Oh boy I can be so thick at times. I have just worked it out
a bunch of wat there growing = a bunch of what they are growing
I honestly thought "wat" was a strain. Got it now. Blimey, words, the source of all mis-understanding !
Ohmygod!!!!!! Never realized until now, just thought it was opi sounded cute lol now you've opened my eyes.Yeah, remember it took me about three weeks to work out your name spelled opiate.
Haha, we can be so slow at times. Or is it just me? Yeah, probably just me.
Here we go again - thick penguin syndrome. what is wat ? or wats?
ta, eP.
Subbed guerrilla, I checked out that milk n water mix for preventative mildew. Cheers homie. That spot with the trees bent over looks great er wat to grow sum wat