Indoor Have to start somewhere. I hope...

Dec 31, 2016
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I will be attempting my first grow. Right now I am waiting on some auto's I ordered, but had a personal random batch a while back in which I collected about 40-50 seeds from. I was told it was "Bulk Burst", but I searched and nothing came up. The closest was "Incredible Burst", so I guess I'll go with that.

Tent: Apollo Horticulture 48'' x 24''x 60'' ( 4' x 2' x 5' )

Platinum LED 300, starting off at 36" like the manual recommended. Using two of the hanging wires (Included) on each side was too much, so I attached one to each connector , wrapped it on top of the tent poles, and that worked. I have hangers, too, in case those are needed.

Electric PH reader, Electric Temp and Humidity reader, Timer

Water only? Not even sure if that's doable, or recommended...I've read a bunch of grows and most seem to use some. But there are so many , and as a noobie, I don't know which to choose and need to figure that out along with amounts and frequency. I'm shooting for simplicity as I am learning.
-Rapid Root , if I remember correctly.

Soil: Green Tree Grower's Blend. Guy at the hydro store recommended this so I went with it...

Strain: "Incredible Bulk" or No Clue, Lol
**Waiting on some Mephisto's ( Walter White)**

Not even sure if they will pop but I have three going, and many more to try if these fail. (If so,)
1) Filled clear glass with water and dropped seed in ( Drop in either a 1g or 5g pot)
2) Folded some toilet paper squares (Drop in either a 1g or 5g pot)
3) Put some soil in a 16oz solo cup, popped seed in. Light at 36" with both switches ON. (Put them in at 7:45pm est, Temp was at 69.4 F and Humidity 15%.) , both steadily rising when I checked almost 3 hours later.

Light: 24/0 for now if the germination is successful , then switching to 18/6, based on research

Expectation: Personal use so whatever amounts I will be happy with and hopefully I learn to be good and attain decent yields/quality in the future

All comments, help, concerns, etc. are welcome...Will post pics tomorrow, or when, and if, any of the germination attempts are successful.

***Either way my first grow will go here once I get one to pop***

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All germinations were successful but I only kept two. The one that germinated straight in the soil and toilet paper.
I was watering each about 16oz a day for since Jan 7th and noticed yesterday that the one in the solo cup was curling down. Did some research and apparently it was " over watering". I am not sure what amounts each should
Get and how often per week, but I will not water each for a couple days and go by the "weight feel" for now on when I lift each up. I wil post pics once I figure that out. My phone sucks at photos and they're only about an inch tall right now.
Temps are a steady 68-73 degrees Farenheit and humidity started at 20% but has been between 40-50% the past 2 days.
9 days from seed.
May have over watered so haven't in 5 days. Soil still feels okay and weight wise I think as well, not too sure on that method just yet. Will water again in 2 days I'm thinking and see how it goes. Right now they're on 24/0


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The black pot is 1g and the Red Sox cup is a 16oz.
I was thinking of doing one with "food" and one just water to keep it simple. Trying to learn the process and see the differences, or try to at least. Is 24/0 bad for now? Was thinking of running that for 3 weeks 18/6 for 5 weeks, then 12/12 for final 2-3 weeks depending on if they turn out to be females and their size.