Outdoor Guerilla's guerilla grows 2015

Growing by a walmart parking lot sounds like trouble bro, I wouldnt recommend it.
Yeah but its a special project in urban guerilla growing. .one plant one hole. Super soil an diaper amendment. If i pull it off great! If i lose it oh well. If im caught..whatever its one scrag assed plant that ya can't tie to me. But just ta say i got 200g from a parking lot.. :)
Well the wally world seedling an most of my "urban guerillas" have been planted. Now da big hike to the feild of dreams an the burn.
Planted as in the outdoor already? Must be nice to live out west. I got my boots ready for that hike, take some pics of the shitty kitty if you can.
Will do darth..an anything else of interest. ..just finished gearing up an headin out. Yeah the westcoast is nice fer early planting but i gotta tell ya 13k into the bush when raining. ...meh..gonna be nice tommorow so ill be ok .

The jacks in the burn.
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Yeah but its a special project in urban guerilla growing. .one plant one hole. Super soil an diaper amendment. If i pull it off great! If i lose it oh well. If im caught..whatever its one scrag assed plant that ya can't tie to me. But just ta say i got 200g from a parking lot.. :)

I love your ways g ! I been thinking about some cheeky one plant guerilla stuff for a bit of fun ;-) :Cool bud:

Thats it vas. I like the challenge and cheeky....besides getting a good yeild my next best outcome would be to park in the lot an watch as the popo scratch thier head an wonder who? Why ? Weres the doughnuts?
Sorry guys no wildlife pics. It was very wet on the mountain an i think i was the only dum critter out in it lol.
heres s pic of my path/river up the mountain. Sorry ots hazy....were ARE in a cloud soo....