Outdoor Guerilla Growing tips guide

So I have almost zero privacy but I figured out I could do this: Germinating seeds between two wet tissues that were put inside two plastic covers with pencil-sized hole pierced through the whole thing. That way the seeds get appropriate amount of water and oxygen (maybe I will make a tutorial for this simple 'device'). I had a very good succes with some seeds sprouting as fast as 24 hours with most of them sprouting within 2-3 days. The whole thing is put inside the vent system - no one is ever going to think that you germinate seeds inside the vent ;)
Since I dont have prep space I will first prepare the pots and soil and during some other day, when seeds sprout, I will go and directly plant them. They will be protected with the net that is taped around a pot. Until they mature enough to go on their own I wont remove the net :)

Regarding soil preparation: I will RENT a garage where I will keep my stuff and prepare the soil. That way I will have private space away from my home. Planning to put a tarp on the floor for mixing everything. Ordering bigger amounts of soil and avoid buying pots and soil at the same time because of possible suspicion. I know that might sound too much but I see it as a precaution.

If you are worried about the tools you need and you dont have enough space then buy a small showell etc. They can be as cheap as 6 bucks and as small as a forearm and as practical as big showell :D
Also those metal bits od every saw that are small enough to be carried in a notebook and powerful enough to cut branches or whatever

Best wishes fellas :D ;) :)
So I have almost zero privacy but I figured out I could do this: Germinating seeds between two wet tissues that were put inside two plastic covers with pencil-sized hole pierced through the whole thing. That way the seeds get appropriate amount of water and oxygen (maybe I will make a tutorial for this simple 'device'). I had a very good succes with some seeds sprouting as fast as 24 hours with most of them sprouting within 2-3 days. The whole thing is put inside the vent system - no one is ever going to think that you germinate seeds inside the vent ;)
Since I dont have prep space I will first prepare the pots and soil and during some other day, when seeds sprout, I will go and directly plant them. They will be protected with the net that is taped around a pot. Until they mature enough to go on their own I wont remove the net :)

Regarding soil preparation: I will RENT a garage where I will keep my stuff and prepare the soil. That way I will have private space away from my home. Planning to put a tarp on the floor for mixing everything. Ordering bigger amounts of soil and avoid buying pots and soil at the same time because of possible suspicion. I know that might sound too much but I see it as a precaution.

If you are worried about the tools you need and you dont have enough space then buy a small showell etc. They can be as cheap as 6 bucks and as small as a forearm and as practical as big showell :D
Also those metal bits od every saw that are small enough to be carried in a notebook and powerful enough to cut branches or whatever

Best wishes fellas :D ;) :)
best to be safe, I forget how difficult some environments are to get growing in
Not sure about the raw fish in the pot Badger, Have you tried this before? I think the fish would have to be digested by soil organisms, composting, before it becomes plant food. I would be concerned that in a limited environment of the pot I would end up stressing the plant in some way. Also, the most bio-activity is at the surface of the soil, or just beneath. This is where organic materials are transformed into plant nutrients most efficiently.

If you have adequate size pots (10gal+ my guess), and are runnint a TLO set up, your fungi and root organisms, as well as worms will break down the fish, and it is this process which makes the nutritional content of the fish available to the plant. That being said, if you had plants buried in ground, your bet is to put the fish in prior to planting, and maybe a foot away from the plants so the soil leaches the nutrients out and when the roots reach the fish it'll be an already nutrient rich area.

Just to reiterate, it is the organisms which feed the soil, and in turn speed up the process to feed the plants, they can't do everything by themselves in organics.
Hello everyone

@HMR I use 5 gal pots so I believe they are not adequate for what you are saying :)

We also need to take into account different environments everyone is faced with as Mr @trailanimal pointed out :)

If you are falling into a circle of excuses used for not getting job properly done i.e. you are late behind schedule, you are lazy and unmotivated or scared you should try to relax. Try meditation. Also the transmutation of sexual energy (no joke :) ). The thing is - sexual force is the man's strongest 'moving' force. It makes us do anything we want. It drives us for bigger goals, in our case, guerrilla growing! You accomplish it by relaxing and when encountered with sexual thoughts you simply change them with creative thinking. You get new ideas and it is useful for any goal you want to accomplish in your life :D

Good tip is also: Have a notebook and a pencil and write everything down. You will be amazed at the feeling of calculating, planning, pots, soil, additives, volume, weight, time management..

Draw something funny. Relax. If you want you can try it stoned, it sure helped my thinking ;)

Meditation is also cool because it changes your mind (find details on your own if you want)...

How are you guys doing? Any planning, ideas, pictures :D :D ??? ;) :)
Just testing pic upload


@912GreenSkell Me too, well it went from -25 to plus 15 this last weekend. I have been google earth scouting spots and dog walking near a few I like.. I ordered a 4x4 tent, picked up a few 100x3 lights like yours and cleaned all my t5 gear scored some shelving on kijiji. CRF and Polymers in hand.

@Maria Sanchez

Yeah thats the game. Being that I worked remote drilling rig locations, had to do what I could. A crop in the bush near Camp was easy peasy. Spring time = start a few seeds on my week off, go to work 2 weeks. Come home and I am going back to site with plants on a 4 week veg and +/- pre flowers... Plant moms near location, root cuttings into ziplocks with a hand full of coco, place inside a safeway produce bag blown up and twist tied for 10 days. Bam rooted and ready, 100+ late starts by the end of june is enough. A cheap surveyors lath polytunnel is near invisible in may...
@912GreenSkell Me too, well it went from -25 to plus 15 this last weekend. I have been google earth scouting spots and dog walking near a few I like.. I ordered a 4x4 tent, picked up a few 100x3 lights like yours and cleaned all my t5 gear scored some shelving on kijiji. CRF and Polymers in hand.

@Maria Sanchez

Yeah thats the game. Being that I worked remote drilling rig locations, had to do what I could. A crop in the bush near Camp was easy peasy. Spring time = start a few seeds on my week off, go to work 2 weeks. Come home and I am going back to site with plants on a 4 week veg and +/- pre flowers... Plant moms near location, root cuttings into ziplocks with a hand full of coco, place inside a safeway produce bag blown up and twist tied for 10 days. Bam rooted and ready, 100+ late starts by the end of june is enough. A cheap surveyors lath polytunnel is near invisible in may...

+15 wow...we haven't seen any that warm yet! OH great man, sound like you are set up! You have to love the quick summer finish and low stature of autos...get 'em in and out before anyone is the wiser! LMK if there is anything I can do to help out bud.
Really like your work grow!! Sounds awesome!