Hecno's on going organics

Guys , here is something I am playing around with . Very hot weather Grosse Lisse Tomato . we have had many days above 38 c to 44 c . and I am surprised to is still going and is flowering . Small pot I know, but I did not think it would live , what I have been doing is looking after the roots by having the moisture content right and she is getting silica and other things . just have to wait and see if I get fruit off it , because the wet season is on our door step .

Also a chilli bush , self seeded , When it popped up I thought I would just let it go , it is beside where I mix nutrients and gets the run off , Had very little care from me .
Is there anything you can't grow hec? My tomatoes quit on life a couple of weeks ago! My chillies are handling this heat ok so far..you have a serious green thumb buddy!
Guys , here is something I am playing around with . Very hot weather Grosse Lisse Tomato . we have had many days above 38 c to 44 c . and I am surprised to is still going and is flowering . Small pot I know, but I did not think it would live , what I have been doing is looking after the roots by having the moisture content right and she is getting silica and other things . just have to wait and see if I get fruit off it , because the wet season is on our door step .
View attachment 982010
Also a chilli bush , self seeded , When it popped up I thought I would just let it go , it is beside where I mix nutrients and gets the run off , Had very little care from me .
View attachment 982012 View attachment 982013
:jointman: ....Mates!

I've been missing the Goods here- :doh:.... last live shot's of BB are just gorgeous Hec', she picked up a nice splash of color- :spels: :hump: .... and the load on her is amazing! Outstanding job mate, this one takes the prize- :d5: .... and I really appreciate the Brazilian whole body trim-job you gave her while intact! :woody: :rofl: :thanks:
. This is a catalog specimen plant Hec', she should be in ad's,... Have you waved Tony over here yet? ...speaking of prizes, you should get one! ...too bad this girl wasn't in a contest, it would have been a crush,....
The buds are :drool:- and gods what a haul! :bravo: Right on the mark you estimated,.... gonna be some fine-ass stocking stuffers this Christmas :rofl: ....how does she smell now?

:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: another nice stash! I love it mate, it's like a well stocked tool shed,.. may not need every tool often, but having on hand, on demand right now, let's you tinker freely and adjust right down to the last minute and glance at the girls.... And boy, has that paid off! :woohoo1:--yes, especially the Bio Diesel products! The Aloevate I so wish was available over here,....I'm liking the Tri-Kelp and Triple Boost too, Hec', nice formulations,... Bloom line seems to be fine stuff too!
But the Mango Haze and one to many ciders made me forget to put the chip back in the camera and as I had thrown the stem in the bush, :nono: I had to get it back to take more photos . :cheers: :smoking:
:face: :haha: You got Hazed dude! I know that feeling-:biggrin:..... Woooow the root mass is incredible! It's like 2 of them in fact- :eek1: ...That alone says volumes Hec' -- :bow: - it's right up there with Master hydro growers.... yar mate, this is a "right way", if not "the" right way,... I can name no other organic soil growers who get yields like this in those pot sizes! :pighug:

:headbang: Tobe genetics! ...niiiiice,.... and what a yummy cross too! Is it fully auto, or a "semi" still? Even with just 3, that room will be stuffed... :vibe:.... more fun!

Veggies and fruits still? :greenthumb:... What's the deal with this Grosse Lisse 'mater, a special breed? It looks pretty happy to me too, your magic worked again :eyebrows:.... could she potentially live with the new girls down the road here?
:rofl: that chili is awesome! Who else gets "neglected volunteer" plants like that but you?
@Tobe Up and running Day 7 and all 8 seeds popped being regs full auto ,I am hoping for 3 females , if I get more the 3 best I will keep . I will be trying some new things as they grow which I'll get into when it happens and I am happy the way my seedling mix is working [ Direct seeded ]


@Waira the Grosse Lisse is something I am mucking around with , I only need one fruit for seed , what I am trying to do is extend the growing season for this strain in my local climate .