Hecno's on going organics

Oh so close . The way I dry and trim I should get just over 9 ounces , After drying I go over the buds again and take excess stork off them , Have her drying at 20 to 22 c and 50 to 45 % humidity . . I'll do another post with stem and root shots and how I went about growing her . :biggrin: :thumbsup:


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Oh so close . The way I dry and trim I should get just over 9 ounces , After drying I go over the buds again and take excess stork off them , Have her drying at 20 to 22 c and 50 to 45 % humidity . . I'll do another post with stem and root shots and how I went about growing her . [emoji3] [emoji106]
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Very nice looking girl you had there!

Sent from my comfy chair. [emoji3][emoji41][emoji848][emoji12]
Show and tell time . :biggrin: How I got he yield I did . 1st the soil , as some of you know I build my own soil , which takes time , never any less than 3 months , I make a soil outdoors that I use to fill 1/2 of the bottom layer , [ 27 ltr Pots ] I make it in bins that have no bottom so it is direct contact with the native soil , I also put my used soil back in . I do add things to it , Bat guano , cow manure , Liquid seaweed , Molasses , coffee grounds , My aim is to feed the worms and microbes . I also keep a close eye on the moisture level . It always sits at ph 7 to ph 8 . . The second soil is undercover and no contact with the ground
This I use for the top half and spend way more time on . Here I work on the worms more so , and I feed the mostly cow manure that I grate up and spread in , I do turn it every so often , which gives me a indication of how the worms are going . They are breeding in the soil so that is always a good sign . I will use fallen fruit pulp on the surface that is ready available in season -- Banana - mango - mainly . After 2 or 3 days there is growth there , I don't know it it is doing any good , but it can't hurt and the worms like it . also The same inputs as the bottom soil , when I find patches of curly grub castings that goes in as well . I do try use as much as I can from my local environment and it is free :biggrin: The next stage for me is to add rock minerals which I have not done yet , I have do enough study on it to believe it is worth while . Ok so there is the soil . Next nutrients . @Waira

Now this is a big subject . The only way to know what is best is -- you and time -- and LOTS of study , For me the products I use work best for me my soil and environment .

The Triple Boost is my starting point 10.10.10 -- 10 ml a ltr gives 10.10.10 -- 5 ml a ltr gives me 5.5.5 you get the idea . so I just play with those ratios , sometimes I go as low as 3.3.3 the plants lets me know . If I want to change the k ratio , say a 4.9.6. I look at the % of the K in the tri kelp and break that down to what I want to get , the 6 , same with P now I can have my own ratio . Now for 2 new products I introduced . On the last grow the first plant was not given them so I could see the difference . Did I see a difference -- sure did -- :thumbsup:

The small bottle on the left . I used this every watering , If you google it you can get a pdf on the product . I saw more root growth and healthier whiter root system . so it stays .

again the 1 on the left -- Yes Yes and Yes . What attracted me to this was the Salicylic acid . as well as other ingredients in it . And yep this one stays too
So what does the leave . Topping the soil in the pot when the level drops . This also is something I will do all the time as I have seen the results . which as taken me to my 3 rd soil mix . [ just for topping ] ,At this stage I am leaning to more microbiology active soil . early days yet so I will play around a bit
These next photos are from the last plant to come down . I did have way better ones , But the Mango Haze and one to many ciders made me forget to put the chip back in the camera and as I had thrown the stem in the bush, :nono: I had to get it back to take more photos . :cheers: :smoking:


Guys I am not saying this is the right way , It is my way , it suits my life style and environment , and the way I like to play around , nothing is set in stone as things envolve as doe's my growing . My Dad taught me the day you stop learning is the day you die . :thumbsup:
Ok , next grow . What I have is Blackberry Gum x [ Orange Assault x Bluetooth ] Regs . Thank you @tobe . I have seeded 8 in 18 ltr pots . I will whittle them down to the 3 best females . And yes I am playing around again . So I started of with a base soil 10 liter of soil [ each pot ] This soil is from outdoors that I made and looked after as it is a on going soil and there is age to it , My main aim was to feed the worms and microbes , it has direct contact to the soil .

Photo 2 . After 10 liter goes in the pot I sprinkled grounded Bat Guano . 12 P 29 C 10 S ,

Then topped with indoor soil , The aim here was to have more control over the worms [ soil worms ] I also added soil from spots around the yard to introduce more microbes . I have small piles under different trees , bamboo ect .


Now I direct seeded in a seedling mix I also made ,

And here they are sitting in the room ,

I am running the room at 26 c , humidity is around 65 % . With the soils I do spend a lot of time on them and use as much local input as I can . Oh , and it is sugar cane straw on top . and each pot has worms in there too . So there it is , lets see what happens . :thumbsup: