New Grower Grunt's Third Grow

Well I guess that really doesn't go through, if you have an Instagram account I've got a picture there my name is j.ingo on Instagram.

Rollin, I checked out MSNL but Seedsman seemed easier at the time, I haven't even heard of Autoseed though, I will do some research tonight.

The link didn't work for some reason jingo, but sounds like an interesting situation, like accidental hydro via wick system? Sounds like a good thing to have, confidence in your techniques to be happy with nurturing just one, or a few, at a time and growing beasts as a result. The only thing I have against not taking up most of the footprint, however, is something that comes up in peoples posts on here constantly, and that is how in the heck do I raise my RH? And as far as I can see most people with that issue are only having one or two plants in their grow area at a time, so there is no ecosystem being created. Not that you are necessarily having that problem, especially with growing 3/4lb plants, and our Pacific NW weather makes humidity pretty easy to come by this time of year. Anyhow, just a correlation I have made between low RH and lack of utilizing a full footprint. And I don't do Instagram, don't even have FB anymore, jumped on the Will Farrel team and said peace.
Couple of updates:

1. Seedsman freebie seed popped up but isn't making progress, at least nothing like the Quick One's and the NL. So, sprouted a RQS Jack Herer Auto and it will be taking over. Third time is a charm for what was supposed to be a Bluematic to begin with!?!

2. Bash away if you want! I have seen the results of early LST so I am already pulling the seedlings over, gently of course. The stems are handling it no problem and the tiny plants show absolutely no signs of being unhappy. I am sure the roots are currently blowing up as topside growth is slow but environmental factors are staying pretty spot on (55-65%RH and 77-81F), the plants are adjusting themselves to being bent over nearly immediately by turning up to the light, stems thickening visually through the day, and second leaf sets just starting to grow but totally visible with the loupe.

3. My original point here was deleted, as it was actually me being brash and not realizing the power company never sent me a bill last month and it never got paid, therefore my bill simply appeared to double. So, I guess my plans of total world domination will steam ahead, as long as there are no blown head gaskets or seized muffler bearings along the way ;)

Happy grows y'all!

Hey @Grunt's Garden !!

You have me :crying: man!

:poof: Blown gaskets are not allowed! :naughtystep:

Steelheads, huh? Love the feel of fish slime in the morning! :pighug:

You seem to be off to a great start! :vibes:

Don't let those bearings get squeaky :cools:
Welcome aboard E Grower! I rode dirt bikes for 30 years, so I'm gonna keep her off the rev limiter and keeps things oiled nicely. Maybe even squeeze in a photo documented fishing trip at some point. I am normally that guy winter steelheading hooking fish 4 to 1 over the rest of the lot, guide boats included, so yeah, I'm onboard with plenty of slime! Many a steelie carcass has been buried in the flower and veggie garden! And thanks for the good vibes, just said good morning to the plants and they are getting jiggy in the breeze, starting to grow upwards some more, and looking oh so beautiful!
Update 4/29/18 Day 14

Yesterday I turned on my timer and went to a 20/4 light schedule. The plants actually seem a lot more happy with a "nap". I know a lot of people say that it's ok to go 24/0 with auto's, but I did 20/4 last time (after about 2 weeks of veg also) and seemed to do ok. The plants have all grown some and the light has been moved a couple times a day to keep it within 28-29" of the canopy. The plants appear the most happy there. Also, with continuing to move it up they are actually starting to get a little height, where before I believe I was over-bombarding them with photons and keeping them stuck to the ground. Yesterday I noticed the first layer on stem splitting and peeling away as they start to get thick. Anyhow, they are still tiny plants overall, but good things are coming. Got some mild tea brewing for my next watering, and already tried it out on a damn near dead Basil plant and also have a leek base sitting in some, the basil already perked up and the leek is re-rooting and growing new green, so it must be doing something right! Anyway, 1cup (250ml) Earthworm castings, 1/4 strength 0-5-0 powdered Bat guano, 6cups (1500ml) water that has already been bubbling for a few days in a 5gal bucket, .5ml Fox Farms Kangaroots, and .5ml FF Microbe Brew, two batches of this bubbling away in half gallon mason jars. I will warm it up close to or just above ambient air temperature in the tent just before watering (I think it helps the plants think it's spring and time to grow like crazy, plus it helps with evaporation which naturally keeps the humidity up, throw it down cool and it chills the plants a tiny bit and slows down your mini greenhouse effect), and adjust the ph to 6.3, all four of my pots are at 6.5, but I have heard to fluctuate your ph range, especially going down a bit, that way as the bacterias/organisms bring it back up to 6.5 the plants get maximum chance at all the nutrients as they all have their own sweet spot within the Ph range. It's all about the rhizosphere baby! Hope everyone has a kick ass Monday and happy growing!


My new watering device, it's going to be way easier than a can here pretty soon as the jungle starts to grow. Thanks @Rollin_along I picked that out of one of your posts and realized what a killer idea you had!


This weekend's science experiment... I will call it pesto in a week ;)


Seedsman Kush.


RQS Jack Herer, taking her time but also a couple days behind.


RQS Quick One spreading her lovely wings some more every day.


RQS Northern Lights. Thinking I may just do basic LST on this one after all. We will see how much she grows the next few days, that will tell me whether I want to top her, or tie her down and train in a circle.
And an update on my update: I thought I smelled something yummy earlier today when I was fiddling in the tent, but my essential oil mix is almost a tiny bit skunk cabbage smelling, so I ignored it with plants at just two weeks old. Just now I decided to double check what that smell actually was, and to my delight the Northern Lights is already producing enough essential oils to be getting her sweetish skunk on. I am especially excited about this as the other plants should be doing the same any second so to speak, but also because N. Lights is supposed to be one of the least stinky of all, so that might mean some REALLY tasty things to come. Always looking for the brightest side :)
All looking good and dialled in.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Thank you sir! I think I have a decent system going at least, hopefully there will be some decent results at the end. The RQS genetics are really beautiful plants, and upon deeper sniffing everyone is starting to stink except the Jack Herer, but I'm sure it will smell lovely any day now. No pistils yet, but that makes sense since they aren't even three weeks old yet, but I bet that NL shows me by the end of the week. The person I gave the extra Kush plant to said it stunk the cab of their truck up all the way home. I told him it was the 10 grams I gave him, but he insisted it was the plant. I believe him ;)
I was just reading another person's test thread on some FastBuds genetics, not impressed with what I read about FB setting up a fundraiser scam against hurricane victims, then bailing with the money? That came from a staff member on this site. That is way beyond f@#&*#d up, guess I won't be spending a dime on their gear after all!
I was just reading another person's test thread on some FastBuds genetics, not impressed with what I read about FB setting up a fundraiser scam against hurricane victims, then bailing with the money? That came from a staff member on this site. That is way beyond f@#&*#d up, guess I won't be spending a dime on their gear after all!
That's pretty low isn't it. Good thing there's lot's of other breeders...I've got a couple to grow out but sure won't be buying any more:eyebrows: