New Grower Grunt's Third Grow

Happy belated 4/20 anyone who may read this :pass:pass it along!

Couple of updates from my neck of the woods, day 7:

1. Everyone but I was sick most of the week in my house, until Friday morning. Luckily, I normally mend quite quickly, so I got out and did yard work to help sweat the nasty out of me today. Not 100% sure it helped as much as I had hoped, but I feel somewhat better and my new fruit trees needed some water as it's supposed to be dry and warm here for a week, so it was worth it no matter what.

2. I shuffled my grow around again. The Jack Herer is coming along nicely in the fourth planter and seems quite happy in it's home. One of the Quick One's (the smaller/slower growing one) didn't make it. So I sprouted another freebie Seedsman Kush and it is growing quickly and nicely. I believe I finally have some harmony in this grow, let's see where it goes. The second Quick One is growing beautifully so far and seems very strong and healthy. The original Northern Light's is the furthest along for growth and very happy looking, second leaves are almost as big as first (not coty's).

3. I took all the LST ties off as the plants are too young. A friend of mine showed me years ago how his stalks looked from early bending, when I asked him how little they were when he does that he told me just babies. I text him yesterday for clarification and he said at like 3-4 weeks "babies". Guess I should not have taken him so literally. But, my real point is that I learned something first hand from my aggressiveness. Aside from the Quick One that didn't make it, I do not believe I did any serious harm to the seedlings from this early manipulation. Needless to say, won't do it again quite so early lol

4. I removed the solo cup sleeves from around the seedlings as their roots were all coming out the bottom of the cups. I have been watering with a squirt bottle, keeping my solution at 6.2 to help bring my soil PH down some more (it's still at 6.8ish). Turn the fans off and sprinkle the surface gently with a mix of water and half strength FF Kangaroots. Also, I have used a very mild solution (1ml to 2L) of Primordial Solutions Sea Green and FF Microbe Brew at quarter the bottle strength, PH'ed at 6.2, as a misted foliar spray. This was used on Wednesday evening, then again this morning. I did so to help the seedlings grow better of course, but also to help introduce extra beneficial's to the plants.

5. I have been using 2.5 gallons (between a 1G jug and several 1/2G mason jar) of hot tap water, sealed to help keep the tent warm. My average has been 81F, that's 4F warmer than prior to the indoor floodlight bulb to help with warmth and the hot water. I do this trick right before bed and again in the morning. My humidity has been between 60 and 70%, but I have lots of fans for circulation and all plants are gently jiggling in the breeze. Of course I have complete control of that humidity by not misting the surface of the pots it would be down between 50 and 60%, then turn the light on both switches and it drops 5-10% more. I think I might just be somewhat lucky, but my humidity and environmental factors have been pretty easy to control where I want. Keeping the temp up had me thinking for a couple days though. The "micro climate" bucket would have worked better in the tent, but I wasn't utilizing the squirt bottle to the soil surface trick to keep the RH up yet, so maybe I should have given the bucket a couple more days. I will mess with it with the tomato starts and such for the "other" garden! Luckily, I already got permission from the wife to buy a second tent, probably go with a 2x2x4 and put a T5 HO fixture in there and just do veg in that tent with a mini greenhouse and not have to do so much McGyvering with buckets and micro fans. Of course, that might take a little fun from it! Then I can just relocate plants to the bigger tent for flower.

I think that's all. I will add some pics next time, they are so small now nobody would be impressed anyway ;) Of course, this journal is more for me to keep notes and such, you just got suckered into reading it somehow. Happy growing!
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Day 8 above soil, my post from last night did not include pics, so here goes:

1. Seedsman Kush Auto Fem freebie from last order, it is actually a couple of days younger than the N. Lights and Quick One, but catching right up. Notice that this one came out with only one coty, and it appears that side of the plant is growing more slowly as a result. I am sure once a tiny bit larger this will not be an ongoing issue...

2. RQS Northern Lights Auto Fem, doing her thang...

3. RQS Jack Herer Auto. Growing slowly, but also a day younger than the Seedsman Kush, she is a small plant to begin with, so I am not the least concerned.

4. RQS Quick One. Has the longest leaves yet, widest wingspan, not fitting in the 1L coke bottle base humidity dome any longer.

