HELP!! 2nd 6 pot organic auto grow- problems

HAHA sorry i need to read it while im high to actually process all the info lol

so basically i need to get as close to that recipe as i can do with what they sell in the uk. this is kinda complicated yet simple at the same time once i get the ingredients i suppose.

is this the exact recipe that you follow then or have you kinda tweaked it for your needs. im going to have a good old look on the net now to see what i can source,

cheers again bud
well the first post or bamboozling post was geared to take the revs recipe and simplify it. meaning less components as well as more simple to resource and find usually. granules are an excellent addition imo too. but either one is fine. bulb food tends to work well. or a veg and flower granule with added components. you can build recipe after recipe. but yeah man, those will work fine ,you know the NPK and trace analysis in the comfrey?

you make the base. I always mix that first usually. its simple drier and easy to stir thre or four times as a rough mix easily. then ill add said materials/foods and so forth.

and omit the guanos, no need for them at all.but azomite ,rock phosphate ,oyster powder,lime,alfalfa,blood meal and bone meal,kelp meal. your well over half way there. LOL! compost too with some cottonseed meal. cotton seed allows you to run longer sativa since it breaks down slower. so will help feed for a longer period of time and help sustain some potency to your mix. when made exactly I used it back to back with auto with little effect. slightly smaller harvest ,but man,two grows in one mix LOL! that was nice. but that was from the exact recipe. you can use that recipe as is,its just tougher to buy all the extra stuffs is all. but i add to it with bokashi, soluble kelp,eggshells dried n crushed ,extra rice and so on. its all great. its always good to inoculate the soil if you dont have steer manure and/or fresh EWC out of the bin. steer or cow fully composted will work fine.
I actually ordered the second edition of revs book last night , it arrives today. 20 bloody quid it cost

I'm trying to get as close to the recipe you provided as possible. But it's so hard to source some of the stuff in there so I'm kinda mixing between your recipe and the one provided in the UK link you put up as someone has already found alot of the stuff needed from alot of the Internet shops In the UK. ( have you looked through what he used in his recipe?)

All the benefits of comfrey leaves - NPK, trace elements, minerals, vitamins and plant hormones now available in a dried pellet form.

These can be used to make your own comfrey liquid or applied directly into the soil or compost where they will release nutrients over the whole season.

They don't provide the npk details or trace minerals but alot of people swear by them I've seen.

They have a whole array of composts on that site I put up, I'm actually stuck for which one I should choose as I don't really know the difference :gassy:

Sweet, getting rid of the guanos sounds good to me.
Only thing is getting hold of the azomite, anything I could substitute that with? And I can only get alfalfa pellets I can't find any meal over here and just had a look for cottonseed meal and it just comes up with USA sites.

Bokashi? Household food waste composted is that?
I'll add anything as long as it's safe for my autos lol I don't plan on running any photos anytime soon so anything that helps with autos short life lol I'll have a look for f the steer or cow manure as I have no worms lol

Cheers bud :worship:
well sure, he has provided links to suppliers and so one. the site you were also looking at ,I looked at. many things are there for purchase within these guidelines. yeah just google bokashi making and.or work farms. easy and cheap and lots of killer stuff there to use too. teas.soil addition ,all kinds of things.

1) 4 cups crustacean meal, crab meal or the like
2) 6 cups kelp meal, seaweed meal or the like
3) 2 cups comfrey
4) 8 cups fish meal
5) 8 cups bone meal
6) 1 cup potash, langbeinite, su-pol-mag (something with potash in it)
7) 4 cups neem meal
8) 2 cups alfalfa
9) 1 or 2 cups rock phosphate (too much won't hurt with this)
10) 1 cup rock dust, glacial rock dust, azomite, there are tons to name. Once again, the name isn't important just get some minerals into the soil

All of this above can be swapped out for other things. You can use bat guanos if you want, you can use sea bird guano. There is nothing set in stone with this stuff. If you want to substitute something, just do a google for it and nutrient analysis. That will tell you a breakdown of the NPK and trace minerals and look for something along the same breakdown. I will say some stuff is very important for me. Fish meal for instance has a lot of trace minerals and amino acids and the neem meal is an excellent pest management meal. The plant will absorb the neem and and bugs will not want to eat at the plant. That is a good deterrent as you will find that full on organics brings on a lot of pest problems compared to synthetics. Once you get your soil cook and used a few times you will begin to see less and less pests though and you will begin to have better production on your flowers. Yes, don't throw your soil away! Set it aside once you have harvested and let the roots break down, about a month, then pull the main stem. It will come out easy by then and get ready to transplant into it again.

So that is the basic fertilizer recipe. Now you want a good buffer solution. Mine is below. Mix that and use 2 cups to 30 gallons.

1 1/2 cups Garden Lime
1 1/2 cups Gypsum
3 cups Powdered Oyster Shell

Lastly you will want to add some mycos. Endo and Ecto and start your soil with a good EWC tea to kickstart the life. Man, that is it! I know it looks like a lot but it is simple and I promise you, you won't be adding a bunch of junk along that way. Water and some teas, some foliar calcium if you like, some SST if you like but all of that is just added fun. You won't HAVE to add anything except water and an occasional EWC tea.

So now the 3 million dollar question everyone seems to be asking, where can we get this in the UK? Well I did the research for you! Links provided below. Think outside the box! You will find stuff you need at tack barns, farmer supply stores, fishing stores, the places are limitless and believe it or not most people will just about give it away because most of what we use are waste products to them. Shells and such. No one is eating that but THAT is what makes good soil and has for millions of years. Decaying animal and plant matter that our ancestors have thrown on the ground has turned to good stuff. So, the links. Irish Moss Peat 100L&_itemId=250901596620













only thing I would add are the bulb type of food in granule form and rice.

a good inoculate and thats it really. I might adjust the amounts slightly for my own personal liking but thats it bro. does that help any?
well im going to get a book out and sit and go over the recipe and post that as per what you can buy exactly in smaller quantity's I imagine..? but gimme a few gonna smoke and have a mail issue to sort out too. LOL!
well the base is easy. I prefer either Dr earth black bag or sunshine mix [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] w/ mycos. if you use Dr Earth use extra Perlite. any decent soil will work. recycled..etc.

use 5 gallons of each man. Soil,Castings(30LB bag total)broken up, Coco coir, and perlite. those four things make your base. outdoors you'll want to heavy it up with a few parts compost also. maybe 3-5 gallons added but thats outdoor growing only for now. the first four are your target. read or tube squeeze test to see it and test your soil and thats the moisture content you want for you mix total. now we getr to mix the ingredients. I usually moisten after i mix base then add materials then moisten personally. either way is fine. my way is easier imo.. depends on the person. on to the materials
WOW! lol place is not bad man. I almost sourced every thing I would personally use to build my version of the revs mix. humic shale ore is hard to source. but their fossil fuel is nice. or 40-50% humic granules..if you can locate that,wil last you for years most likely.

ill get to posting it soon. still tinkering.
Damn @Eyes on Fire you are my guru dude.

I don't think anyone has helped me out so much even in day to day life so it's more then appreciated my friend.

I think I'm definitely gonna go with the UK recipe as it obviously saves alot of hunting around and it's pretty much alike to revs recipe +/- a few things.

So any organic bulb type food, nothing specific. And when you say rice you actually mean rice, as in basmati rice ? Lol

I'm thinking a 50 gallon batch should be more then enough for me won't it considering I only run 6 at a time in 15 pots? So yer I'm not going to need bags and bags of each item just enough for 50 gallon mix and some for reserve.

Take your time bro sort your mail issue out first haha.

And I'm only gonna re running things indoor at the moment so do I swap the 'compost' for generic soil like biobizz/plagron or stick to the compost from the site i showed you?I'm still a lil confused on that bit. I already have EWC and biobizz to hand bit I don't mind paying out for better quality soil.

Yer it's quite a good site really. Just have a few things missing like the alfalfa mean and fish meal

I bow to you @Eyes on Fire
