Extraction Hash. Tips, pics and whatever.

Looks like it will melt def smoke it in a j don't put to much in one spot it.might put the joint out by being soggy. Happend to me I put like a gram of oil in my joint wouldn't burn lol waste. Or in a bowl on top of bud so it doesn't go down into the hole cause it's def melty buy hempwick atleast or use a match after sulfer burns off to melt it never touch the flame directly to it. It will burn like cooking oil. Just dance the flame around. So it soaks into your bud
By burn I mean light on fire and taste like shit not burn like bud with Ash burn like cooking oil
Do you think the flavor is hoppy? I have gotten that strain before and it kind of had that flavor
i didnt get that particular smell from my bunch just the usual citrus to skunky funk
I liked vaping it when I had it. Was kind of trippy don't know if that's cause it's called lsd and that makes you think that more. Was def skunky too hoppy
I've been lurking this thread the past few weeks while I get my rosin press together. Finally got it yesterday and have run a couple test runs on just flower rosin. I'm as green as it gets with pressing, so any tips or pointers to good sources of info on pressing flower or dry ice hash are appreciated!

In the meantime, here's the first details. My first press was with Double Grape. It came out darker than I'd expected, so I tried some Georgia Pie I'd bought at the Medical Market a few weeks back. Also darker than I'd expected, but both tasted very nice. The Double Grape was pungent and musky/fruity and the Georgia Pie was sweet and pungent. I forgot to measure the output of course, but yield seemed OK. Probably 10-15 good dabs worth.

Tonight, I broke out my 61%, 2 week cured Creme de la Chem. I heard back when harvesting that a short cure to 60-62% and straight into the freezer is great for flower rosin, and indeed it was. I vac sealed the 2 oz harvest in 14g vacuum bags (vacuum barely pulled) and into the deep freezer they went. I took 2 grams out from that bag tonight, sticky as fuck in a great way, and then they got stuck in the pre-press. Another good sign. I ended up putting in 2.15 g and got .46 back, a 21.3% return, and blonde as can be at 180 for 2 min. I collected a small amount more at 200 for 2 min, maybe .1 g, and slightly darker. Not bad!

Next is to get some dry ice and those bubble buckets. I have some small 1 gallon bubble bags and some aluminum pollen screens from ebay, but it seems like those bubble buckets are the way to go, and I can try the pollen screens after the fact on the b+ grade stuff if needed, possibly.

Does anyone have experience with using screens like this for post-processing? Or any tips on ideal flower rosin extraction? Cheers! And apologies for the crappy macro quality.



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You can use whole nugs without a screen too. Stack buds on top of each.other. you can buy a garlic press to brick pieces together. The fresher the material the lighter it will be. If your using a press put parchment to stop loss of resin to the garlic press. You don't have to pre press tho
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Also try 197f for minute and a half. Lower the temp better terps. Higher temp more extraction. You can always make edibles with the rosin chips. I just vape them. Nice looking rosin. I like to put the flower right at the lip of the press where it's almost sticking out and the parchment is folded against the other side of the bud do that it forces the resin out so It all isn't on the plate getting cooked plus it's fun watching it squirt out. Of you try doing hash kief same thing but use a coffee filter. Some people do 160 on hash for longer. Don't make the filter too big or too small. The bigger the filter more resin sticks to it. The smaller you might have a blowout and all the kief bursts out of the filter into the oil. Happens from applying too much pressure at once too.
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So... 4.05 gram of very pure looking stuff made :)
The trim got squeezed and are now in the dehydrator and the wash water is bottled up, there obviously more than 4 gram to be made but I got bored after the 3rd wash.
The two flat pieces are from the first short 5-6 minutes of washing and I used the hydraulic press to get the water out of those. View attachment 1282974View attachment 1282976
Schultz Schultz tell Hogan we are going to have a Taffy party...
Great lookin Bubble hash

I just squeezed 11.4 Gr from Girl Scout Cookies (Garden of Green) sugar shake 6.32 Oz. , dry shake method using my 5gal bubble bags over round plastic 12” cake bowl time consuming, but worth it (2.1oz per run 6 shakes & 73-120-160u bags ABC grades)
I’m only messing with ice water hash when using good buds anymore.