No harm done , The other day I woke up to my grow room at 39 c and a buggered Aircon . Oh no my plant is cooked I thought Lucky my son had not gone to work yet so he gave me a hand to get her out , Now I am thinking how to save her , so this is what I did , I put a fan on her to cool the leafs down and then checked the soil temp , which was 28.9 c My first thought was to pour cool water into the soil , but I thought that might not be such a good idea so I let her be for the moment , any way I got the Aircon out and as luck would have it the one in my daughters room fitted right in and it is spare as she no longer lives at home .Then my son had to go to work so I rang a mate to give me a hand . By now 3 hours have gone by and the soil temp dropped to 27 c and the plant was back in the room so I watered her with 25 c water temp . So far she looks great no damage done I recon she had about 3 hours at the high temp . I don't know if it will effect yield but time will tell
That's really hot:smoking:
I have had plants take those temps but not for a prolonged period.Spikes in the greenhouse and the solarium.. I think you were right not to shock the soil temp
Glad you got it sorted.I have had my share of hot ass grow rooms this summer.LOL She looks to be unharmed.They can take more than you think.Peace please
nicely done mate! I think you have no worries there, your soil life is so robust, and it "local" too, so higher than normal temps' may well be tolerated, and rapidly regenerated if lost,... slip some delicious frothy poop tea in there! .... I love seeing her out too man, she's a perfect lady IMO!
After the heat wave , All is bloody good . Day 79. Just starting to show some amber and not much , buds are doing fine and the plant is showing no signs of stress . I recon at least another week . I am not in a hurry .
He is back on the job site . Remember the bush turkey nest I raided , well it is full again and bigger . Old mate here just keeps on going View attachment 971882
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