Extraction Hash. Tips, pics and whatever.

Pineapple express temple ball, kief from ice water extraction...only wooden rolling pin & hand heat to compress...I was surprised always used hot water in bottle to get the action going), but I got it flat enough by rolling it extremely flat crushing the trics that it really softened in my hand. During drying on Parchment paper (kief dried 2 days after extraction) that night the ball lost its circumference had to re roll it to a ball, let it cure 2 days more in dark cool area & wrapped for a while...about 15 minutes of rolling in hand to get the shine & curing crust...now let biology take over for the next 6-12 months stored...UNLESS !!!
Cracked one ball open the other day Fantasmo kief aged one year, very nice sweet perfume smell...that ball was deep brown/black had used 135f H2O in bottle to get melt going & it oxidized to a darker color.View attachment 1171324

Now that is what we're talking about. :worship::worship::baked:

Your method and results are excellent mate. You can come for a pipe around mine any time.
The Temple Ball thing really got my juices flowing, so have been doing a little looking about on the net. I came across this comment on another board...

get rc clarke's book. hashich, it show's how to make royal nepelese temple balls,they make the balls by, first it is warmed under the sun, then rubbed into small pieces.(about golf ball size)which are then rolled around by hand, to get a smoother finish.keep rolling untill there are only a few crease's left. Finally they roll the hash ball's around the back of a tin/metal plate, this gives a real shiny,smooth and hard/protective extria. which acts as a crust and protects the inner hash. try it at home, all you need is 30+grams of hash,or enough to roll into a ball and get rolling.

My intention is to pursue this method over the summer crop.

I also tried to get the RC Clarke book, but it's well expensive. i did however get a copy of Hashish - The Joy of Making and Curing, by Laurence Cherniak & Alan Dronkers. This looks to have a few different bits of interest in it.
So here is my silly little question. When you’re talking about hash that is made By rubbing the plants with your hands, don’t you not only get a tiny bit of hand oil in that hash but also the resin? From the plant? How does this compare to the normal type of screened hash say from Lebanon or morocco where you use the kief and then compress it? It has been 35 years since I’ve seen any really good hash, but my recollection is that the black stuff that came from places like Afghanistan was perhaps denser and less grainy on the inside then the blonde stuff that I saw that supposedly came from Lebanon. I saw fair amount of that stuff in the early 80s when the guys that I was getting smoke from we’re moving away from the Columbian and Jamaican bagel pot and getting into hash ans the early “craft cannabis.” This is early 80s and that’s also the first time I saw black hash. I didn’t buy any black cash that I knew came from Afghanistan until I got some in Amsterdam in the mid-80s
I've been playing around with kief making, looking for the best combination of ease, quality, and yield.
I've done the dry ice method using bubble bags.
I just did some freezer-cold dry sift using trim.
I've never done the water method, because I'm too lazy.

My tentative opinion is that dry sift of freezer-cold material is best.
My dry ice kief had more plant matter, and the dry ice costs money and time.
Surprisingly, the dry sift had less, and seemed higher quality.
It could be that dry ice pieces hitting herb has a grinding effect that produces very small particles.

I put the freezer cold herb in a freezer cold bubble-bucket, and shook like crazy for several minutes.
At the end, I couldn't get anything else to come out, so this seemed pretty efficient.
I got a 13% return from some Mephisto Night Queen trim, and only about 10% from some Autoseeds Polar Express.

I'll be doing this with some flower in a few weeks.
Sounds good...I was just surprised how fast the keif softened up in my hand using the ice water technique.
But, yes I have done a bunch of naturally dry the bud- crumble gently-put into 160 µm bubble bag or Brewer’s 160u bag- Shake Shake Shake, but u know that VERY easy...
(I guess I was just surprised at how much less fiber I got in my ice water hash practically none), but on the other hand your first 30 seconds of dry sift shaking or so Produces kief with basically no fiber in it).
My dry ice overall yield I think was about 14.5% (That’s after the Temple Balls dried for another two days covered with parchment paper in the dark coolness of my basement)
I believe someone on here or maybe another site posted finishing the temple ball rolling on ceramic, which gave me the idea to just grab a plate flip it over and roll it out after the final drying & Before I wrapped it tight and parchment for curing in a glass jar.
Yes, This does seem to compress the Ball more and give it a hard exterior glaze

