Hecno's on going organics

Desert Rose , just starting to come into flower , I am playing around with coloured fish tank pebbles and the flowers are red . :thumbsup:
:woody: Harem you say? :pimp: --does that include the old world tradition of sharing the women with guests? :condom: :rofl:

The Laotian ladies are coming along so nicely mate, even in the limited light hours,... You're going to have some long dong colas from the looks of it! :thumbsup:... Rain doesn't seem to brown the pistils tips out? I get that after some rain, or a foliar... Shoot us a close up pic or two next time Hec', I want to check out those long hairy pistils and see how the trich's are coming along,...
I would love to slip under that canopy with a doob' and gaze up through it...:zen: Zen of Perv',.. or is it Perv' of Zen? :funny:
>>> :wiz: wow, look at that turkey dirt, it already looks like you pulled it out of one of the in-ground stashes.... Nice raid there mate! Was the feathered landlord pissed about your excavations? :rofl:

>>> ooooo, that fig is cool as all get-out man, almost Bonsai'ed- :clapper: I'm no Master, but have you thought of training up that left side branch some? As it grows, it'll sag more and more,.... I'm trying to recall how the Bonsai trainers do this without all the aesthetically fouling hardware that would make the job easy and fast,...:doh: :haha:

>>> good color choice on the pebbles mate, dark blue works well for contrast against the pinkie-red of the flowers.... looking sharp with that lush foliage!
Where's the bud pics from your outdoor gals hec??? They must be starting to look like they've been rolled in sugar by now? Indoor gals are on point mate, good stuff :d5: