New Grower Grunt's Third Grow

The cool part @Rollin_along is that if this all works out I am documenting it well enough I could probably make a checklist for you to follow, and would happily do so. I have always wanted to write a book too, so who knows where this might go. You any good at editing?? lol

I just like to do my best to read about things and understand and apply, and I happen to be pretty good at modifying/improvising when needed. I also ordered their Aphrodite's Extraction and The Kraken online, as soon as Aphrodite's Extraction gets here I am putting it to use as it is their carbon additive with phosphorous, and loaded with glucose and sucrose, supposed to make the microbial activity blow up.
It's harder to get some of the fancy nutes in the UK.
The cool part @Rollin_along is that if this all works out I am documenting it well enough I could probably make a checklist for you to follow, and would happily do so. I have always wanted to write a book too, so who knows where this might go. You any good at editing?? lol

I just like to do my best to read about things and understand and apply, and I happen to be pretty good at modifying/improvising when needed. I also ordered their Aphrodite's Extraction and The Kraken online, as soon as Aphrodite's Extraction gets here I am putting it to use as it is their carbon additive with phosphorous, and loaded with glucose and sucrose, supposed to make the microbial activity blow up.

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I think they liked the foliar treatment, I drenched them at close range pretty well on all sides making sure every leaf got love. I dribbled extra all over the new growth (buds to be) and let them really soak in it. Turned my fans off while spraying for safety reasons of course. Going to hit them with the Bloom Khaos if it makes it by 2pm, that's when the lights go out for 4 hours and I think that would be just about the best time to spray them. If not, it will be another dose of the Seaweed I already have. I might top the N. Lights instead of circular training, only because I think I may have stunted them a bit with early LST that I backed off on, and this plant has some very fat leafed new growth in those nodes I would love to get some light on. Just have to decide, FIM or conventional topping? The Kush in back left may get some form of LST, but the Quick One I think shouldn't get too tall in the front right, nor should the Jack in the back right. Happy growing everyone :smoking:
It's harder to get some of the fancy nutes in the UK.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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I can see that being an issue. That is a huge part of why I want to try out the Azos bacteria in conjunction with Mykos, because I feel that anyone can get their hands on the rest of the ingredients in dry form: bat guano, worm castings, Azomite, Biochar, peat moss or potting soil to amend into, and I'm pretty sure I saw on RTI Extreme Gardening's website that their products are available all over the UK and Europe in general. Some local guys I know kill it growing photo's with this stuff as an amendment, and little else besides foliar micro nutrient applications and bloom enhancers.
I can see that being an issue. That is a huge part of why I want to try out the Azos bacteria in conjunction with Mykos, because I feel that anyone can get their hands on the rest of the ingredients in dry form: bat guano, worm castings, Azomite, Biochar, peat moss or potting soil to amend into, and I'm pretty sure I saw on RTI Extreme Gardening's website that their products are available all over the UK and Europe in general. Some local guys I know kill it growing photo's with this stuff as an amendment, and little else besides foliar micro nutrient applications and bloom enhancers.
Azomite is like rocking horse shit over here, it's mined in Utah. Azos is very expensive too. The other stuff is not too bad to get.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Azomite is like rocking horse shit over here, it's mined in Utah. Azos is very expensive too. The other stuff is not too bad to get.

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Sorry @Rollin_along I don't understand the rocking horse shit analogy.

I do understand that Azos is expensive though, it's pretty pricey here as well, and packaged maybe 1,000 miles from me. The logistics can't be too much of a factor here, but I can see how it adds up getting to the UK. What about SeaBlast type stuff?
Update 5/2/18 Day 17

Pondered for quite a while whether to top or FIM or blah blah blah, and decided to just do some bending and LST. I broke the stem on the N. Lights about 40% of the way through when tightening the soft wire wrap. I was not thinking and rather than use one hand to hold the wire at the edge of the pot while folding it to tie off with the other hand, I tried using one hand and it made the wire slip, pulling too hard and breaking the stem. I felt it in my fingers when it gave, almost brought a tear to my eye lol. I figured since it was open may as well check it out, very nice solid stem inside with lots of juice oozing out immediately, so I adjusted my lower support so that it holds the wound directly shut and skipped the tape. No room to apply it anyway, I will let force hold it shut and have confidence, since it appears quite healthy, that it will heal on it's own. Of course, that did not stop me from continuing to tie off the upper part of the plant, clamping the tie shut with BOTH hands this time, and it layed open beautifully. You can see how much light is now hitting that soon to be bud growth. This is fun! :)

Also LST'ed the Quick One, after lots of deliberation of course. I actually did this one first and it went off without a hitch. I think maybe the sativa leaning plants are better for bending with their more open structure, and the Indica's are probably better to top or FIM moving forward. Like the N. Lights it's easy to see the direct light hitting the soon to be bud growth.

I left the Kush and Jack Herer alone to do their thing naturally for now. I think I will leave JH alone because supposed to stay nice and short to begin with, but might top the Kush for fun.


Cheap soft wire from local hardware store. Should last for lots of grows.


Northern Lights.


Quick One with one of my rock anchors pulling the largest of the soon to be bud growth towards the opening and into the light. I also added another rock anchor to pull that right fan leaf down and out a bit.
Rocking horse shit doesn't exist lol. Neither do some specialised nutes. We have to get from USA. But then Europe has the seed people. An interesting phenomena.

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Now it makes sense, thank you for clarifying for me. Going to probably start using that one from now on! Now see, the whole thing makes even more sense to try, you can't get wicked nutes, but you can get wicked bacteria. All the more reason to go living soil, better weed anyway and all organic.
Update 5/3/18 Day 18. Almost a third of the way through on the Quick One, about a quarter of the way on the rest for this group. Next time around there will be more stagger, probably pop a seed every two weeks to keep a nice rotation going without getting overly crowded in the tent.

Got my free Nectar goodies yesterday, so I made a batch of that kit at quarter the recommended strength, except I went half strength on the Aphrodite's (carbon additive), adjusted to 6.2 PH and gave the plants each 1L. I also top dressed in more Mycorrhizae with a chop stick to gently cultivate the first couple inches of soil around the edge of the pot, an inch or so deep. I also applied a Kelp foliar spray to both sides of leaves on all four plants just before lights out. The last component for making the complete "Greek" feeding regimen came today, it is called The Kraken and is a 0-4-0 Crab Shell Meal and Shrimp Shell Meal nutrient that has been eaten and digested already by enzymes, so it is as broken down as it gets already, my mycos are going to go on sabbatical, damn. It says it can be soil drenched every time you feed, and can be used daily as Foliar. So, when the lights come back on everyone is getting a half strength dose of The Kraken and Bloom Khaos.


After breaking the N. Lights stem yesterday the fan leaf immediately above the site was droopy instantly (the one on the right partly touching the soft tie), from the shock or sudden stoppage of moisture transfer internally, not 100% sure but it wasn't happy for a bit. I kept propping it up and it kept limping out and laying on the soil. I figured worst case I could cut it off if it was still limp this morning. But I guess the plant is pretty happy and strong, because as of this morning that fan is just as perky as the rest and growing up and over the edge of the pot which it had not been doing before, and the wound itself looks like it is kind of fusing back together. We will see what happens, but the next node continued to build nicely as well and no signs of stress. I also made sure, when applying foliar, to get the main stem and all over the wound very heavily with the kelp solution, theorizing that the numerous enzymes or hormones in the kelp will promote a speedy recovery.


I also adjusted the Quick One's tie downs just now before lights out, the stem is getting some really intense light to it, and all of the new growth tips are growing fat and fast. Also tucked some leaves, or individual leaf fingers, to make sure the growth tips get as much light as anything. My head is partially blocking the light, so it's hard to actually see how bright it really is right on the stem. Maybe stretch is about to start, which could be a little early, but it is near the 3 week mark above soil and been a full 3 since the seeds cracked, so maybe right on time with a true to 8 week plant! Wishful thinking :) Zoom in somehow and you can see one of the stipules pointed straight up at the light, it had been crossing tips with the other one adjacent to it, but as soon as it got light it did that, I am guessing this is a good sign, maybe the plant has it's own PAR meter and this is the pickup module? I noticed one do this yesterday as well, and the growth tips adjacent to it grew more than the rest. Then again they got way more light exposure, regardless of what the stipule does. Also, this plant is basically laying flat on the soil now, spreading out on its own, the new node growth turns up a bit, but it's almost like the plant wants to start growing mostly flat. Maybe I got lucky and took away it's apical dominance enough somehow so it thinks it's a vine now. I think it's a good thing no matter what! Now, turn left or right when it hits the edge of the pot? Decisions decisions!


Kush just going for au natural for now, definitely going to start pulling the growth tips outwards for light exposure as they gain some length, and I might top right when things start to stretch so all those pulled out growth tips can blow up and keep the plant fairly short overall. She is also getting stinkier than the others real quick. Humidity inside has been hovering close to 50% and the 79F temp was 5 minutes before lights out, been about 70-72F when they kick back on at 6pm and 73F or so first thing in the real morning at 5-6am. Gotta love Oregon spring weather helping to keep things pretty equal throughout the day, indoors and out!


The Jack Herer just chugging away. She isn't supposed to get real big, but some pulling of the growth tips will be in order with this one as well I am guessing. Although, this plant is way more open than the others so far, so it may need much less manipulation.


Told my wife I was gonna step outside for a quick toke, and got to brainstorming... I could build a raised bed centered on that strip of light, make PVC pipe hoops, and cover with a sheet or two of UV poly and probably be part way into flower already with some cold weather tolerant strains, anyone have any ideas on genetics? Southerly exposure, 6 hours of direct light to the floor boards, more like 10 up at railing level and in a much wider strip. I was also thinking if I build a raised bed like that I could do something modular so that it can be dropped in height as the plants grow up. Of course, the plants grown in that spot would probably be quite the lollipoppers, with the current rail blocking out a lot of lower light, but free light I like to take advantage of! I also dream of replacing the roof and all the siding on that patio with corrugated fiberglass eventually so it can be my upstairs greenhouse. There are multiple outlets for power so I can add fans and supplemental lighting no matter what, and beneath the boards is a "wood crib" with an open doorway on the west end, the air rifles through it and shoots up through the flooring, would make a wicked spot to set some Geopots... And if I removed the roof altogether I could grow some photo monsters without having to take up any veggie garden real estate, though I think it best to keep something over the top for the crazy winter rains around here. Happy growing!