Extraction Hash. Tips, pics and whatever.

Thanks for those tips! After a few squishes I really need to get an idea on what pressure works best with the flower presses. I think I definitely went a bit too hard and for too long last night. Smaller parchment wraps is a top tip, too. I have an actual 2x2 pre-press that I used, but it has a textured interior surface for some reason which just grabs and holds on to pre-pressed bud, making it a pain to peel out and place, so I'm gonna skip that for the flowers from now on.

I'd love to get better quality rosin via ice wax or water hash, but of course the biggest issue in using water hash for rosin is drying it and oxidation/browning/terp loss. Does anyone have insight on how to best dry and preserve the terps for squishing? In my few weeks research, I came across some hints that freeze dryers aren't necessary. There was a Future Cannabis Project youtube video with Kaya from PNW Roots and a couple other hash makers, can't remember who, but one of them mentioned having a Beer Chiller, Fogel brand, that he used to "freeze dry" out his hash, post-sieving. Something about low temp/low humidity. I'll link the vid if I can find it. But he mentioned having a freeze dryer but not even setting it up yet, since his Beer Chiller was so effective.

Similarly, @simp.lee.adam on IG seems to have a great technique using speed racks in a grow tent and what I presume is a portable AC and CoolBot for cooling the tent low. So it seems there's a critical temp and RH, under which good drying and non-oxidation occurs. All I know is his melt is as blonde as can be, bordering on white.

And googling "how to make a homemade freeze dryer" will turn up a ton of links of varying quality, indicating you really just need a freezer, a cold trap to collect water vapor before it hits the pump, and a vacuum pump to pull pressure. Not sure how an application of that would work for hash though.

And finally (sorry for the verbosity here!), I'm throwing together a google doc tracking sheet for Meph squishes. Tabs for flower, dry ice hash, water hash, info links. I plan to start using that to track squish data by Meph cultivar. Hopefully others here can contribute their past and future squish data points here, and we can get a better idea on what cultivars work best, and how to get the best out of them!

https ://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P_-Z342YRsHWtK6nG2G8Al7X2fheE8ML-JIP5yD-mes/edit?usp=sharing
I've been lurking this thread the past few weeks while I get my rosin press together. Finally got it yesterday and have run a couple test runs on just flower rosin. I'm as green as it gets with pressing, so any tips or pointers to good sources of info on pressing flower or dry ice hash are appreciated!

In the meantime, here's the first details. My first press was with Double Grape. It came out darker than I'd expected, so I tried some Georgia Pie I'd bought at the Medical Market a few weeks back. Also darker than I'd expected, but both tasted very nice. The Double Grape was pungent and musky/fruity and the Georgia Pie was sweet and pungent. I forgot to measure the output of course, but yield seemed OK. Probably 10-15 good dabs worth.

Tonight, I broke out my 61%, 2 week cured Creme de la Chem. I heard back when harvesting that a short cure to 60-62% and straight into the freezer is great for flower rosin, and indeed it was. I vac sealed the 2 oz harvest in 14g vacuum bags (vacuum barely pulled) and into the deep freezer they went. I took 2 grams out from that bag tonight, sticky as fuck in a great way, and then they got stuck in the pre-press. Another good sign. I ended up putting in 2.15 g and got .46 back, a 21.3% return, and blonde as can be at 180 for 2 min. I collected a small amount more at 200 for 2 min, maybe .1 g, and slightly darker. Not bad!

Next is to get some dry ice and those bubble buckets. I have some small 1 gallon bubble bags and some aluminum pollen screens from ebay, but it seems like those bubble buckets are the way to go, and I can try the pollen screens after the fact on the b+ grade stuff if needed, possibly.

Does anyone have experience with using screens like this for post-processing? Or any tips on ideal flower rosin extraction? Cheers! And apologies for the crappy macro quality.

What about using fresh frozen dry ice hash and squish the hash? Naturally you'd have to figure what micron bag you'd use. I've seen some really primo rosin from that. on YT
Oh yeah that's right - I hadn't heard about that specifically before reading your posts mentioning it earlier in the thread. I'll add a tab for that specifically to the spreadsheet. I'm planning on fresh freezing at least 1/4 of my current grow to try this in early March, regardless. Also planning to try small batch WPFF bubble hash at some point. I'm really excited to try the dry ice method this weekend with cured buds. Bill do you think it'd be better to defrost a frozen half oz and then add it to the dry ice/bucket, or just take it straight from the freezer, where it is now? I'm assuming the former, since that may mean more pliable leaf matter and less broken up green shit in the sift?
Oh yeah that's right - I hadn't heard about that specifically before reading your posts mentioning it earlier in the thread. I'll add a tab for that specifically to the spreadsheet. I'm planning on fresh freezing at least 1/4 of my current grow to try this in early March, regardless. Also planning to try small batch WPFF bubble hash at some point. I'm really excited to try the dry ice method this weekend with cured buds. Bill do you think it'd be better to defrost a frozen half oz and then add it to the dry ice/bucket, or just take it straight from the freezer, where it is now? I'm assuming the former, since that may mean more pliable leaf matter and less broken up green shit in the sift?
Straight from the freezer.
I was using the bowls. I put a layer of the dryice down first, then canna, top it off with more ice, put the cover on and let sit for a few min so the material would reach the coldest it could.
Alright, makes sense!

Squished 5 more grams of CDLC flower today, no pre-press, 62% RH, sticky as fuck. Got just over a gram out. 185 was slightly blonder than 200, but I just baddered both together. Added to the spreadsheet. Here it is after first badderin', combined with the first CDLC leftovers, so probably 1.3ish grams. I can't believe I'm getting this level quality on my third squish. The freshness of the bud definitely affects the color, more than the (<200 degree, so far) temp.

