Extraction Hash. Tips, pics and whatever.

Hello, I’m by no means a hash expert, but I read & read & had access to many different Hashish types in the 70-80-90s & currently. The previous post on black hash is interesting it was fairly common in Chicago/Boston & other major metro areas- the hash was hand rubbed as previously stated by the poster, but what happens after that is oxidation turning the now gooey mix of trychome wax & oil along wth some plant fiber into a compost pile of black joy...:drool:
So if u are lucky enough to have access to an abundance of live plants & much time by all means rub away...
Well I’m not sure when, but as I understand from some great articles, outsiders brought in panty hose, silk screens etc into other parts of the world & next thing u know old Jed isn’t getting his hands covered in black goo...:woody:
So what do I do ? I look at the science of bio composting & make Temple Balls, but not hand rubbed thank god.
I’ve called them Napalese Temple Balls, but I probably shouldn’t given all the hard work that the people of Napal put into their product...:worship:
So I turned to the science of ice water (Bubble Hash) making...
The removal of the trichomes “kief” @ 33.5f H2o creates a nice wet gooey pile of kief...
Hash made this way needs no heat it can be put onto parchment paper & after dried for two days rolled out with a large rolling pen then formed into a short fat log by rolling it up then putting it in your hands and beginning to compress and rolling it into a ball then let it sit for a while and re-roll again,again & again until your ball (use a hard plate if you want, but only after extensive hand warming/rolling the hand is about 95f from friction) is nice & shiny & compressed.
((So now it compost itself...
How??? “The transformation of loose resin glands into a resinous form brings out the fragrance of the flowers when breaking the membranes surrounding the resin heads and “locks” the fragrance and flavors into the Hashish, the terpenes are “bound”, for a better term, in the mass with the cannabinoids through the pressing process. The resinous mass is “corrosive”, meaning that it will gradually absorb the resin gland’s membranes and most microscopic vegetal matters in the first weeks of its transformation, resulting in a cleaner Hashish with a richer, more complex nose.” Source:The Lost Art of the Hashishin, Pressing, Curing, Aging

Well, now we have a temple ball ready for the cure, one year if u can stand it ( I wrap mine in parchment paper and place in canning jars store in a cool dark area like a basement) Notes:
Make sure keif is dry before rolling into a ball. I actually place my balls on parchment paper & covered with parchment-let sit out for several days cool dark place, before going into the jar for long term curing.
Two main reasons I like using ice water extraction are
Clean very little to no plant fiber in kief a purer product & some more science...:haha:...
I believe that ice water resin glan extraction mimic’s the heat process per above via *wet hardening, as the wet trics form a very hard mass confining trapping terpenoids!
{*wet hardening—
Negative Pore Pressure , The pressure is zero when the trichome voids are filled with air, and is negative when the voids are partly filled with water (in which case surface-tension forces operate to achieve a suction effect and the shear strength of the trichomes is increased)} In other words ice water hash drys out semi hard like a sand castle. Keeping terpenoids trapped in the dry hard mass, which can be cut thin or frozen & shaved (like one of the previous post posted!) for hand rolling per my info above & then the temple ball process...!

:thanks: For putting up with my long arse post
Hello, I’m by no means a hash expert, but I read & read & had access to many different Hashish types in the 70-80-90s & currently. The previous post on black hash is interesting it was fairly common in Chicago/Boston & other major metro areas- the hash was hand rubbed as previously stated by the poster, but what happens after that is oxidation turning the now gooey mix of trychome wax & oil along wth some plant fiber into a compost pile of black joy...:drool:
So if u are lucky enough to have access to an abundance of live plants & much time by all means rub away...
Well I’m not sure when, but as I understand from some great articles, outsiders brought in panty hose, silk screens etc into other parts of the world & next thing u know old Jed isn’t getting his hands covered in black goo...:woody:
So what do I do ? I look at the science of bio composting & make Temple Balls, but not hand rubbed thank god.
I’ve called them Napalese Temple Balls, but I probably shouldn’t given all the hard work that the people of Napal put into their product...:worship:
So I turned to the science of ice water (Bubble Hash) making...
The removal of the trichomes “kief” @ 33.5f H2o creates a nice wet gooey pile of kief...
Hash made this way needs no heat it can be put onto parchment paper & after dried for two days rolled out with a large rolling pen then formed into a short fat log by rolling it up then putting it in your hands and beginning to compress and rolling it into a ball then let it sit for a while and re-roll again,again & again until your ball (use a hard plate if you want, but only after extensive hand warming/rolling the hand is about 95f from friction) is nice & shiny & compressed.
((So now it compost itself...
How??? “The transformation of loose resin glands into a resinous form brings out the fragrance of the flowers when breaking the membranes surrounding the resin heads and “locks” the fragrance and flavors into the Hashish, the terpenes are “bound”, for a better term, in the mass with the cannabinoids through the pressing process. The resinous mass is “corrosive”, meaning that it will gradually absorb the resin gland’s membranes and most microscopic vegetal matters in the first weeks of its transformation, resulting in a cleaner Hashish with a richer, more complex nose.” Source:The Lost Art of the Hashishin, Pressing, Curing, Aging

Well, now we have a temple ball ready for the cure, one year if u can stand it ( I wrap mine in parchment paper and place in canning jars store in a cool dark area like a basement) Notes:
Make sure keif is dry before rolling into a ball. I actually place my balls on parchment paper & covered with parchment-let sit out for several days cool dark place, before going into the jar for long term curing.
Two main reasons I like using ice water extraction are
Clean very little to no plant fiber in kief a purer product & some more science...:haha:...
I believe that ice water resin glan extraction mimic’s the heat process per above via *wet hardening, as the wet trics form a very hard mass confining trapping terpenoids!
{*wet hardening—
Negative Pore Pressure , The pressure is zero when the trichome voids are filled with air, and is negative when the voids are partly filled with water (in which case surface-tension forces operate to achieve a suction effect and the shear strength of the trichomes is increased)} In other words ice water hash drys out semi hard like a sand castle. Keeping terpenoids trapped in the dry hard mass, which can be cut thin or frozen & shaved (like one of the previous post posted!) for hand rolling per my info above & then the temple ball process...!

:thanks: For putting up with my long arse post

Some excellent info there bud. Your results speak for themselves. Cheers for sharing.
Alright then, this Temple Ball stuff has been rolling around my head & with corona virus, not being allowed out, and boredom, I thought I'm going do my own version based around a few different methods.

First I took approx 8g of dry sift kief. As this is a little difficult to bind together without a press, I thought I'd use a binding agent to get things started.


For the binding I used some oil made from ISO, approx 2g. This has been well purged.


I dipped the oil in the kief, and then proceeded to mix it.


Eventually it all began to stick together with a bit of pressing, and I ended with this result.


I then put the mix into a bag, and stand on it till it flattens. I then fold it in half, stand on it again.


The mix begins to proper turn brown.


Then after a few more turns, we end up with this beauty.


Happy with the results so far, I roll it into a ball.




A bit more rolling around in the hand. It feels quite soft now.


I roll it about on a metal lid, to give sheen.




Now to keep my hand of it, till curing is over.







:cheers:Yessss...Yesssssss...Yesssssssssss… Ain't we having fun...:yay:very potent mix there my friend.
(l'll have to try your method once just using some room temp made black oil & kief, save the gold wash for vaping...)
(your Temple Ball looks great, let her cure for a while, if u can stand it...!)
Now in NO way trying to say what I do is better, but Ill sure this dry kief experience with
you, back when I was trying to get the results I wanted. Basically just dry sifted super dry OG Haze broken up with my hands thru a 160u screen...looking at the dry material (& thinking back to myriad of articles on hash) I got my flat pancake maker skillet out, put the kief in parchment paper spread out & wrapped once placed it on the skillet for about 3 min with heavy weight on top, it about 60% melted (blackish color), removed it rolled it with roller, turned over rolled etc etc (until I was sure all the trichomes were crushed) Let cool in fridge for 5 min, pull out & I basically finished it off per my previous temple ball post...:cools:
Alright then, this Temple Ball stuff has been rolling around my head & with corona virus, not being allowed out, and boredom, I thought I'm going do my own version based around a few different methods.

First I took approx 8g of dry sift kief. As this is a little difficult to bind together without a press, I thought I'd use a binding agent to get things started.


For the binding I used some oil made from ISO, approx 2g. This has been well purged.


I dipped the oil in the kief, and then proceeded to mix it.


Eventually it all began to stick together with a bit of pressing, and I ended with this result.


I then put the mix into a bag, and stand on it till it flattens. I then fold it in half, stand on it again.


The mix begins to proper turn brown.


Then after a few more turns, we end up with this beauty.


Happy with the results so far, I roll it into a ball.




A bit more rolling around in the hand. It feels quite soft now.


I roll it about on a metal lid, to give sheen.




Now to keep my hand of it, till curing is over.








Ya know the more I think about that temple ball u made...I'd cure that puppy in covered parchment paper in the air dark area for several days let that kief absorb that oil & then re roll it in your hands with medical gloves on or using backside of a plate & roll that puppy to a shiny crust... & park her away...just a thought ( hell its probably gone by know !!!)
My 12 grams are dry and not sticky after 48 hrs of room drying.
What are my options now?
Does it need to cure some more like you guys temple balls?
About rolling a bottle of boiling water like Frenchy Cannoli ?

Signed: Don t know what to do next!
I threw most of my trim out on the ground after harvesting last fall but I had a paper bag full of trim I had dried and thrown into my freezer. Today while on corona virus lockdown I received a big cooler of food from a company I ordered from online. In the cooler were 4 blocks of dry ice and I figured there was no sense in letting all that dry ice go to waste since I can't source any locally.

I got my bag of trim out of my deep freeze, put it into bucket lined with bubble bags, broke up the dry ice and gave it a shake off and on during the afternoon. I ended up with 1.5 ounces of kief. I've searched everywhere and can't find where I put my pollen press since I used it last. I processed two ounces of trim and larf a couple on months back with ice and water and only yielded 4 grams of hash after drying and pressing.

44 grams is what I ended up with today from just trim with dry ice. Makes me wonder how much I could have gotten from all the pounds of trim I just threw onto the ground last September if I had an easy source of dry ice.
Found my pollen press after buying another. Ended up with about 1 1/4 ounces. Haven't tried any that I got through dry ice extraction yet but it sure leaked plenty of resin while pressing. In the picture the hash puck I've been taking pieces off of is from an ice water extraction I did previously that is really good but way too much work. The dry ice extraction was so much easier but I'll have to smoke some an find out how it is coming from just trim.
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