Outdoor Guerilla's guerilla grows 2015


and the northern lights are coming down...a little bit of cal mag def but just couldn't get enough buds look good though. Tric all cloydy with a few amber. Up ta dry now :)
Yeah but its a special project in urban guerilla growing. .one plant one hole. Super soil an diaper amendment. If i pull it off great! If i lose it oh well. If im caught..whatever its one scrag assed plant that ya can't tie to me. But just ta say i got 200g from a parking lot.. :)

Its crazy....................I LIKE IT!!!.............lol! I live near a very small "city" and a group of us are going to plant 1000 autos through out the city, then see how many are found LOL! Freebies for any who find them lol!
I keep thinkin of those hanging planters in shopping areas. ..nobody looks up.
Pop that's freaking awesome I love that idea gets me thinking actually..
And so it begins. ...pot plants everywhere. ...city hall parks and churches police chiefs lawn the possibilities are boggling.
its crazy....................i like it!!!.............lol! I live near a very small "city" and a group of us are going to plant 1000 autos through out the city, then see how many are found lol! Freebies for any who find them lol!

yeah pops ! VasILikeIt.jpg
And so it begins. ...pot plants everywhere. ...city hall parks and churches police chiefs lawn the possibilities are boggling.

Honest to God true story here: I knew a police officer (a deputy with a sheriff's department) in a major city (the county he worked in contained the state capital).

They had a nice, brand new administrative building with a lovely hedge that grew around the perimeter of the building. Very modern, clean, and friendly looking. It was a huge upgrade from the slowly-rotting relic they had formerly occupied, and looked enough like any other office building that it surely helped them look more like part of the community than paramilitary goons.

One day, several years after the initial move in, someone noticed an odd leaf and stem jutting above the hedge. Could it be? It...it was a marijuana fan leaf! Closer inspection revealed that someone had, at some point, hollowed out a space between the hedge and the building walls, about 9" wide, and had been planting pot seeds ON COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT PROPERTY for God knows how long.

No one had noticed, and the smell had been either ignored or chalked up to someone in the neighborhood they never could find (why would they check their own land, after all? Who grows pot on the county sheriff HQ?). Most of them had been carefully trimmed to stay below the top of the hedge.

They tore up the plants, and ended up cutting down the hedge. They never caught the intrepid growers. You HAVE to admire the brass ones on that guerrilla.
My new hero..thats the shit..true guerilla!