I can't wait to try the bowls - they're on the way already. I want to run an ounce of CDLC, and ounce of Double Grape, and maybe a half ounce of Zamaldelica Express through the bowls and squish in bags. I need to test that one first though - definitely not expecting great returns on it but it'd be fun to dab on occasion.


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Alright, makes sense!

Squished 5 more grams of CDLC flower today, no pre-press, 62% RH, sticky as fuck. Got just over a gram out. 185 was slightly blonder than 200, but I just baddered both together. Added to the spreadsheet. Here it is after first badderin', combined with the first CDLC leftovers, so probably 1.3ish grams. I can't believe I'm getting this level quality on my third squish. The freshness of the bud definitely affects the color, more than the (<200 degree, so far) temp.

I can't wait to try the bowls - they're on the way already. I want to run an ounce of CDLC, and ounce of Double Grape, and maybe a half ounce of Zamaldelica Express through the bowls and squish in bags. I need to test that one first though - definitely not expecting great returns on it but it'd be fun to dab on occasion.
I was happy as hell with my results with the bowls!
Tip....watch the frost and condensation in the collection bowls after a shaking cycle. Let them thaw and the condensation evaporate........naturally that depends on your humidity. Try to do it in a cool room also. I shook as they recommended with their suggested times on the first and second shake. FABULOUS quality with no hint of color from plant material! I had to divide my starting material in 3 bags when I froze it in gallon plastic bags....actually 4, but I put it in a different place and found it later. When I finished their recommended shake, I put the material back in the plastic bag and back in the freezer. I did this to the other two bags.

When I found the other untouched bag, I thought I'd experiment, so I got another bowl to shake into after I had done the first and second shake. I did add a little time to their times when I worked this found bag. I got a little more of full melt and the next micron product and it was the same quality as my working of the 3 bags.

Great! So let's experiment! I got the second collection bowl and put the BubbleBowls on top to cool it down, a minute is fine. I shook it for about 2min more, checking the color often. VERY pretty color! I collected that. I put the bowl back under and shook some more. I shook until I saw a slight hint of color...........very slight. Still beautiful! I stopped and bagged that back up.
So I did the exact same thing to the other 3 bags!
I'm sure there was more to be extracted, but I'm after quality. If I had means of alcohol recovery, I would have taken all that material and do a booze extraction. With as much material as I had, it sure would have been worth it..

I'm sure as hell no expert, but I was happy with the results.
I have several of these! :cools:
i like to do alcohol extractions, only problem is the expense of the stuff. i can get near a gallon of everclear for around 35$ and as long as what i end up with has a theoretical street value that exceeds the cost of the booze, i feel i've come out on top.
i saw something the other day about distilling using a wok and a large pot. i'm not sure how high a percentage can be achieved with this. folks on the forum were running the same alcohol through this process several times and claimed to be able to achieve 50-60%.
thought i'd give it a try and see if it is a decent way to produce cheap extraction alcoholView attachment 1283819
Yeah, you could get some booze back, but you'd have to empty #4 fairly often. You can increase the efficiency with using ice in the metal bowl #1
I was happy as hell with my results with the bowls!
Tip....watch the frost and condensation in the collection bowls after a shaking cycle. Let them thaw and the condensation evaporate........naturally that depends on your humidity. Try to do it in a cool room also. I shook as they recommended with their suggested times on the first and second shake. FABULOUS quality with no hint of color from plant material! I had to divide my starting material in 3 bags when I froze it in gallon plastic bags....actually 4, but I put it in a different place and found it later. When I finished their recommended shake, I put the material back in the plastic bag and back in the freezer. I did this to the other two bags.

When I found the other untouched bag, I thought I'd experiment, so I got another bowl to shake into after I had done the first and second shake. I did add a little time to their times when I worked this found bag. I got a little more of full melt and the next micron product and it was the same quality as my working of the 3 bags.

Great! So let's experiment! I got the second collection bowl and put the BubbleBowls on top to cool it down, a minute is fine. I shook it for about 2min more, checking the color often. VERY pretty color! I collected that. I put the bowl back under and shook some more. I shook until I saw a slight hint of color...........very slight. Still beautiful! I stopped and bagged that back up.
So I did the exact same thing to the other 3 bags!
I'm sure there was more to be extracted, but I'm after quality. If I had means of alcohol recovery, I would have taken all that material and do a booze extraction. With as much material as I had, it sure would have been worth it..

I'm sure as hell no expert, but I was happy with the results.
I have several of these! :cools:
View attachment 1283826
I'm going to do a run here very soon with my bowls. Going to use the hash to make gummies :baked: I'll post some pics
diy freeze dryer might be cheaper than what they cost. If the beer chiller works I'd like to know about that.
diy freeze dryer might be cheaper than what they cost. If the beer chiller works I'd like to know about that.

Here’s the video where they talk about the Beer Froster. It starts right at about 1:08:00 and goes on for about ten minutes. And they talk about using a CoolBot and drying racks around the 54:00 mark. I am all about trying to find out more info on this tech. Kaya’s PNW Roots Live Rosin is the best I’ve ever had. The Phog and Hamma Hamma blow me away, and are what I’m trying to get to eventually with my squishes.

Edit: Around 1:15:00 Kaya goes into his cool room dry rack specs - 43 F and 55ish/60 F (which is as low RH as he can go in PNW). The beer chiller is 19 F and 10% H, $1000 from Fogel new. Way cheaper than $3000 for a freeze dryer!



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