with me everyday, fresh food, so I've at least started them in the right direction.
My daughter when she was eight would make sure my reading material in the bathroom was put away in case one of her freinds needed the bathroom. I always put them away of course but she would check just to make sure.
:crying: I had to laugh when I read that!