Dutch Passion Hans’ Dutch Passion LED Coco Autopot Grow - Auto Glueberry OG / Auto Night Queen

... And why am I not getting notifications for this thread?
Bah humbug!
Me too, I was getting notifications up until about day 14 then nothing. Just happened to stumble across this thread again.

Ah yes hans these are what i use they are called BENDZ

View attachment 695098
Yea it would be great if we could find them over on this side of the pond. I tried a while back but couldn't find anyone selling them in the US.

Cheers guys, thanks for the comments... Will try and get an update tonight. ;)
Was not getting notifications for a few weeks on this grow. Sorry, I was missing out on all this DP growing madness. That is one hell of a big plant you got there.
Day 60
The buds are really filling in nicely on the Glueberry definitely going have some big fat dense buds on her... been defoliating every few days still although I can only reach the front half of the plant lol. This monster actually seems to be a bit of a light feeder she has a bunch of burnt tips so I've backed my base nutes down to 1.5ml/L, will keep everything else the same for now.

The ANQ is showing some major cal-mag def even though I've been running full strength supplement for last few weeks... Don't think the buds are going get very big either since she's not getting much direct light... could go another couple weeks but I'll probably just chop her next weekend to free up the space for the Glueberry to finish up.

Pics from last night.










Day 60
The buds are really filling in nicely on the Glueberry definitely going have some big fat dense buds on her... been defoliating every few days still although I can only reach the front half of the plant lol. This monster actually seems to be a bit of a light feeder she has a bunch of burnt tips so I've backed my base nutes down to 1.5ml/L, will keep everything else the same for now.

The ANQ is showing some major cal-mag def even though I've been running full strength supplement for last few weeks... Don't think the buds are going get very big either since she's not getting much direct light... could go another couple weeks but I'll probably just chop her next weekend to free up the space for the Glueberry to finish up.

Pics from last night.










Can't wait to hear the dry yield on this girl ( such a beast ) .
Hey Hans, by chance was your Cob light pointed at the plant with the Cal-Mag issues? If so, that's why. Cobs are intense and make plants really crave Cal-Mag. Back it off if you can or increase Cal-Mag when using cobs. I used a lot more Magical than you are with cobs, I have a lot of cobs. Distance is important, too close causes problems. But bit those plants are massive and great job, just giving you some advice from my experience with cob lighting. Peace, slow