don’t know if you like Thai stick, but just take a 5 inch loose bud from one of your fresh plants cure for only two days, loose sativa buds work well for this. Roll the bud gently in parchment paper roll in the parchment paper over it again gently, don’t want to compress it yet just form it.
Now take some hash that has been in your freezer and use a lemon grader & Grade some onto the parchment paper the width of the bud stick form a square about 43/4x21/4.
Place the fresh bud on the hash and repeat the earlier process of rolling the parchment paper over the top of it and of course you got parchment paper on the bottom it’s all one piece.
I just gently Roll It use two hands if necessary and keep my hand flat gradually applying more pressure.
And Eureka you know have a nice sticky bud with hash pressed into it.
And then wrap it up somewhat tight but not to tight in the parchment paper and wrap green plant wire around the length to hold it together.
I placed this on top of a screen so Air gets underneath it and just let it dry for about five days. after three days take the wire off the paper, but keep it covered and let it dry one day like that then rewrap to finish drying.
It’s really fascinating what happens when I break one of these open the bud has crystallized on the inside and the hash gets real hard. Some of my friends really flipped out when they saw this...
This was the first time I had done this . I guess they actually have mold you can use for this, but personally I thought it was pretty cool doing it all by hand kind of like the temple balls.
The Temple Ball thing really got my juices flowing, so have been doing a little looking about on the net. I came across this comment on another board...

get rc clarke's book. hashich, it show's how to make royal nepelese temple balls,they make the balls by, first it is warmed under the sun, then rubbed into small pieces.(about golf ball size)which are then rolled around by hand, to get a smoother finish.keep rolling untill there are only a few crease's left. Finally they roll the hash ball's around the back of a tin/metal plate, this gives a real shiny,smooth and hard/protective extria. which acts as a crust and protects the inner hash. try it at home, all you need is 30+grams of hash,or enough to roll into a ball and get rolling.

My intention is to pursue this method over the summer crop.

I also tried to get the RC Clarke book, but it's well expensive. i did however get a copy of Hashish - The Joy of Making and Curing, by Laurence Cherniak & Alan Dronkers. This looks to have a few different bits of interest in it.

So here is my silly little question. When you’re talking about hash that is made By rubbing the plants with your hands, don’t you not only get a tiny bit of hand oil in that hash but also the resin? From the plant? How does this compare to the normal type of screened hash say from Lebanon or morocco where you use the kief and then compress it? It has been 35 years since I’ve seen any really good hash, but my recollection is that the black stuff that came from places like Afghanistan was perhaps denser and less grainy on the inside then the blonde stuff that I saw that supposedly came from Lebanon. I saw fair amount of that stuff in the early 80s when the guys that I was getting smoke from we’re moving away from the Columbian and Jamaican bagel pot and getting into hash ans the early “craft cannabis.” This is early 80s and that’s also the first time I saw black hash. I didn’t buy any black cash that I knew came from Afghanistan until I got some in Amsterdam in the mid-80s

I wouldn't even know where to start answering that question mate. I hope someone else can.
Forgot about that thread.Should have posted here.
Can i get advice on how to finish drying\curing of my hash?
12 grams of bubble hash that i have frozen and planed.
What should i do next to ensure no mold and good smoke?
I've been playing around with kief making, looking for the best combination of ease, quality, and yield.
I've done the dry ice method using bubble bags.
I just did some freezer-cold dry sift using trim.
I've never done the water method, because I'm too lazy.

My tentative opinion is that dry sift of freezer-cold material is best.
My dry ice kief had more plant matter, and the dry ice costs money and time.
Surprisingly, the dry sift had less, and seemed higher quality.
It could be that dry ice pieces hitting herb has a grinding effect that produces very small particles.

I put the freezer cold herb in a freezer cold bubble-bucket, and shook like crazy for several minutes.
At the end, I couldn't get anything else to come out, so this seemed pretty efficient.
I got a 13% return from some Mephisto Night Queen trim, and only about 10% from some Autoseeds Polar Express.

I'll be doing this with some flower in a few weeks.

Make sure you get some pics up of that up mate.
So what size screen do you think the old-school guys in Lebanon and morocco were using to make their hash and how much plant material do you guys think that stuff have in it? I remember years ago seeing an article in high Times I believe. They were talking about how the guys in morocco made the stuff and then rolled it up tight in heavy cloth and heated it over a fire to get it to come together. I remember them talking about multiple screens and perhaps the final one being actual silk, but I may be wrong.They were also talking about how the farmers would take some of the kief And mix it together with pipe tobacco to smoke. The author commented that at the time in Morocco, the bootleg tobacco would get you in more trouble than the weed because tobacco was the exclusive monopoly of the King.