Hecno's on going organics

Yes topping off is definitely nice I also like to do some raw plant material on top as well .It does a number of things but one is protect soil microbe life .Pieces of banana peel egg shells an dandylion flowers an stems I have used an got great results .I have also gotten great results by putting pieces of the plant horse tail in my soil for silica .Next years greenie dep grow I will go more into detail with the gathering of natural plants an the teas an the raw organics that can be used .I am absolutely amazed at the quality meds you can get from using nature an her plants .
I would love that.You have a very nice style.I would like to learn more on your natural teas.Much respect brother your grows are self explanatory.Peace please
Yes topping off is definitely nice I also like to do some raw plant material on top as well .It does a number of things but one is protect soil microbe life .Pieces of banana peel egg shells an dandylion flowers an stems I have used an got great results .I have also gotten great results by putting pieces of the plant horse tail in my soil for silica .Next years greenie dep grow I will go more into detail with the gathering of natural plants an the teas an the raw organics that can be used .I am absolutely amazed at the quality meds you can get from using nature an her plants .
Raw plant material will use some nitro to break down, more like holding nitro because it will be released as decomp goes on. I've had to back off mulching heavy with my compost, ending up with too much nitro at end of grow. I use it lightly now, maintaining a very thin layer, keeping my microbes in the transformation zone fat and happy. Thick mulch of straw or leaves, carbon for nitro, on top.
:baked: <--- :haha: that's me Hecno, I just realized it wasn't your humic-fulvic article that I got that small size/low molecular weight fulvic acid info from! I swear you posted something on this before though,....
I found this @Waira And I did post something some time ago , but not this .
That looks like my "how many beers did I have last night" chart lol

:rofl:-- I just hope that's not the color of your piss, depending on how slopped you are!
...If it goes black, that's now ink,
-- and you're not a vertebrate anymore! :drunks::crying:

I'll get back to this , Have a grow room problem , I'll fill ya in later . Air con shit it self .
:cuss: :doh:-- noooooooohhh!! :goodluck: :karmacloud: :phsoil:
.... I'ma check this chart out more closely,.. seems a fair amount of variability on these types of bar charts.... :shrug: