Outdoor Guerilla's guerilla grows 2015

Holy shit, it's Steve French!


this is also the place with the guard kitty. At the top of the cliff a cougar likes to take a morning dump...lol.
gross i know but you ever try an take a pic of a cougar...outside of a bar that is.
A double rainbow right across the SKY!!!

No not really i cheat an use google earth to scout areas out lookng at trails an marked river (avoid) and ol burn areas and terrain maps. Then i go an check the area out in winter. See wats there ta work with...i gots losta tricks...and like a sculpture i can see the grow i just gotta free it.....maybe shouldn't have had that last hit.:Aloha:
I use Google maps to find fishing spots lol to many flying pig round my area for outdoor growing

I wonder if that mountain kitty had fish for supper on your dime :rofl:
Hadnt yet but its cool if she did..rather shes well fed.
Thanks bammer...gonna take a few more pics of othe local for ya all ...theres the swamp...Valhalla. ...quarry....and my most challenging urban guerilla operation to date.....WALLY WORLD!
Nice spot Guerilla.
Have you decided on a strain yet,
Thanks joe!...I'm gonna do 5 auto jack herer for first go...then purple kush photo fer fall harvest.
Got northern lights auto, and white widow for other plots.
and a buddy in Australia sent me a bunch of wat there growing outback there. Gonna check them out.

So wats our favorite auto guerilla bean ?
Here we go again - thick penguin syndrome. what is wat ? or wats?

ta, eP.