New Grower Grunt's Third Grow

Everything looking great in there Grunt! LST worked nicely and kept everything compact.. got any pics in 'natural' light? :thumbsup: I really need to hone in to LST with limited tent space and height restrictions.. my dwarf is just finishing up but think LST'ing her would've worked nicely..

I'm still super new to the LST manipulation and being careful without breaking or cracking stems. My best advice from that limited experience is to grow more of those Seedsman Kush you and I both have, they are super flexible and can practically be tied in a knot. Start with them as they are super forgiving and just pull towards the outer edges, making sure the stem of the plant gets as much direct light on it as possible. I took some "natural" light photos with my cell phone for you, but the clouds rolled in shortly before hand, so they aren't the best pictures, but better than under the LED. I will attach them below.
Seedsman Kush in natural light. She is just about to start swelling up a bit, if my timeline is on track she has roughly until the end of June, I'm guessing at this point maybe more like mid July though, but we will see. Removed couple damaged leaves and a couple blocking buds from the light.
RQS Jack Herer in natural light. Starting to smell a bit more spicy with a cheese funk real subtle in the back that is barely noticeable, and getting very frosty. This plant likes a bit weaker notes that the previous Kush, but in the name of time conservation, I just feed her the same stuff and she gets some burnt tips as a result. Otherwise a very happy plant that my cell phone doesn't do justice for. I am guessing this plant will get cut down just after July 4th.
RQS Northern Lights just starting to fatten up some. She grows way different than the rest of these plants and it has been a test of my patience. But, every time I think she is puny and scraggly she surprises me by stretching more on random days and putting on nice growth. Some leaves are starting to look pretty bad, a few were removed. This plant got chewed on a bit by some type of bug, never caught it, but the damage ceased to spread once a spider showed up in the tent :smoking: Guessing harvest will be close to July 4th.
RQS Quick One on her last days, might give one more flush of just water and bone meal but want to check things with the loupe first, but probably not. The pot feels just heavy enough for another day or so of her sipping, and it is 20 degrees cooler outside, so probably just let her go limp in the pot. A lot of the yellow leaves were removed yesterday as they were starting to fall right off. A lot of the buds twinned together so hard they formed little hearts, kinda neat, hopefully I can show this when they get trimmed in a week or so after drying. Chop her down any day now!:smoking:
They look great, nice work. You will be surprised how those ones you think are a week or two away, just keep going and swelling [emoji3]

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I'm excited to see how far the Northern Lights and Kush will go, I am ok with sleepy time meds from them, or can always harvest part of the Kush early and let the rest keep going, probably not with Northern Lights though as it is fairly small to begin with so may as well let it stack up if possible. I cut two small lower buds off the Quick One three days ago, torched one fresh with the magnifying glass and a clean pipe and it tasted yummy, the other dried until today and I smoked it, smoothest smoke I think I have ever had, like candied lemon pledge. I was impressed enough with the smoke and the trich's are maybe 5% amber so I went ahead and chopped.
6/21/18 Chopped the Quick One today, a day short of 9 weeks from germination. Some stem and root pics, as well as two small hanger loads. Guessing an ounce and a half dried. Just a topping and gentle LST next time :smoking:
I'm still super new to the LST manipulation and being careful without breaking or cracking stems. My best advice from that limited experience is to grow more of those Seedsman Kush you and I both have, they are super flexible and can practically be tied in a knot. Start with them as they are super forgiving and just pull towards the outer edges, making sure the stem of the plant gets as much direct light on it as possible. I took some "natural" light photos with my cell phone for you, but the clouds rolled in shortly before hand, so they aren't the best pictures, but better than under the LED. I will attach them below.

Kush is a battle axe for sure! Haha.. I broke the main stem on mine, taped her up.. she didn't even blink, was the biggest flower of them all. I ran out of space for anymore LST, so the canopy wasn't even in the end.. should've gone in heavier sooner.. oh well :biggrin:

Seedsman Kush in natural light. She is just about to start swelling up a bit, if my timeline is on track she has roughly until the end of June, I'm guessing at this point maybe more like mid July though, but we will see. Removed couple damaged leaves and a couple blocking buds from the light.
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She looks great! Nice to see those colours and frost..

I'm excited to see how far the Northern Lights and Kush will go, I am ok with sleepy time meds from them, or can always harvest part of the Kush early and let the rest keep going, probably not with Northern Lights though as it is fairly small to begin with so may as well let it stack up if possible. I cut two small lower buds off the Quick One three days ago, torched one fresh with the magnifying glass and a clean pipe and it tasted yummy, the other dried until today and I smoked it, smoothest smoke I think I have ever had, like candied lemon pledge. I was impressed enough with the smoke and the trich's are maybe 5% amber so I went ahead and chopped.

Think we have a few of the same freebies from Seedsman, so it's nice to see yours in action :d5:.. Don't have quick one though.. I know midin did a nice write up on that strain and spoke highly of it and sounds like your enjoying her so far too! :pass:Anyways congrats... looks like your at the business end now :yay: :slap:
Well all caught up with your journal and let say wow your doing a great job. Of course I have a little extra love for the quick one as I'm burning a hoot right now while typing this. But man amazing job can't wait to see how the rest will end up for you. Ur going to love the quick one once she cures some. Awesome job man.