5. This was the first Seedsman Kush freebie that didn't stir. Somehow it "didn't pop" because it grew sideways under the soil surface??? I put it's solo cup in the cupboard for a couple extra days, just in case it popped up way late. When it had not, I decided to repurpose the small amount of soil in the cup, when I dumped it out there was a sideways seedling looking a tiny bit pale with decent roots. Stood her up and got the soil a bit extra damp with a half strength dose of 6.3ph and seaweed and it gave her color fast and got things growing. I wish I had taken an earlier picture because the first leaves were crazy round with very light serrations they have since stretched out a bit and taken a more normal shape. I am giving this plant away to a friend since I already have my space used up and he has never grown an auto. Word of note, this solo cup is sitting in a half gallon mason jar to elevate the seedling to roughly the same height as the 3gal pots. I filled the mason jar to the 1250ml mark (1/2" or so under the bottom of solo cup) with very hot tap water. The cup helps seal the jar somewhat, so the warm, humid air has to rise up into the root zone, but just as steamy air. This plant grew pretty quickly and I suspect the warm water underneath helped a lot. I think I can improvise a system with a larger bucket and holes in the lid for the solo cups, then maybe I will start all the seedlings this way next time. The larger bucket will keep the water warm longer, and if I add a smaller second bucket with a fish tank heater I can recirculate the heated water and that will allow much less work with water changes. Basically combining simple properties of both hydro and soil grow to make a sweet hybrid setup. My next experiment in the making!
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I have been commenting and trying to help on a couple of other posts, specifically posts with the same lighting as mine, and a post talking about leaf lift, and it has led me to fiddle with my light height a bit. My manual says after a week or two to drop things down to 24" on veg mode, since I am at a week roughly I went ahead and dropped the light down to 31.5" in even increments and making observations along the way. The NL showed the most "lift" out of all when the light was up around 38" to start. As it has come down a bit the lift has gone from the NL but the Quick One is now doing it a bit like the NL had to begin with. The two Kush's and one Jack don't seem to care either way. I am going to stay at 31.5" for another hour and observe for changes, but I think the plants are just big enough they can handle the extra intensity at closer range.
Lights take some adjusting until they're right and you hit the sweetspot. Loving the detailed journal and thought you put into the grow. I love healthy plants and growing different strains. Keep up the good work and I'm in for the grow.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Thank you Rollin, I see a lot of stuff of here that really inspires me to put my analytical mind to use for something. Even if I never prove to be an amazing grower, I will at least have some wicked documentation of what I did wrong :)
That's my thought too, you get varied traffic to your journal but there are a ton on here. I like to use it to look back at my journey.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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After a lot of reading (and experimenting with both switches on at different heights) I decided to move my light down to 24" on Veg mode only. The plants love it, though I think I might be missing out on more rapid growth by not using both switches? I see a lot of people do it, my last grow I used the light as the manufacturer suggested (Veg only until preflowers show) and my only issues were the Ca/Mg def's everyone talks about with LED's, so I have used Azomite in my soil mix to help with this ahead of time, and while away on vacation for a few days one plant stretched too close to the light and got a little light burn. Just curious if I am shooting myself in the foot by not turning them both on?
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After a lot of reading (and experimenting with both switches on at different heights) I decided to move my light down to 24" on Veg mode only. The plants love it, though I think I might be missing out on more rapid growth by not using both switches? I see a lot of people do it, my last grow I used the light as the manufacturer suggested (Veg only until preflowers show) and my only issues were the Ca/Mg def's everyone talks about with LED's, so I have used Azomite in my soil mix to help with this ahead of time, and while away on vacation for a few days one plant stretched too close to the light and got a little light burn. Just curious if I am shooting myself in the foot by not turning them both on?
I think more light the better, the spectrums the plant doesn't need, the plant won't use.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Thanks for the advice Rollin, I went ahead and adjusted the light up to 28" and turned on the second switch. The plants look happy in the extra "sun".

On another note, I was researching last night figuring out which essential oil was best to diffuse for my wife's Bronchitis recovery, Tea Tree is heavily favored of course for it's anti fungal abilities and such. I also discovered some people utilizing it to combat Powdery Mildew after it has taken hold of plants, though it works better as a preventative. So I have some diffusing in the tent, not that I'm actually worried about PM, but I need the humidity, so I figured I would kill two birds with one stone. I also read into some oils to assist indoor plant growth, Frankincense and Geranium are both supposed to be quite beneficial, so there are a couple of drops in there of each as well. The small humidifier helped bring up the humidity about 3%, not much, but it's a small desktop oil diffuser, so I didn't expect Oregon coast fog. We have rain coming back after tomorrow, for at least a week, so I won't worry too much about my RH being at 45%, give or take 5%, for the next two days until Mother Nature brings it back.