Live Stoners Herb and children


Trig, why'd you aways call me Dave?
Cultivators Club
Sep 6, 2016
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I have 2 sons, they are getting to the age where they notice more than I possibly give them credit for.
I feel that in the near future I might have to have a little 'chat' with them RE 'herb' and other things, something I was never given, I was just told 'drugs are bad, don't go near them'. I believe in depth education about drugs is paramount.
Does anyone have kids, do your kids know about your herb happenings? What is your approach to kids and herb? Would you be happy for your child to smoke herb?

I like to get some dialogue started, to try an give me a few ideas on how to approach this

Much love AFN
I have 2 sons, they are getting to the age where they notice more than I possibly give them credit for.
I feel that in the near future I might have to have a little 'chat' with them RE 'herb' and other things, something I was never given, I was just told 'drugs are bad, don't go near them'. I believe in depth education about drugs is paramount.
Does anyone have kids, do your kids know about your herb happenings? What is your approach to kids and herb? Would you be happy for your child to smoke herb?

I like to get some dialogue started, to try an give me a few ideas on how to approach this

Much love AFN
How old are your boys ?? You might be surprised at how much they already know . My advise would be to sit down and have one of those father and son chats . Find out what they know, where they got there info from and take it from there . :thumbsup: Fairlynew is a good source he has a bunch of kids smoking all his weed . :rofl:
How old are your boys ?? You might be surprised at how much they already know . My advise would be to sit down and have one of those father and son chats . Find out what they know, where they got there info from and take it from there . :thumbsup: Fairlynew is a good source he has a bunch of kids smoking all his weed . :rofl:
Cheers Bear. They are 10, and nearly 12. My older one is the one who will be getting the chat. He did once mention the 'purple light thing' so your right, I think he does know more than I realise :gassy:
I have 2 sons, they are getting to the age where they notice more than I possibly give them credit for.
I feel that in the near future I might have to have a little 'chat' with them RE 'herb' and other things, something I was never given, I was just told 'drugs are bad, don't go near them'. I believe in depth education about drugs is paramount.
Does anyone have kids, do your kids know about your herb happenings? What is your approach to kids and herb? Would you be happy for your child to smoke herb?

I like to get some dialogue started, to try an give me a few ideas on how to approach this

Much love AFN

Mate, what a great attitude you have towards education of your kids. I salute you Sir :bow:

I have two daughters, 15 and just 18. I sat down with them a while ago to tell them I SMOKE weed. They both said "no shit dad" so that was easy. Then I had a couple of long chats with them about weed, alcohol and drugs in general. I was pretty darn honest with them and explained that I have literally tried pretty much everything, and told them all about my experiences. Made sure to be honest and open, about my experiences and the experience of friends and people around me. Education is the only way in my opinion. Trying to control them isn't gonna work, as proved by me as a kid!

As far as GROWING goes, I recently told them there was something I needed to show them upstairs. Half way up to the bedroom my 15 year old daughter said "have you got a weed plant? My friends dad has one on the window c......" then she saw the tent! Lol. Don't think they were expecting quite such a serious set up!

I explained to them how I have tried many pharmaceuticals over the years to combat depression and anxiety, and that none of them worked and some made me feel high, among other things. Then I explained that to a large extent I can control my "issues" with the right weed. Then explained I grow it so I can control what I smoke. I also explained that the actual growing bit is also very therapeutic for me.

They were absolutely awesome about it. Asked loads of questions etc and we talked about it for a while. They have no issue with it, other than a slight issue over the illegality.

One of them asked for weed as what she gets is shite! :crying:
i dont have kids but i can give my perspective as a kid growing up around it. me and my brother knew pretty early on, i think i was like 7 or 8 when i figured it out. that being said my parents never really tried to hide it but never really told us exactly what it was just that it was "mummy's herb to help her neck pain" but yeah growing up we picked up on it really early on, the smell is the biggest giveaway. it goes 1 of 2 ways i've seen. they get interested and want to try it and if you tell them no they will go find it somewhere else to use (this happened with me and my brother, we were both smoking by the time we were 12-13) most kids around our age had similar experiences, parents did it and kids wanted to try it. a few years after that, i was maybe 15? mum decided it was better off for everyone if she told us straight up she doesn't care if we do it as long as its at home and not out with friends where we dont know whats in it.

i think if your kids get curious just explain it to them, its natural and nothing to be ashamed of. hell i'm just glad i found out as young as i did or i woulda prob ended up being a cigarette smoker like all the other kids.
Hi friends
At first great discussion, my two boys are 7 and 2 years old. It takes a bit till we get the father son chat. My small one is with from time to time at the tent and I let him water the plants. The great one didn't care about plants but the small one like animals and plants.

.....I think we start a parent's chat for all those who want to share stories and discuss things like that.

Have a nice day and enjoy the time with your kids nobody can give you more than your kids.

cu tobe
Just from my own personal experience, I won't grow in a house with minors. Too many possible issues that can and do arize with young adults and a grow... have seen growers go down from weed that was sold at school, albeit completely unknown to the grower... or grows ripped off from loose lips at school...
I agree with the education on the plant, we all were lied to as youth....

Obviously this is your call, and I'll keep good thoughts going for you that all gies well, these are personal insites from 30 yrs of interaction with weed, and some of the things I've seen. Nothing will bring Johnny law to your door faster than kids and a grow.
Ps.. I have 4 adult kids, I smoke regularly with two, the other two not interested. All were raised around pot, and knew i smoked, none ever saw one of my grows, or knew i was growing... I watched cps take a buddies kids for the reasons before.
Mate, what a great attitude you have towards education of your kids. I salute you Sir :bow:

I have two daughters, 15 and just 18. I sat down with them a while ago to tell them I SMOKE weed. They both said "no shit dad" so that was easy. Then I had a couple of long chats with them about weed, alcohol and drugs in general. I was pretty darn honest with them and explained that I have literally tried pretty much everything, and told them all about my experiences. Made sure to be honest and open, about my experiences and the experience of friends and people around me. Education is the only way in my opinion. Trying to control them isn't gonna work, as proved by me as a kid!

As far as GROWING goes, I recently told them there was something I needed to show them upstairs. Half way up to the bedroom my 15 year old daughter said "have you got a weed plant? My friends dad has one on the window c......" then she saw the tent! Lol. Don't think they were expecting quite such a serious set up!

I explained to them how I have tried many pharmaceuticals over the years to combat depression and anxiety, and that none of them worked and some made me feel high, among other things. Then I explained that to a large extent I can control my "issues" with the right weed. Then explained I grow it so I can control what I smoke. I also explained that the actual growing bit is also very therapeutic for me.

They were absolutely awesome about it. Asked loads of questions etc and we talked about it for a while. They have no issue with it, other than a slight issue over the illegality.

One of them asked for weed as what she gets is shite! :crying:
Cheers Hippy. Great reply.