Indoor Headbudz77 Growz: Skywalker, Top69, SuperLemonHaze & Industrial CBD

Day 36
All girls are in flower although Top 69 is the one still stretching and not into full flower yet.



Industrial CBD

Super Lemon Haze

The Gang
Looking awesome as always brother. Sorry I have missed a lot in here but somethings up with my notifications. Keep missing lots of threads.

I read a few pages back you've stopped following a schedule and feed by needs now. I'm doing the same with my two remaining on chemical nutes. I have to say they seem to be happier than ones I've followed a schedule on. I guess each plant is an individual after all.

Saying that I got my N calculations a bit wrong for SODK haha!

Keep up the great work mate it's a pleasure to watch.

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Thank mate, all is good in the tent.
The girls are drinking a lot a this time apart from the Lemon Haze the other 3 are drinking 1,5l of feed Daily.
I changed to flower nutes 4 days ago.
They are drinking for each Liter...
0,5 Sensi Bloom A
1,5m Sensi bloom B
1ml Bud-candy
1ml Big Bud
1ml B-52
1ml bud factor x
0.5ml Cal-Mag Extra.
I'll replace big bud for overdrive at the end..
And the Cal Mag I only add every other feed.
Thank mate, all is good in the tent.
The girls are drinking a lot a this time apart from the Lemon Haze the other 3 are drinking 1,5l of feed Daily.
I changed to flower nutes 4 days ago.
They are drinking for each Liter...
0,5 Sensi Bloom A
1,5m Sensi bloom B
1ml Bud-candy
1ml Big Bud
1ml B-52
1ml bud factor x
0.5ml Cal-Mag Extra.
I'll replace big bud for overdrive at the end..
And the Cal Mag I only add every other feed.

Lots of evil chemicals haha! I got rid of bud candy. Also I was using carboload and have stopped that. I'm sure that was partly the cause of nute issues with a couple of my babies.
Lots of evil chemicals haha! I got rid of bud candy. Also I was using carboload and have stopped that. I'm sure that was partly the cause of nute issues with a couple of my babies.

They are bit like me, they like to partake in some chemicals every now and again...
Carboload and Budcandy are the same thing in principle.
I got the lot when following Tangs Advanced feeding schedule.
And although I don't follow the quantities it did allow me to get an idea of what they actually do and what I like and what I don't like.
And what they are really good for and what not.
I'm happy with the pH perfect line of AN
If somewhat astonished with the amount of N in the whole line.
But once I figured it out by trial and error, I actually enjoy, the creation of a feed bottle to a plant. I also have RhinoSkin and Senzyme and Piranha, Final Finish. When the Grow shop went 50% discount on AN, I did not hesitate.
So it's quite interesting to look at a plant, and then go to my "lab" and create the mix that I think is what she needs/wants.
Sure it's not organic, I leave that to my vegetable/fruit garden, but it works for me so I'm happy.
Yeah brother looking fantastic. That Skywalker is NICE

Yeah mate, my first Mephisto, slim, not much leaves, evenly stretched
I really like this plant. She is easy going and really the coolest of the bunch.
The CBD has inferiority complex due to its low THC content therefore stretches like Icarus reaching for the Sun, and we all know how that went...
The Top69.... well she is much bushier than the rest, definitely very Indica and therefore still making leaves when she should be making buds, typical Indica. She is a good plant, and they all handled Topping very well.
The "Super"Lemon Haze.... born with the root around its neck, a problem child since birth... got her first leaves late and with only 3 points, even now as a young adult she can't make a 5 point leave...
She has 4 stems and I would say she is 30cm tall and budding. Really not sure what I'm going to get here but our motto is leave no plant behind...
I also am amazed at the amount of N in AN nutes mate. It's ridiculous if you ask me. I have to be honest with the girls on biotabs I do have little to do so its a bit boring. But I won't miss using chems when these last two on them have finished.

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I also am amazed at the amount of N in AN nutes mate. It's ridiculous if you ask me. I have to be honest with the girls on biotabs I do have little to do so its a bit boring. But I won't miss using chems when these last two on them have finished.

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True, the finishing using chemicals is a bit stress full.
And I have had a badly washed plant and I had to stop smoking it and made into Ice and ate it. Solutions mate solutions...
But I do keep a tight washing schedule now, a min of 15 days on final finish and RO water.
But I don't flush anymore, as I think the shock and the non RO water really mess up the end process were they should be... you know relaxed. Instead I get huge deficiency spots and the smell turns, horrible. Again just my experience with flushing before harvest.
I really prefer a slow wash, although more time consuming and more attention to symptoms
What days do you feed with BB and when OD?
Do you notice any difference between flushed and non-flushed buds? So ... you flush or not?