Hecno's on going organics

@WildBill @Bob's Auto's No I do not blend no need to as you can see I just cut them into chunks , They are the same species as sardines only larger and are very oily They also break done very quick as will the bones . so now need for pineapple , NPK is around 2 - 3 - 0,2 The major benefit for me is it is a source of microbe food for the soil , you can also foliar spay , I would have added Lactobacillus to it but my batch is not ready yet . Bob - I always use molasses , the one I use is for stock feed , so it is not as refined as the normal molasses and is pure . I get it 10 liters at a time , By adding the worm soil and frass is me just mucking around , It can't do any harm if anything it will add tom the microbe herd . :thumbsup:
Yeah, I leave mine chunky too! I like using the pineapple for just how much it shortens the period it takes to make it properly. I add EM1to mine. I use the brand name Raw sugar, not the RAW mfg. I use the same weight of sugar as I do fish. I like to mix that together first and then add my pureed pineapple and mix that up. I go ahead and put it hefty sugar cap on top of that and lay a folded up towel over the whole thing.

I don't have a bucket the exact size I need for 5 lbs of fish. That's why I use the sugar cap. Usually in a month it would be done but I don't touch it until 6 weeks. I pull off the sugar cap And save it for when I'm cooking off another tote of media to feed them microbes!

I like how when I use it, I see a flush of Mycelium.:headbang::headbang::headbang:
I really need to make another batch !
@WildBill I don't think this batch will take to long the coldest it gets at night is 25 c , Pineapple season is coming up soon , what I will do is get a box full and chop them and freeze them for next time and give it ago . :thumbsup:
Here we go guys , Fantasmo x Summer Love auto . The photos are after a 4 week cure , For me it is a nice balanced high that puts me into a nice happy place , great for working in the garden or more like wandering a around getting lost :smokeit:. Taste [ Which I am no good at ] Citrus , earthy , that's it . :mrgreen: also very smooth and a long lasting high and highly praised by all my friends .:thumbsup:
@WildBill What do you recon about this idea , Worm castings soaked in water will extract the microbes . I know .
So I got to thinking about treating it like making Fish hydrolysate , by adding molasses , So this is what I have done , 1/3 amount to worm castings 1/3 water and 1/3 molasses . well mixed . Had no idea what would happen , but after about 36 hours I checked it and found it was brewing , So it got me to thinking again that it may be good for long term storage , We see a lot of this around the wet season and none during the dry , and thoughts mate . :thumbsup:

Ps I had a look around the net but no info there .
@WildBill What do you recon about this idea , Worm castings soaked in water will extract the microbes . I know .
View attachment 1669308 So I got to thinking about treating it like making Fish hydrolysate , by adding molasses , So this is what I have done , 1/3 amount to worm castings 1/3 water and 1/3 molasses . well mixed . Had no idea what would happen , but after about 36 hours I checked it and found it was brewing , So it got me to thinking again that it may be good for long term storage , We see a lot of this around the wet season and none during the dry , and thoughts mate . :thumbsup:

Ps I had a look around the net but no info there .
Imagine what you could do if you sort of nutrient steered it by what you feed the worms. Now I'm talking about the worm bin and not the bed of the plant.

I played around a bit and made some worm food for my worm bin.:eyebrows::eyebrows:
Here's the ingredients that remember off the top of my head
A papaya
A couple of avocados
A couple of bananas
Ground up 2 row barley
Little bit of alpha meal
A bit of thorven kelp
A small bit of volcanic tuft for good worm digestion and getting the worms to start the silica release and availability.
The remains of my FFJ making.................... I've been adding that to my media when I'm re amending and letting it cook. Still lots of sugars in there and still lots of nutrients.
The Bud Material leftover after dry ice processing and rounds of decarb and infusion of the worked material.
And the commercial worm food that I bought from Uncle Jim's

I mixed all that up and put it in small quart size freezer bags and put them in the freezer. I feel the bags up enough just to have and inch or so thickness so I can pull them out and break them open and not use the whole bag. I just break off a chunk and throw it on top of the worm band and then cover it up with all my cardboard and paper. The next day there's a huge orgy underneath the food.

I think I'm gonna add some beets or rhubarbs or both to the next concoction.

I think I'm gonna use a variation of avocado tech on the 2 20 gallon grassroots living earth bags. I found some small bowls that would kind of be for individual salsa bowls. I'm going to fill them with the worm food and probably put two each on the bags. I'm going to start that early in the grow and continue it throughout. I think I'm gonna keep feeding in the same area the entire time. I just want to see if the plant will develop a nice root structure around that area.

Hey that worm poop didn't look like a composting worm poop. More like a larger worm.

edit................ I didn't answer your damn question. I think it'd be pretty interesting. Everything in that poop would definitely be readily available to the plant. There will definitely be a large amount of the beneficial microbes from the gut of the worm.
And since it's your worms it's all your indigenous microbes!
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Now here's kind of a cool study that I'd like to see someone do at a university.

How does the use of external microbes in products such as Recharge and all the myriad of similar products, would affect the biome of the gut of the worms that live in the pot if you're growing cannabis.
@WildBill I have some tomato seedlings in the grow room at the moment , due to the fact I am going to New Zealand at the end of the month for 2 weeks, I will have my son look after them , and don't trust him enough to look after my cannabis plants . - Yet - :mrgreen: I will do a side by side test with the tomatoes . some with some without
The worm pop was collected off the ground beside a stream that is surrounded by big rain forest trees , [ the photo is not mine ] I also made a seeding soil for them , they will be transplant up into the main soil deeper to gain more roots and in into very large pots to grow out at work due to lack of long sun hours at home [ big trees every where ] I like the way you added stuff to your soil , I have done the same but not to the extent as you , I added Sea Bird Guano - Kelp - Molasses is what I use to keep it moist and feed the microbes , being a very organic based soil there is plenty of food in it for the worms . I have 400 liters at he moment going to 4 months old . :thumbsup:
Ok , Fish hydrolysate is done . Most of the fish was dissolved in 2 weeks . but by time I got to filter it is was 5 weeks old , Ended up with 16 liters undiluted , which is great as now I have heaps and can do my outdoor gardens as well , :thumbsup:



16 liter

one bottle for a mate

I have made fish Hydrolysate a number if times , but this is the first time I have added other ingredients . We will see how it goes .